New Zealand badminton player Wojtek Czyz’s prosthetic in action at the Paris Paralympics; a wall decal at Peke Waihanga; NZ athlete Anna Steven competes in the 200m in Paris; spare feet at Peke Waihanga (Photos: Getty Images; Shanti Mathias)
New Zealand badminton player Wojtek Czyz’s prosthetic in action at the Paris Paralympics; a wall decal at Peke Waihanga; NZ athlete Anna Steven competes in the 200m in Paris; spare feet at Peke Waihanga (Photos: Getty Images; Shanti Mathias)

SportsSeptember 6, 2024

Limbs without limits: How New Zealand Paralympians get geared up for glory

New Zealand badminton player Wojtek Czyz’s prosthetic in action at the Paris Paralympics; a wall decal at Peke Waihanga; NZ athlete Anna Steven competes in the 200m in Paris; spare feet at Peke Waihanga (Photos: Getty Images; Shanti Mathias)
New Zealand badminton player Wojtek Czyz’s prosthetic in action at the Paris Paralympics; a wall decal at Peke Waihanga; NZ athlete Anna Steven competes in the 200m in Paris; spare feet at Peke Waihanga (Photos: Getty Images; Shanti Mathias)

Whether it’s for a Paralympic sprint or a simple stroll to the shops, a prosthetic limb is as individual as the person who wears it. Shanti Mathias visits the Auckland workshop where they’re created, customised and fitted.

Eighteen thousand kilometres away from Paris, Kent Perkins is trying to balance the excitement of the Paralympics with his anxiety. “You’re always kind of scared something is going to go wrong,” he says. “I shouldn’t say that, these limbs are strong, but it’s on the world stage!” Four of his patients at Peke Waihanga in Auckland are currently part of team New Zealand, competing at the Paralympic Games; legs he made in this workshop in Eden Terrace walked through the streets of Paris at the opening ceremony last week, and now bouncy running blades have raced on the athletic track and lunged on the badminton court, and jointed knees have walked to the edge of the pool. 

Prosthetic limbs are a fascinating part of the Paralympics for those watching at home: seeing advanced pieces of technology totally integrated with the human body in a way that, for example, the phone that feels glued to your hand could never be. For those wearing them, they’re simply part of everyday life.

“My running leg feels so completely part of my body,” says Kate Horan, calling me (on speaker phone) while she drives along Wellington’s Transmission Gully. “I loved it, it had so much bounce.” Horan and her legs have appeared at multiple Paralympics; she competed in short-distance sprint events in the 2004 Athens games and the 2008 Beijing games, where she won silver in the women’s 200m T44. 

Her blade had athletic spikes attached, perfectly ready for the field; its rigid zigzag structure mimicking the energy of muscles and ligaments more than her standard, straight prosthetic.

“My normal leg doesn’t have a lot of energy, doesn’t have a lot of propulsion – the blade was awesome for running, it had return.”

Kate Horan in 2011, running the 100m at the IPC Athletics Championships in Christchurch; competing in the 500m time trial at the Rio Olympic velodrome in 2016; and after receiving the NZ Order of Merit in 2017 (Photos: Getty Images)

After repeated injuries from athletics became increasingly frustrating, Horan switched sports – to cycling. The prosthetic leg she used was completely different, cleated into the bike. “I always had to get onto my bike from the right side, and when I fell off the bike, my leg stayed attached – it took a lot to get used to that,” she says. There were other differences: because the femur on her amputated leg is shortened, her knees were in different places, so she had to work on the alignment of her hips. But after lots and lots of training, it became more natural, and she reached the finals of the pursuit, time trial and 500m competitions at the Rio Games in 2016. 

Of course, most people with prosthetic limbs aren’t athletes competing on the world stage; instead, caring for the prosthetic and their stump is just part of their everyday lives. Today, Horan has a foot she uses to go running around Wellington – a different blade model, with a footshell that makes it easy to get up hills, as well as a day-to-day foot that is shaped more like a standard human leg. 

