Alex Casey, Leonie Hayden and Michele A’Court tackle the past month in women, news and popular culture. And, Wonder Woman.
Michele’s back from drinking absinthe with Stevie Wonder, Leonie’s swanned in on a wave of Kit Kats from the bustling streets of Tokyo, and Alex hasn’t moved an inch either way. It’s the latest episode of On the Rag, our monthly podcast which tackles women’s stuff without the cringe.
This month the gang are amping on Wonder Woman finally storming into women-only screenings and upsetting men across the internet. Michele gets emotional about a particular fight scene, Alex tries to turn Waiheke into Themyscira, and Leonie laughs heartily at people who think comic book movies have never taken a gamble on an indie director before Patty Jenkins.
Beyond the wonders of Wonder Woman, the team tackle gendered toys at McDonald’s, the spiritual experience of seeing Roxane Gay in person and the amazing women who cleaned up every major award at the Comedy Festival this year.
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