
BusinessSeptember 30, 2021

Business is Boring: The exciting arrival of Boring oat milk


What does it take to get a New Zealand made oat milk onto our shelves? Boring founder Morgan Maw tells her business story to Simon Pound.

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Boring Oat Milk is the new New Zealand-based oat milk company from founder Morgan Maw, and it’s doing so many of the things we love on Business is Boring. It’s adding brand and IP to a primary industry, it’s helping us move past commodities, it’s better on the environment, it’s telling its story through great design and it’s an innovation serving a big future market. 

Oat milk is super popular right now, and shortages caused by Covid earlier this year brought attention to the fact that although we grow plenty of oats here, and know a thing or two about milk, we were importing all commercial oat milk. Maw was in a place to do something about that, knowing all about oats through her first oat biscuit venture.

To talk about the three-year journey to get onto shelves, the state of the oat and alternative milk industry here, how she’s using brand and storytelling and what’s next, Morgan Maw joined the Business is Boring via Zoom.

A note from host Simon Pound: This is the last episode of Business is Boring. Thank you so much to everyone who has listened, shared the podcast, got in touch, talked to me about it and been a supporter. It’s been an enormous privilege to have been able to talk to an interesting person doing cool things every week for five years.

We’re going to take a little bit of time off and come back with a new concept. I’m really looking forward to changing things up a little to keep hopefully providing value to you all, and to keep trying to do our bit to share some of the great stories of tomorrow in Aotearoa.

I hope that now after five years, more than 200 episodes, and more than half a million downloads, we’ve proven that business is not boring.

Keep going!