SOUL co-leader Pania Newton (left) with Dr Haare Williams at Ihumātao in 2018. PHOTO: Qiane Matata-Sipu.
SOUL co-leader Pania Newton (left) with Dr Haare Williams at Ihumātao in 2018. PHOTO: Qiane Matata-Sipu.

PodcastsJune 1, 2019

‘The fight for Ihumātao is a fight for all Aucklanders’

SOUL co-leader Pania Newton (left) with Dr Haare Williams at Ihumātao in 2018. PHOTO: Qiane Matata-Sipu.
SOUL co-leader Pania Newton (left) with Dr Haare Williams at Ihumātao in 2018. PHOTO: Qiane Matata-Sipu.

For Auckland is a new Spinoff podcast of civic conversations with people working to create and sustain a better Auckland for all. In episode three, host Timothy Giles speaks to Pania Newton about the fight for Ihumātao.

So much of New Zealand history is defined by our conflict over land. In Māngere, south Auckland, the conflict is ongoing over a proposed Special Housing Area to be built on an historic Māori site.

Pania Newton of Save Our Unique Landscapes (SOUL) is on the frontline, fighting for her papakāinga at Ihumātao. Pania says the land is far too precious to lose, not only to her but her hapu, her iwi and the preservation of Māori history for all of Aotearoa.

See also: ‘We’ve been here 800 years. We’ll be here 800 more’: A day at Ihumātao 

In this For Auckland podcast, Pania invites Aucklanders to visit Ihumatao’s Kaitiaki Village, overlooking the historical Otuataua Stonefields.

She draws a line from landmark battles in our history, Parihaka, Pākaitore (Moutoa Gardens) and Takaparawhā (Bastion Point), directly to the protest SOUL are making today.

Host Timothy Giles of Committee for Auckland asks what we should be doing about the land at Ihumātao.

Listen to Pania Newton on For Auckland on the player below, subscribe on iTunes, or download this episode (right click and save). For Auckland is brought to you by the Committee for Auckland and produced by The Spinoff.

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