The dog squad (Photo: Dave Abbott – Liquid Action Films)
The dog squad (Photo: Dave Abbott – Liquid Action Films)

BusinessAugust 16, 2018

Meet the DOC dogs protecting New Zealand’s native wildlife

The dog squad (Photo: Dave Abbott – Liquid Action Films)
The dog squad (Photo: Dave Abbott – Liquid Action Films)

Since 2016, the Department of Conservation (DOC) has partnered with Kiwibank to develop the conservation dog programme and, by proxy, raise the profile of conservation as a whole. Don Rowe goes to visit these hard-working canines to find out what it takes to be a DOC dog. 

The egg of a common skink is about the size of a grain of jasmine rice. Given a microscope and an afternoon, you’d be hard pressed to find one on the average front lawn. But with the use of only her nose, Harper the Labrador-Collie cross could dig that same egg out of a fallen tree in an old-growth forest – just as soon as she decided on the exact species of skink it belonged to.

That feat, like much of what the Department of Conservation’s conservation dogs can do, is the centrepiece of a marketing campaign with the modest goal of saving the country.

Some very good dogs helping to conserve the environment (Photo: Dave Abbott – Liquid Action Films)

“Sustainability is no longer enough,” says Geoff Ensor, director of commercial partnerships at DOC. “Our belief is that historically, sustainability has not worked well, and that’s why we’re facing the biodiversity crisis that is in front of us. We must make sure the urgency of this is conveyed.”

Successful restoration, however, requires a Herculean effort, one which sees private enterprise make conservation a priority – as DOC believes is its civic duty. Only with strong action from local business can an appropriate response be conducted.

Since 2016, the department has partnered with Kiwibank to develop the conservation dog programme and, by proxy, raise the profile of conservation as a whole. “Our vision is one of every business contributing to restoring nature by 2050,” Ensor says. “We want the likes of Kiwibank to show real leadership both in doing that, but also in telling the story of the why, and being quite proud and bold about that.”

DOC dogs on the job (Photo: Dave Abbott – Liquid Action Films)

In the late 1800s, pioneering conservationist and nativist, Richard Henry, began using dogs to locate threatened species for translocation to pest-free islands in Fiordland – the first effort of its kind in the world. Today, the conservation dog programme comprises of more than 80 dogs across New Zealand.

In Northland, athletic hounds like the German Pointer and Hungarian Vizsla track critically endangered kiwi in their hidden burrows, helping to monitor the health of our most iconic bird. On islands in the Hauraki Gulf, crack squads of terriers chase down rats, mice and mustelids; ‘rat dogs’ in the most complimentary sense. And so on across the country, from Fiordland to Whangarei.

Harper, who I meet atop Takuranga on Auckland’s North Shore, lives full time with her handler Hannah Johnston and Indie the terrier. Johnston joined DOC in October of last year after a stint at MPI; one of four hires made possible by the partnership with Kiwibank.

DOC dogs at work (Photo: Dave Abbott – Liquid Action Films)

Conservation dogs and their handlers endure up to 18 months of intensive daily training before receiving certification. While positive reinforcement is a staple of Johnston’s training methods, the rewards are tailored to the quirks of the dogs in her care. “Harper is rewarded with food and treats,” she says. “So it’s very convenient she’s half a labrador. As a rat dog, Indie gets rewarded with play, whether that’s tug-of-war with a piece of rope, or just wrestling around with a dead rat.”

Johnston says branding is crucial in both pushing the profile of the dogs, and changing the perception of the species they hunt. “The lizards used to be called Rainbow Skinks, but there was a campaign to get that name changed. How could you hate a rainbow skink? Plague skinks are a lot easier to want to eradicate.”

When the dogs aren’t in their kennels atop the maunga, they rotate between fieldwork, upskilling and participating in a new DOC campaign for visibility and public awareness. Through their partnership with Kiwibank, DOC’s Social Science Team initiated a study hoping to understand the impact of visible conservation dogs on people’s behaviour, programme manager Sally Thomas explains. “We’re trying to figure out whether a conservation dog’s presence at a wharf or a marina is likely to influence people’s awareness and or behaviour around their own biosecurity practices,” she says. “Our early findings are that they do.”

DOC dogs on the job (Photo: Dave Abbott – Liquid Action Films)

The conservation dogs message is a gateway to conservation as a whole. In September, the dogs will be at the annual Boat Show to promote biosecurity, something Johnston says is a crucial method for getting people through the door. “The dogs are a great technique for getting people interested,” says Johnston. “Who doesn’t love dogs? People are interested, they ask questions, and it’s a great way to push that message.”

It’s an old adage that what is out of sight is out of mind – but thanks to savvy marketing campaigns and catchphrases like Predator Free 2050, conservation has never enjoyed a higher profile. Prominent broadcasters like Jesse Mulligan have recently used their platforms to plead for action on a national scale, and for the first time in a decade, the Green Party is at the negotiating table when it comes to central government policy.

Geoff Ensor says there hasn’t been a better opportunity for cross-disciplinary action on conservation, whatever form that takes. “This isn’t even all about supporting DOC. Our strategy is about galvanising an all of New Zealand response to our challenges,” he says. “There’s half a million businesses in New Zealand that employ about two million people, and there’s a massive response possible through that.”

Squad goals (Photo: Dave Abbott – Liquid Action Films)

On a local level, Ensor says businesses are keen to contribute – so long as those contributions are measurable and worthwhile. That decision isn’t just about good optics or greenwashing.