How to make a new leg

To a prosthetist like Perkins, working with other people’s limbs is a question of customisation, again and again. His Paralympic patients are stress testing his work on the international stage, but for everyone he sees, he needs to figure out how they want to use their prosthetics, and how to make sure it fits perfectly. 

“This is our casting room,” he says, walking me into a clean space with different machines. Two water-pressure casters make a model of a stump by applying pressure to a bladder, but plaster of paris or silicone might be used as well. He has multiple appointments with new amputees after an amputation; it can take a while for stumps to heal fully, and initial swelling has to reduce and skin to regrow before a prosthetic can be fitted. Patients with diabetes or vascular issues, who are often older and less fit, will have different needs than a younger person who has had a limb removed due to cancer, for example. Perkins and patients get feedback from their surgeons, physios and occupational therapists to settle on the type of limb they need. 

The options available to prosthetists have changed dramatically in the last few decades – changes that Perkins has witnessed lots of in more than a quarter century of work. When he was training as an apprentice, “one of the guys who trained me was chopping down trees at Western Springs to make sockets, and prosthetic feet out of leather.” Aluminium came next, a much lighter and stronger material, and then composite materials like carbon fibre. Today, Perkins says, lots of the “bread and butter” sockets Peke Waihanga makes – usually “transtibial” or below-knee models – can be modelled on a computer and manufactured with 3D printers, meaning prosthetists can spend time working on more complex sockets like hips and femurs.

Kent Perkins looks at a drying plaster of Paris leg cast for a patient (Photo: Shanti Mathias)

As Perkins and I walk towards the back of the Peke Waihanga clinic, it transitions from looking like a medical, clinical setting with a clean waiting room and walls with colourful decals, to a workshop space. Doors are labelled “do not come in without protective eyewear” and a sound of grinding mixed with the radio echoes from another corner. Boxes of spare feet in different colours sit on a shelf, while further along the corridor are boxes of allen keys and screwdrivers. 

After measuring the volume of a stump to create a strong, stable socket, the question of what kind of limb is attached is very much dependent on physics, Perkins says. Most people aren’t thinking much about the force of gravity compared to the energy in their muscles, ligaments and tendons, but it’s a major consideration when those bones and muscles don’t exist. “When you lose muscle, it takes a lot more energy to walk – so a through-hip amputee [ie missing their entire leg] will need a lot more energy to walk a certain distance than a below-knee amputee,” Perkins says. 

The weight of the patient is a major consideration, to ensure the prosthetic can endure the sorts of forces that will be put through it: an exuberant, playful child won’t be very heavy but might need to endure lots of twisting and jumping, while a leg for a taller, older adult working in an office might need to be sturdier, but not as bouncy. 

In a little storeroom with in-progress prosthetics, he shows me some examples: a prosthetic with a springy ankle joint shaped like a small running blade. “It’s the same technology as running blades, but it looks a bit more like a foot – you can fit a shoe over it, which you can’t do with a blade.” 

A longer stiff foam leg is poking out of the next shelf. It’s made to be durable and able to get wet, with the socket adjusted for someone whose knee is twisted outwards. A different clear socket is made to be ultra adjustable for a good fit before the final version: the transparent plastic makes it easy for Perkins to see if there are any gaps or pressure points that need to be tightened or stretched with a heat gun. Perkins rummages in the shelves again and pulls out a sleeve made of a stretchy, neoprene-like material. “Ah yeah, this is cool,” he says, demonstrating how a pin embedded in the fabric can screw into the leg with a little dial, for a stable fit that is easy to remove. 

Lifestyle is a major consideration: for someone who wants to be out and about lots, maybe running, maybe skiing, Perkins will want to make a stronger, heavier limb, while for someone who has diabetes, a lighter leg that makes it easy to move around, mostly on smooth surfaces inside, is better. 

