Illustration of a pipi shell in sand, with sea foam, seen from above
A still from the video Do Not Go Gentle, directed by Luke McPake (Image: Going West)

BooksMay 10, 2021

Drop everything, there’s a new poem by Hera Lindsay Bird

Illustration of a pipi shell in sand, with sea foam, seen from above
A still from the video Do Not Go Gentle, directed by Luke McPake (Image: Going West)

Keats is well and truly dead and now it’s time to gently take apart Dylan Thomas.

We wind up our Going West poetry series with Do Not Go Gentle, a new poem by Hera Lindsay Bird set to a stunner of an animated sunset video by Luke McPake.

What’s so bad about going gentle? Bird asks. What’s wrong with the good night?

You can see previous poems from this series here, here and here, and more of Going West at

Keep going!