A quarter of a million NZ kids are living in poverty, and it comes as no supriseFor the young people affected, it's much more than just a number, writes Lorraine Taylor of Variety.By Lorraine Taylor | 7th April, 2019Guest writer
The CEO of Variety calls for New Zealanders to back the Child Poverty Reduction BillLorraine Taylor, CEO of Variety – the Children’s Charity, believes the Child Poverty Reduction Bill is an important tool to addressing New Zealand’s child poverty situation. She is imploring Kiwis to get behind the Bill by signing their name to an open letter to MPs before April 4.By Lorraine Taylor | 29th March, 2018Guest writer
How you can bring joy to a child living in poverty this ChristmasWhat is the value of a Kiwi childhood? This Christmas, Variety - The Children's Charity CEO Lorraine Taylor, asks New Zealanders who have enough to consider helping those families we have who don't. By Lorraine Taylor | 28th November, 2017Guest writer