Spare feet line one of the corridors at the specialist limb centre (Photo: Shanti Mathias)

Advanced technology comes at a cost 

New limbs can be expensive: a reality that can highlight the difference between patients whose prosthetic is covered by the Ministry of Health (people who were born with congenital limb differences or have amputations due to diseases like diabetes and cancer) and those whose prosthetics are paid for by ACC (if a limb has been lost in an accident). “If we get an ACC patient, we do a full assessment of the cost, send it away to ACC so they can approve that and we can go ahead,” Perkins says. “But when it comes to the Ministry of Health, we’re bulk funded, so you have to kind of split the money up between people. And some people are going to be more active than others in the budget, or will need components that are more expensive.” Children need lots of limb adjustments and replacements, for example, as they’re always growing: usually, Perkins can adjust their limb after six months, but a full replacement will be needed after a year. 

While sockets are made by the specialised prosthetists at Peke Waihanga, most of the parts are imported; one major manufacturer is German company Ottobock. A scroll through New Zealand’s import data offers a glimpse of how much that costs: millions of dollars of artificial limbs and joints (which includes hip and knee replacements) are imported each month, most of which the public system is paying for. “The cost of some stuff, like carbon-fibre feet, has come down a lot, but some of the newer technologies are still up there. In five years’ time that’ll reduce, they might be half the price,” Perkins says. 

New, strong sockets are made to cover stumps out of layers of fibreglass (pictured) and resin (Photo: Shanti Mathias)

We go back into the workroom, where most of the prosthetists have their own bench set up with in-progress limbs. He shows me an electronic arm, very similar in shape to a biological arm, all dark black with several controller buttons so the fingers can move. I hold it, carefully: this is going to be part of someone’s body. It’s much heavier than the aluminium and carbon-fibre models we were looking at earlier. “It’s got a motor, and a battery on board as well – the downside is that it’s not necessarily easy to wear for a long period of time,” Perkins says. 

Having an electronic device that weighs the better part of 10kg strapped to you at an odd angle for hours is pretty tiring, especially when it doesn’t have its own muscles to hold itself up. Electronic arms are among the most expensive prosthetics Peke Waihanga makes – a model can cost as much as $250,000, while more complex legs, like those with knee joints and computer chips, could be as much as $120,000, although they also come with a six-year warranty. Part of the cost is the specification – medical-grade materials are a lot higher standard and more expensive – as well as the relatively small market, meaning parts are often made to order.

While the prosthetists will try to match artificial feet with people’s natural skin tone, Perkins has found there’s increasingly a movement to decorate prosthetics and put them on display. “It’s gone towards not making things look like your other leg – it’s gone quite space age,” he says. He shows me a few examples: a sample leg with a dial to tighten around the socket is printed with animal illustrations. He passes me another leg with bright, tattoo-style illustrations of roses, then shows me a socket that has been dyed blue, which I hold gently. Perkins grins. “I’m not going to, but I could whack that socket around and it’s not going to crack or smash.” Having seen the workshop where fibreglass sockets are made with layers of resin, potential air bubbles sucked out by vacuums, I believe him. 

Kent Perkins at a workstation, holding a leg decorated with a pāua pattern (Photo: Shanti Mathias)

Advances in technology have increased the possibilities, but that doesn’t mean everyone always wants the most advanced limb. “Oh no, it’s no different!” laughs Sarah Rigg, the clinical services manager at Peke Waihanga, when I ask her if the hook she has attached to her right arm is any different now to the ones she had as a child in the 70s. 

Her hook is silver and double pronged, so it can grab onto things when she flexes her shoulder. The arm and a cable attach to a harness, making the prosthetic much lighter than heavy electronic models: she can use it for most of the day. Without needing batteries, a motor or lots of metal, she can do almost everything she needs with a hook, and a few other things besides. “I only need to wear one oven mitt when I’m getting something out of the oven, I’m never worried about cutting myself by accident,” she says. As a more self-conscious teenager, she had a more realistic prosthetic hand for a while, but she realised that the covering easily got “manky”; now she’s happy with her plain, but functional, aluminium hook.  

