Are we there yet?Joanna Cho introduces an excerpt from her debut poetry collection, People Person.By Joanna Cho | 18th October, 2022Guest writer
The Friday Poem: Send to Robyn Immediately, by Joanna ChoA new poem by recent IIML graduate Joanna Cho.By Joanna Cho | 5th February, 2021Guest writer
English is my first language: On being Asian and writing in AotearoaWhat is it like to never see yourself in your country's books? By Joanna Cho | 30th May, 2020Guest writer
The Friday Poem: Dig deep! by Joanna ChoA new poem by Wellington writer Joanna Cho.By Joanna Cho | 29th May, 2020Guest writer
The Friday Poem: 1:52 by Joanna ChoNew poetry by Auckland writer Joanna Cho.By Joanna Cho | 28th June, 2019Guest writer