election feat

MediaSeptember 22, 2017

What we’ll be doing here at the Spinoff on election night

election feat

As the clock strikes 7pm Saturday, here’s the coverage we’ll be doing on this, The Spinoff website.


Our Auckland editor and notorious party liaison Simon ‘Van Wilder’ Wilson will be getting in the thick of the mirth and misery at the official election night parties of National, Labour and The Greens. That’s a lot of partying. Will he end up at McDonald’s at 3am? Or will he be churning out incredible reporting from the field all night long? Keep an eye on The Spinoff to find out.


At some point in the evening, when the results have taken some sort of discernible shape, we’ll be going live from Spinoff HQ on our Facebook page with all the commentary and political costumes your bandwidth can handle. Hopefully it will be better than our live stream of the leak in our office roof, but that’s a high bar.


With a cutting-edge multi-screen workplace setup including at least one flatscreen TV, one laptop, a creaky transistor radio and a psychic medium, we’ll also be churning out some searing hot takes from 7pm on the spinoff dot co dot nz.


Our in-house meme merchant Mad Chapman will undoubtedly be churning out shareable content in real-time. You never know when she’ll strike, so keep a peeled eyeball on our Twitter feed all night long.


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