Unlike the lower limb prosthetics, her arm can last much longer, as she isn’t putting as much force through it. “I think my last one lasted eight years, replacing the parts one-by-one – a new elbow, a new cable, sometimes you have to replace the straps,” Rigg says. Working at the limb service (she initially trained in architectural draughting) has opened her mind to how different the experience of other amputees and people with limb differences are. “I used to be able to drop my limb off at reception, say ‘I need this repaired’ and still carry on, pick it up after work. While if you have a faulty leg, you’re out of action, your mobility is taken away from you.” 

Sarah Rigg loves her lightweight, strong, heat-resistant prosthetic hook (Photo: Shanti Mathias)

Prosthetics are normal

Peke Waihanga estimates that in New Zealand around one person in 1,000 has lost a limb – around 4,400 total, with several hundred new amputations coming in each year. Rigg emphasises that everyone has an individual amputation journey. “It’s about your acceptance, but also the acceptance and tolerance of the world as well,” she says. Her prosthetic felt pretty unusual when she was younger; now she feels that there’s more acceptance, but also an undercurrent of vocal hostility towards difference, which she’s always aware patients might be carrying with them into the clinic. 

For Kate Horan, the Paralympian who has competed in both sprinting and cycling, one of the greatest gifts has been learning from amputees. She has a vivid memory of trying to go skiing as a kid, but not being able to put a ski boot into her foot that didn’t bend at the ankle. Several decades later, now with kids of her own, she tried again, with other amputees around and encouraging her. “It’s possible with brute force to get that boot on!” she says. (Perkins also mentions that Peke Waihanga has ski-specific feet that people can try with their prosthetic.) “That was such a benefit of meeting other amputees, to ask questions,” she says. 

Rigg would like not to be followed around by people assuming she needs help, like in changing rooms in clothes shops. “I’ve gotten dressed every day of my life, I do know how to do it,” she says. “I need to ask for help if I need it – but people also need to stop offering help if it’s not wanted.” For her, the prosthetic is useful, but unremarkable. “I recognise it as who I am – and I can always recognise my own shadow.” 

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The 25-strong Paralympics squad (Photo: Supplied)
The 25-strong Paralympics squad (Photo: Supplied)

SportsAugust 27, 2024

Meet the 25 athletes representing New Zealand at the Paralympic Games

The 25-strong Paralympics squad (Photo: Supplied)
The 25-strong Paralympics squad (Photo: Supplied)

The 2024 Paralympic Games, airing on TVNZ1 and TVNZ+, begin on Wednesday in Paris. Here’s who to cheer.

Michael Johnson – Shooting

Competing on the Paralympic stage is nothing new for shooting star Michael Johnson. After winning gold with a world record score in the R4 Mixed Air Rifle Standing SH2 event at Athens in 2004, he followed that up with two back-to-back bronze medals in Beijing and London. He competed at Rio in 2016 and Tokyo 2020 to become only the second New Zealand Shooting Para sport athlete to represent his country at five Paralympic Games in a row. Upon securing his spot in the Paris squad with a silver medal in the R4 Air Rifle Standing event at the 2024 World Shooting Para Sport New Delhi World Cup, he becomes only the second New Zealander in history to reach the milestone of appearing at his sixth Paralympic Games. “It matches my personality in terms of the need to be quite patient and consistent,“ explained Johnson of his love for shooting. “I also like the fact it has allowed me to travel the world and make so many friends. I still feel I’m improving as a shooter.“

Greg Reid – Shooting

It’s the second Paralymics for Shooting Para athlete Greg Reid after placing seventh in the Mixed 10m Air Rifle Prone SH1 at the 2016 Rio games. Reid first took up non-disabled shooting in the late 1980s before switching to Shooting Para Sport and has never looked back since. In his day life, Reid works as a mass metrologist for the Measurements Standard Laboratory in Lower Hutt, ensuring New Zealand’s units of measurement are consistent with international units. Reid was a member of the New Zealand team at the 2023 World Shooting Para Sports Championships in Peru earlier this year, securing his spot for the Paralymic Games after finishing ninth in the R3 Air Rifle Prone event.

