dogs at polling booths feature image
dogs at polling booths feature image

PoliticsOctober 19, 2020

Hell yes it’s time for some more dogs at polling booths

dogs at polling booths feature image
dogs at polling booths feature image

This election, the nation embraced dogs at polling booths. We ran out of time and capacity to put them all up on Saturday, so here are some of the pooches that got away.

Last week, we asked you to send in your photos of dogs at polling booths, promising our election day live updates would be nothing but democratic doggos until 7pm. We seriously underestimated how many of you would get on board with this kaupapa and I, as sole charge editor of the site during the day on Saturday, was swamped. Seriously swamped.

I also had to switch to prepping coverage of the actual election in the early evening, then ran the election updates from 7pm till past midnight, so it was hectic, OK? We got a bloody voting LIZARD. We got a DONKEY. We were inundated.

What I’m trying to say is I’m sorry. Many hundreds of your fine submissions did not make it into the live pupdates on Saturday, including that of a man called Greg, who emailed in to point out the last pupdate was at 5.50pm (I know, I’m sorry) and say he was so disappointed his dog wasn’t featured that “you won’t be getting any membership cash from me”. To that I say I’m sorry, but also, Greg, some perspective wouldn’t go astray.

In an attempt to rectify my failings, here are many of the dogs I missed. No doubt this won’t be all of them, and again, I’m sorry, but remember, I’m only human and there were HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF EMAILS, plus submissions via Instagram and Twitter and Facebook. If I’ve repeated any dogs that I did include on Saturday, consider that a bonus.

I started grouping the dogs by broad breed-based themes and then realised it was quite hard so branched out into groupings based on vibes. If I’ve misidentified your dog’s breed, I apologise.

Duos and trios

Schnauzers, terriers and other small dogs

Funny-looking dogs

Greyhounds and German shepherds

Staffies, miscellaneous mixes, and hard-to-identify dogs

Labs, lab crosses, golden retrievers, and other dogs of that ilk

Small fluffy dogs

Sheepdogs and heelers and beardies, oh my

Setters and spaniels (I think, or maybe that’s a papillon at bottom right)

Foxy/Jack Russell-type dogs, Frenchies and a bonus beagle

Poodles and other -oodle dogs (and possibly some that aren’t, plus just half a dog’s bottom that someone sent in)

Samoyeds, spitzes, huskies etc, plus a mastiff and maybe a beardie I forgot to put anywhere else

Keep going!