GITTP series trailer thumbnail for YouTube

LightboxOctober 5, 2018

The Spinoff and Lightbox presents… Get It to Te Papa

GITTP series trailer thumbnail for YouTube

Get It to Te Papa follows journalist Hayden Donnell on an ambitious quest to collect underappreciated Kiwi cultural artefacts and get them into New Zealand’s national museum, Te Papa.

Together with his director José Barbosa, Hayden scours the country for artefacts including the Waitangi Dildo, the animatronic fruit and vegetables from defunct supermarket chain Big Fresh, Huntly’s DEKA sign, Auckland’s Giant Santa, Suzanne Paul and the original Lets Gone Warriors sign.

You can read more about Get It to Te Papa and its genesis in Hayden Donnell’s brain right here.

Get It to Te Papa is a Lightbox Original, made by The Spinoff. Episodes 1 and 2 premiere on October 16th at midday on Lightbox.