Neelam O’Neill – Shooting

Coached by Michael Johnson (see above) in air rifle, Neelam O’Neill will be competing at her first Paralympic Games in Paris. As well as competing in R3 Mixed 10m Air Rifle Prone SH1, O’Neill will become the first female New Zealander to compete at a Paralympic Games in air pistol (P2 Women’s 10m Air Pistol SH1) in 40 years. O’Neill summed up her motivations pretty well when speaking to Newsroom last month.

“I’m female, I’m coloured, I have a disability. It is a rare combination. I didn’t know anybody in the same situation growing up. Now, I’ve had people come up to me saying ‘I got into my sport after seeing you’. Representation is important. We all just want to connect and belong.”

Matthew Britz – Table tennis

Matthew Britz is a rising star in para table tennis, hailing from New Plymouth. At just 20 years old, Britz is set to make history as the first New Zealander in 48 years to compete in table tennis at the Paralympic Games, having qualified for a coveted singles spot at Paris 2024 after a gold-medal performance at the 2023 Oceania Para Championships in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Born with Bailey-Bloch congenital myopathy, Britz’s journey into the sport started at eight-years-old. His persistence and skills have seen him rise quickly through the ranks. Britz views table tennis as both a physical and mental challenge, likening it to a strategic chess match. His selection for the Paralympics not only marks a remarkable personal milestone but also represents a significant achievement for Aotearoa in the world of para sports.

Cameron Leslie – Swimming

Cameron Leslie is a true all-rounder. Not only is the Whangārei-born Ngāpuhi known for his achievements in swimming but also wheelchair rugby. A three-time Paralympic gold medalist in the SM4 150m individual medley, Leslie first made waves at the 2008 Beijing Paralympics, where he set a world record. He successfully defended his title in London 2012 and Rio 2016, and now holds four world records, cementing his place as a leading figure in para-sports globally. Despite missing the Tokyo Paralympics due to the birth of his second child, Leslie has remained a dominant force, adding eight world championship medals to his collection and co-captaining the Wheel Blacks to the 2022 Wheelchair Rugby World Championships quarterfinals. Now 34 and a father of three, Leslie is set to lead the New Zealand Paralympic team as a flag-bearer in Paris, driven by the desire to inspire his children and demonstrate the incredible potential of athletes with disabilities.

Tupou Neiufi – Swimming

Tupou Neiufi was one of the stars of the Tokyo Games, winning her first Paralympics gold medal in the 100m backstroke – S8. She is a proud representative of South Auckland and took up swimming as a form of rehabilitation suggested by her doctor. Neiufi was two years old when she was hit by a car and left with a traumatic brain injury and hemiplegia. As a result, the right side of her body has developed bigger and stronger than her left side. This year, Neiufi will be defending her crown in backstroke as well as competing in the 50m freestyle – S8. Despite being a strong contender heading into the Games, Neiufi has revealed she oscillated between wanting to compete again and “eating four burgers at McDonalds“. Very relatable.

Tupou Neiufi (Images: Getty Images/Tina Tiller)

Jesse Reynolds – Swimming

Jesse Reynolds is appearing at his third Paralympics. The swimmer, who has a missing right leg, was a silver medallist at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games in the 100m Backstroke S9 event. In the Rio and Tokyo Paralympics, he finished in the top eight in all of his events. If this video on the Paralympics Instagram account is anything to go by, his knowledge of French is pretty limited but luckily you don’t need to be fluent in French to be fast in fluid water. 

