You will not miss the dairy, trust us (Photo: Emma Boyd)
You will not miss the dairy, trust us (Photo: Emma Boyd)

KaiSeptember 22, 2019

Recipe: Vegan strawberry and vanilla ice cream

You will not miss the dairy, trust us (Photo: Emma Boyd)
You will not miss the dairy, trust us (Photo: Emma Boyd)

Covering Climate Now: There’s a range of dairy-free ice creams available these days, but it’s a fair bet none will be as delicious – or satisfying – as making your own. 

The Spinoff’s participation in Covering Climate Now is made possible thanks to Spinoff Members. Join us here!

If the latest stats are anything to go by, eating ice cream is synonymous with being a Kiwi – New Zealanders consume more of it than anyone else in the world. It’s undoubtedly best eaten from a cone sitting outside the dairy down the road under the heat of the summer sun, and while I’m yet to see vegan scoop ice cream served at dairies, pre-packaged dairy-free ice creams are now nothing new. So whether you’re vegan or simply making a conscious effort to eat more plant-based food, you’ll suffer FOMO no more! If you’re rather partial to ice cream and you like to experiment in the kitchen, I recommend giving this recipe a go. It’s quick and easy and will satisfy your ice cream cravings whether or not you follow a vegan diet.    


Serves 10

  • 2 x 270ml tins Ayam coconut cream (this brand, available at supermarkets,  is high in fat – if you can’t find it, seek out another high in fat)
  • 2 tablespoons cornflour
  • 150g sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste (I use the Taylor & Colledge brand, available at some New Worlds, as it has a superior flavour)
  • 500g sweet, ripe strawberries, frozen when not in season, pureed with a stick blender
  • 1 cup coconut yogurt

Pour a few tablespoons of the coconut cream into a small jug and stir in the cornflour. Pour the remaining coconut cream into a heavy-bottomed pot, stir in the sugar and then heat over a medium heat until the sugar has dissolved. 

Stir in the cornflour mixture and continue to cook until it thickens. Remove from the heat and cool a little before adding the vanilla bean paste, the strawberries and the yoghurt.

Let cool then pour into an ice cream maker and churn as per the instructions, or pour into a bowl and freeze for 1½ hours before blending with a stick blender. Continue blending every hour until it is too thick to blend any more. 

Freeze overnight and remove from the freezer 10 minutes before serving to allow it to soften a little. Serve scattered with rose petals and freeze-dried strawberry powder, if desired. 

The Spinoff’s participation in Covering Climate Now is made possible thanks to the contributions of Spinoff Members. Join The Spinoff Members to help us do more important journalism.

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