Birthday week treasure hunt

For our 10th birthday, we’ve hidden some treasured memories across the site. Find all nine, and you’ll get in the draw to win one of three hampers of goods ranked by The Spinoff, including one mega hamper.

The birthday week treasure hunt is for logged in members only.

Here’s how to play.

There are nine hidden treasures to be found in stories published on site during our 10th birthday week (September 9-15). The items will look like this:

an example of a hidden treasure hunt item
The hidden items look like this.

Collect items by clicking on them. Once clicked, they’ll be added to your scoreboard which you can find in your profile.

After finding all 9 items, you’ll have the opportunity to enter the draw from your profile.

We’ll be releasing the items in our stories from Monday, September 9th, to Friday, September 13th. You’ll have until Sunday, September 15th, to find them all and enter the draw. Some stories may feature more than one item!

For additional entries into the draw, be sure to vote on Hera’s ranking of our rankings as well.

Any questions, get in touch on

Good luck, channel your inner ten year old, and happy hunting!