Lili-Fox Mason – Swimming

Lili-Fox Mason is a swimmer from Christchurch. 19 years old, with limited mobility in her lower body after having leukemia as a three year old, she says she has been inspired by Dame Sophie Pascoe. She started competing internationally in 2022, competing in global para swimming events around the world. She won silver in the 400m Freestyle S10 at the Para Swimming World Series in 2023. She and friend Gaby Smith, also a para swimmer, often train together, and both are going to be competing at the Paralympics this year. There’s a cool video from Attitude showing both of them swimming and talking about their training, which gives a sense of just how hard you have to work to become an elite athlete. 

Gabriella Smith – Swimming 

Born in Perth (gasp) but raised in Christchurch, Gabriella Smith is an 18 year-old swimmer who says she has been one with the water since her first swimming lesson at just three months old. Born missing half her hand, Smith won her very first medal in the 100m breaststroke during the World Series meet in Indianapolis in 2022, followed by fifth place in the 400 metre freestyle in the  World Para Swimming Championships later that year. She found out that she would be heading to Paris by way of a phone call in class. “Everyone in class was staring at me,” she explains in her paralympics profile. “I was in disbelief.” 

Josh Willmer – Swimming

19 year old Josh Willmer grew up in Kawakawa Bay, where, surrounded by the sparkly water of the Hauraki Gulf, swimming was a default. He’s already a champion: he was 17 when he won a gold medal in para breaststroke at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games – where he told Stuff that listening to Metallica before his race helped him “get in the zone” before the starting gun. He’s kept excelling, especially in the 100m breaststroke event: he set a new New Zealand record at the Para Swimming Championships in 2023. He doesn’t just work hard in the pool – describing his intense training regime to Debate earlier this year – but also works part time as a car mechanic, and plays golf when he has time off. Willmer is Tupou Neiufi’s training partner. 

Louise Duncan – Equestrian

Para Equestrian Louise Duncan made headlines earlier this year when the joy of making the Paralympics team coincided with the passing of her grandfather, her biggest supporter. “He was so happy for me to have been selected, and I know he will be so proud to be with me over there on my shoulder while I’m riding,” she told RNZ. The dressage rider had a series of strokes after catching meningitis as a teenager, leaving her with limited limb function, temporary paralysis, and migraines. Missing out on the qualifying events for Tokyo 2020, she is looking forward to representing New Zealand in Paris 2024 with her horse, Showcase BC. 

Rory Mead – Cycling

After earning fifth place in his Tokyo 2020 debut, Porirua-raised Rory Mead returns to the Paralympics for another shot at para-cycling glory. The 37-year-old began his sporting career in motocross in 2011, before sustaining a spinal cord injury causing quadriplegia three years later which eventually led him into handcycling, a sport he says drew him in for its sense of freedom. Mead has also competed in the Para Cycling World Championships, while also boasting a rigorous training schedule that sees him clock up to 130 miles a week.

Nicole Murray – Cycling

Nicole Murray has already won the gold for coolest and most understated bios on an athlete Facebook page: “seeing how fast I can ride around in a circle”. Born in Otorohonga, Murray lost a hand in an accident at the age of five but continued to explore surfing, water skiing and soccer. She remembers laying eyes on the “circle” the would change her life back in 2015, while at a conference for young amputees. “I had never seen a velodrome before and it was surprisingly quite a rush to ride on and actually a lot of fun,” she recalled. Murray came extremely close to the podium in Tokyo 2020, placing fourth in the Women’s Individual Pursuit, sixth in the Women’s 500m Time Trial and sixth in both road cycling events. 2024 is the year!

Anna Taylor – Cycling

Para cyclist Anna Taylor didn’t start her life as an athlete on a bike. Instead, she was a rower: she got a scholarship to Oregon State University in the US to row competitively. While studying, she survived thyroid cancer – and kept winning medals. She had a series of injuries in 2015 and 2016, including a severe disc prolapse which caused neurological weakness in the lower part of her body. She spent some time working as a youth support worker, and found Para cycling as a sporting outlet. She made her Paralympic debut at Tokyo in 2020, where she came fifth in the C4 3000m individual pursuit and eights in the C4 500m time trial. While she’s encountered the frustration and “darkness” of multiple ongoing health issues, the 33 year old also wants to stay driven to succeed and “pursue the light”. 

