
SocietyMay 14, 2018

Commute Week: Commute pictures from all around the country*


The Spinoff concludes Commute Week by sharing commute images from you, our lovely readers. 

*We received exactly one (1) photo from the South Island.

The Spinoff hosted Commute Week last week, seven days committed to discussing all things transport.

Throughout the week we asked for pictures of your commute and you all delivered. The main takeaway? Car commutes look boring as hell and not that pretty. Or drivers were too busy actually driving to check Twitter and send through photos. Whatever the case, here’s a collection of images from Spinoff readers’ commutes.

Beating the traffic and oh what a view (Twitter: @GreaterAKL)
It’s better on a #bicycle than in a little metal box (Twitter: @lesgates)
Here’s my view from yesterday’s commute, out the train window as we came into Wellington from the Kāpiti Coast (Twitter: AsherGoldman)
Bus commute Dunedin this am (Twitter: @confluencekid)
From last week on the river trail (Twitter: @WWright360)
005 approaching Queen St (sorry I’m late!) (Twitter: @simondangerday)
I’m fortunate enough to have a commute that takes me through Cornwall Park. (And fortunate to have gears and pneumatic tyres) (Image: Andrew Scott)
Fog: natural enemy of the ferry (Twitter: @Zoltuger)
Last night at 6.10pm Greenlane on-ramp heading to Massey. (Twitter: @LexieMatheson)
Zero marks for variety and multi-modality. But on the plus side: 20km each way x 5 = 200km #cyclecommuting (Twitter: @rg_jones)
Is there a better way to #commuteweek than Te Ara I Whiti at dawn? (Twitter: @lesgates)
School drop off on #travelwise day (Twitter: @AlecTang)
6am WAI – AKL ferry (Twitter: @hairycow)
My #commuteweek on the NW cycleway (Twitter: @carolgreen)
This morning commute was somewhat magical. Te Atatu Peninsula to city (Twitter: @pshemK)

Read more of Commute Week here 

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