This country is rife with species, habitats, flora and fauna on the brink of disappearing forever. Around 80% of native birds in New Zealand are at risk, our waterways are the stuff of Cormac McCarthy novels, there’s greater pressure than ever on our Great Walks, and the subject of a tourist tax is a political hot potato. Our economic future and continued national identity depend on an appropriately forceful response.

“New Zealand has leveraged off its environment serendipitously and without understanding its true value in an international or a local sense,” says Ensor. “It’s not okay where we’re at, and every business has a responsibility to help bring nature back.”

Keep going!

BusinessAugust 16, 2018

Notes from New Richland: Nine takeaways from the NBR Rich List


Today, the National Business Review, New Zealand’s most prestigious and weirdly-run business publication, published its annual Rich List. If you’re interested but not interested enough to subscribe, here are our biggest takeaways.

1. Graham Hart is way richer than Peter Thiel

Like, wayyyy richer. Two-and-a-half times richer. Putting aside how weird it feels to see Peter Thiel on this list, there’s something about how these tech billionaires can seem richer or more powerful than they are. I mean, if you believe in markets as the signifier of value in the world (and I assume the NBR believes in nothing so much as this), that means that Graham Hart, New Zealand’s richest ‘richlister’ is two-and-a-half times more powerful/right/good/important than Peter Thiel, which just seems… odd. Will leveraged buyout investors ever obtain the pop-cultural clout of the tech elite? We live in hope…

2. New Zealand’s wealthiest what exactly?

Here’s something I don’t understand about this list. There are individual people on it. Sure. Then there are couples. I get that – a married couple (excluding any formal agreement to do otherwise) basically share assets, so it makes sense to list them together. Then there are families. Like, say, the Smith family, who own a bunch of cranes and are apparently all brothers of MP Nick Smith. But then the NBR says that each of the three brothers owns a company worth “mega millions”. So why, if it’s three people with three companies, are they together? And what constitutes a family? Parents and children? Siblings? Cousins? Whānau? Oh, and then there are some business partners. That’s way too far. It’s not New Zealand’s most valuable businesses for Christ’s sake. Sorry Gary Baker & Ian Hong – owners of the New World next to Chaffers in Wellington – I’m splitting your $75 mil in two and, therefore, taking you off the list.

3. Property is a good investment

Hey… come here… shhh… I’ve got a hot investment tip for you. But don’t tell your mates, okay? Okay?

Property. It’s big. Of the 34 new entrants into the list of New Zealand’s 200+ wealthiest, 13 made (or make) their money from property. Shit, one of them started investing at 57 so if, like me, you’re in your thirties and propertyless (and in debt), don’t give up on your Rich List dreams just yet (nah, just kidding – we’re fucked. He was 57, but it was the 80s. Isn’t it great living in a rent seeker’s paradise?)

4. Supermarkets too

Seriously. Have a read of the profiles of the Rich List and it’s impossible not to come away with one lesson: other than property investment, an inheritance, or buying severely undervalued public assets, the best way to get rich in New Zealand is working your way up from stocking shelves to owning a supermarket. Five of the new entrants own supermarkets. And most of them only own one. No wonder food is so expensive here.

5. Where is the new technology?

Sure, Rod Drury is on the list. So is Sam Morgan. Chris Heaslip and Eliot Crowther too. But guess how many of the new entrants – the new money, the new ideas, the new ventures – are in the technology sector? Seriously, guess.

Zero. ZERO! (No I’m not counting Pat Huo of PB Tech, the electronics retailer, just because the company has ‘tech’ in the name.)

6. Sports doesn’t pay

The only sportspeople on the list are Russell Coutts and Steven Adams (who, with $50 million and bad luck in NBR’s sorting technique comes in last on the list, below all the other $50 million havers). For a “sports nation” that’s pretty grim TBH. So if your kid wants to be rich, tell them to go stock shelves on Saturday morning instead of playing soccer.

7. Salaries are for suckers

Of the new entrants on the list, only one – Don Braid, a “humble straight-shooter, determined and loyal” who has a “unique ‘bromance’ with Bruce Plested” (What?!? The NBR is fucking weird sometimes) – is a salaried executive. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I guess…

8. Ups and downs, strikes and gutters, bulls and bears

When you read about all these wealthy people it all seems a little too easy after a while. Capitalism is great! Work hard (or buy property) and you’ll be rewarded! But, before you start spending your future wealth, spare a thought for capitalism’s casualties. No, not the families living in cars – the people who have fallen off the list. The “delisted”.

There’s Peter Harris, an insurance guy, who had an “annus horribilis” which took his shareholding in CBL Corporation from being worth about $70 million to about $0. Harris was listed at $210 million last year, now he’s out of the list, meaning below $50 million. Eeesh!

9. Toys = ????

I have kids. The one-year-old doesn’t know anything about anything. He wants what his sister wants. And his sister, who is five, wants toys. Now, if you don’t have children, toys may induce a misty nostalgia, but as soon as you’ve been nagged for these things – and occasionally give in and buy them – you realise that toys should be on the controlled drugs list. Let’s compare, say, cocaine and the ubiquitous “surprise” toys that kids these days are going wild for. Both are unreasonably expensive, cheap to make, come from dodgy (at best) labour practices, can be dangerously addictive, and provide absolutely no sense of satisfaction. It’s no wonder then that the Mowbray family – owners of Zuru toys, which makes, among other things, Zuru 5 Surprise Balls – are they biggest risers on the list, up 233% (????) to a cool $1 billion. I can’t help but wonder how much of that used to be mine.

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