Devon Briggs – Cycling

With Paris providing Cambridge-native Devon Briggs his first opportunity to compete for a Paralympic medal, you’d be mistaken for thinking he’s simply the new kid on the block. Earlier this year, Briggs picked up gold, silver and bronze medals at the 2024 Para Cycling Track World Championships in Rio de Janeiro. It’s a sport he’s played since the ripe age of 10, and says competing not only gives him a chance to see his passion and hard work reflected back to him, but also to others living with disabilities. Though he’s best known as a whizz on the bike, Briggs is also a psychology student at the University of Waikato, and hopes to earn a license in piloting.

Ben Westenberg – Cycling

New Zealand para-cycling record holder Ben Westernberg’s disability means it’s difficult for him to grasp the handlebars of a bike and even more difficult to brake, which is why he loves track cycling: “there are no brakes”. Westenberg will be competing at his first Paralympic Games in Paris, vying for gold in both the men’s C4 individual pursuit and 1000m time trial events. Outside of cycling, he loves design, and has designed and 3D-printed modifications to his own mountain bikes, as well as designing a handlebar attachment for fellow track cyclist Nicole Murray. 

Ben Westenberg in action (Photo: Supplied)

Scott Martlew – Canoe racing

Paris 2024 will be Scott Martlew’s third appearance at the Paralympics, with the Christchurch kayaker having first competed at Rio de Janeiro in 2016 (where he was the first New Zealander to race in para canoe) and Toyko in 2020, where he came fourth (by an agonising 0.3 seconds) in the Men’s 200m KL2 race. After suffering a muscle tear in his leg during a high school rugby game in 2010, Martlew battled a life-threatening bacterial infection that resulted in his leg being amputated. Having already been a top surf canoe paddler, sport played a huge role in Martlew’s recovery, and over the next few years he won several impressive world championship results in para canoe. The experienced paralympian will compete in both the KL2 200m and the VL3 200m races. 

Peter Cowan – Canoe racing

Peter Cowan (Ngāti Kahungunu, Sāmoa) is a specialist in para va’a, an adaptive version of waka ama. He won a silver medal in the Paracanoe World Championships in May this year. The 29-year-old has long been athletic; he was training for the IronMāori triathlon as a 15 year old when a car hit him on his bike, and he decided to amputate his injured leg. The Hawkes Bay paddler is incredibly speedy on the water, as the footage in this interview he did with Te Ao with Moana last year shows. He’s also busy off the water, with two young kids, his wife and whānau, who all support him to train. ““What I love about the sport is the opportunity it brings to connect with people from all walks of life. I love how this sport can enhance people’s mana while bringing our communities together,” he told Canoe Racing New Zealand after his silver medal win earlier this year. He loves that waka ama connects him to his Polynesian and Māori heritage. “When I’m competing internationally, it’s like a superpower, just knowing you have strong ties in your blood to the sport you’re competing in,” he told ACC in January

Wojtek Czyz – Badminton

This is Czyz’s fourth Paralympic Games. In the past, the 44 year old has represented Germany. He’s won medals in sprinting and long jumping at Athens, Beijing and Rio Games. Now, having moved to New Zealand to pursue a mānuka honey business, he’s switched the country he represents, and the sport he competes in. Czyz now plays badminton: his Instagram is full of videos of him practicing in different environments, as well as getting his prosthetic blade adjusted in time for the Games. He and his wife Elena, who is also an athlete, have established a foundation called Sailing4handicaps, where they sailed around the world and supported amputees in different places to get prosthetics. He’s also set five (FIVE!) world records for free diving as an amputee. 

Holly Robinson – Athletics

One of New Zealand’s most celebrated and decorated athletes, Holly Robinson will be competing at her fourth Paralympic Games this year. First competing in the javelin – F46 at the London Games in 2012, Robinson has consistently appeared on the podium throughout the past 12 years, including a thrilling gold medal in Tokyo 2020 with her final throw. Robinson will be defending her title in the javelin as well as competing in the shot put – F46 which she is, surprise surprise, also really good at.

Holly Robinson competing at the World Para Athletics Championships on May 22, 2024 (Photo by Toru Hanai/Getty Images)

Anna Grimaldi – Athletics

Did someone say double paralympic champion?! This year, Dunedin-born Anna Grimaldi will be looking to continue her proud tradition of winning a medal at every single Paralympic Games she competes in. She first won gold in Women’s Long Jump in Rio 2016, also achieving her personal best. In Tokyo 2020, she won gold in the long jump again, setting a Paralympic Record of 5.74m on her first jump, before bettering it to 5.76m. But wait, there’s more: Grimaldi also won bronze in the 100m at the 2023 World Para Athletics. “I’m not a 100m runner I’m a long jumper,” she exclaimed at the time. “But I guess now I’m sort of a 100m runner.” This multi-hyphenate will be competing in the long jump, 100m and 200m – one to watch for sure. 

Will Stedman – Athletics

Will Stedman is only 24, but he’s already been to two Paralympics, competing both at Rio, aged 16, and Tokyo, as a 20 year old. He’s also a double threat: he’s a runner and a long jumper. In Rio, he won bronze medals in the 400m T36 and 800m T36 events. In Tokyo, he won a sliver medal in T36 long jump and another 400m T36 Bronze. He’s running incredibly fast this year: the Christchurch-based athlete won the gold medal in the 400m para athletics world championship in Japan in May, setting a national record and beating the current world record holder (who is Australian – another reason to celebrate Stedman’s victory). Stedman, who has cerebral palsy, described this year’s long jump field in his category as “incredibly tight”. He has an added challenge, because his 400m event is the morning after the long jump final. Watch some of the videos on his Instagram – he’s posting regular updates from training – and feel impressed at just how far and fast he can go. 

Danielle Aitchison – Athletics

Alreading boasting two Paralympic medals (a silver and bronze) to her name, Danielle Aitchison returns to the Games as one of the top athletes in this year’s New Zealand cohort – and she’s only 22-years-old. As a young athlete, Aitchison enjoyed ballet, hockey, netball and athletics, and after attending several disability camps at the encouragement of her mum, she signed up to compete in the 2017 Halberg Games where she has since stuck to a love for sprinting. New Zealand has a lot to thank her for that, and likely more as she looks to defend her second and third place titles when she returns to the Paralympics tracks in Paris.

Anna Steven – Athletics

Anna Steven is a sprinter; this is her second Games, after also representing New Zealand in Tokyo 2020, placing eighth in the women’s 200m T64. She started running after attending a Para sports open day in 2016, having been inspired by Paralympian Liam Malone at the Rio Games. As her lower leg was amputated when she was 12 after a cancer diagnosis, it took a while for her to get used to walking again, but running has given her “a sense of autonomy and freedom“. The 23-year-old recently graduated from uni with a Bachelor of Science, and holds the Oceania records in the 100 and 200 metres T64 category. 

Mitch Joynt – Athletics

After a workplace accident saw his right leg amputated below the knee, athlete Mitch Joynt had to learn to walk again before he could get back to running. Scouted during the Auckland Marathon in 2017, he was introduced to the world of Para sport and would try everything from javelin to long jump, sprinting to snowboarding. But the sprint is Joynt’s event of choice, making waves at the 2023 Para Athletics World Championships when he won bronze in the 200m. He’s now the the fastest single leg amputee in the history of Oceania, holding the New Zealand and Oceania records for the 100m, 200m and 400m and the world record for the 800m. 

Watch the Paralympic Games from 7.30pm on TVNZ1 or here on TVNZ+