Adam King, left, Alan Morrison, and Rowan Bettjeman.
Adam King, left, Alan Morrison, and Rowan Bettjeman.

Pop CultureJanuary 10, 2017

Viva La Dirt League explain how to become famous on YouTube in six easy steps

Adam King, left, Alan Morrison, and Rowan Bettjeman.
Adam King, left, Alan Morrison, and Rowan Bettjeman.

No-one knows who they are in the ‘real world’, but the members of Viva La Dirt League are famous in the only place it counts: the Internet. They tell Hayden Donnell how to walk their path to success.

Until six months ago, Alan Morrison, Rowan Bettjeman and Adam King were just workaday losers like you or me. They had nothing to recommend them to the world; nothing to set them apart from other members of the dead-eyed mob miserably busing between work and home.

Today they’re the owners of one of New Zealand’s fastest growing YouTube channels. Their videos are routinely viewed more than 250,000 times. They have New Zealand On Air funding, more than 115,000 Facebook fans, and a bounty of that most coveted commodity: web clicks.

But how did they transform from schlubs to Internet stars? I sat down with them in a crowded bakery outside the NZME headquarters, where Bettjeman and Morrison make a living making the show MediaOcre for WatchMe, in an effort to uncover their secrets. Their story revealed an easily replicable six-step guide to YouTube fame.

1. Start off making a lot of Starcraft II-themed parody music videos

Viva La Dirt League started out four years ago after finding an untapped gap in the market: Starcraft II-themed pop parodies. All of them were professionals spending their few pleasurable hours each day playing deathmatches online. One day they had an epiphany that changed their lives: nobody else was re-imagining pop anthems as explorations of the most aggressively nerdy aspects of Starcraft culture.

Their first video covered a hated tactic employed by Zerg opponents: the 8 Pool.

It got nearly 500,000 views after finding favour with the tormented locals in the vast hellpits of Reddit.com. The team went on to make several more videos about busting through base defences, going on emotionally devastating losing streaks, and obscure Starcraft strategy.

Bettjeman and Morrison look back on the videos with a growing sense of humiliation and despair. “We were having a discussion the other day like: should we delete some of these videos?” Bettjeman said. For the record, they’re most embarrassed by ‘What Does the Drone Say’, which you can watch here. However their success proves that old axiom: every successful YouTube star starts off dressing in a tanktop and singing about Starcraft.

2. Have some kind of terrible falling out with your collaborators

Money. The root of all evil. Or in the case of Viva La Dirt League, the root of a dispute that reduced their core team from five to two members. When the Starcraft videos took off, ad money from YouTube started coming in, and the team argued over how to split it. Bettjeman was vague on the details, only ruefully advising up-and-coming YouTubers to split their money evenly. “The moment money enters – and I’m just as bad as anyone – everyone turned into Gollum. Even though on paper stuff might be fair, it just divides the group,” he said.

However, if you want to follow the Viva route to success, split your money unevenly and wait for the wailing to begin.

3. Continue making videos for two years without any real encouragement or success

After the dust cleared, Bettjeman and Morrison trudged on through the sludge of the internet swamps alone, eventually adding King to the core team. For two years they kept making videos, seeing little-to-no growth in traffic to their channel. “There was at least a year there where it was just me and Alan,” Bettjeman said.

“There were no additional subscribers,” Morrison said. “If you see our graph, it goes up, up, then flatlines for two years.”

They wanted to prove their old team wrong.

They didn’t prove them wrong for two years.


Only a weird kind of insistent, unjustifiable perseverance kept them going.

“Have an enemy. Have a deep resentment for them. Hate someone so much that it pushes you to do things,” King said, most likely as a joke.

4. Have a great idea, let it sit in a Google Drive document for months

The concept behind Epic NPC Man is simple: take characters from role playing games and transfer their behaviour into the real world. It’s also an excellent idea. Morrison thought of it near the beginning of the year.

“For me it was just this one sentence that I wrote down in our draft shared folder: ‘Self-aware NPC dealing with the shit of being an NPC’,” he said.

He wrote it in the shared ideas file. Then he forgot about it.

It sat there for months before King found it. “I just read that one line and thought ‘this is genius’. I wrote seven scripts in a row,” he said. The team filmed Epic NPC Man and released it to moderate acclaim. It wasn’t until they completed one vital extra step that it became truly popular.

5. Make a meme

Want to know the difference between a YouTube flop and a viral video that changes your life forever? Four-to-ten words.

The Viva La Dirt League team had produced a possibly questionable video about a female gamer who immediately becomes a swear-spewing maniac after donning a VR headset. They released it on YouTube to no avail. Then they decided to make it into a meme, shortening the video and writing “Girl Gamers Be Like” on the screen.

It was shared by the likes of Unilad and Lad Bible, and is now sitting on roughly 3 million views. The video’s success drove people to the team’s Epic NPC Man videos, which started to take off.

“That’s what sparked it. That changed everything. But then the momentum kept going because of Epic NPC Man,” King said.

It’s a lesson for all of us: always harness the boundless power of the meme.

6. Succeed

That was six months ago.

Today the Dirt League has more than 80,000 subscribers. They release three videos a week, all of which get hundreds of thousands of views, and have thousands of people who fit the definition of “fans”.

Sure, they’re unknown in New Zealand and most parts of the planet Earth. But through this simple four-year process, they’re now within reach of achieving the impossible: making a living off the Internet. If you don’t already subscribe to their channel, do it now.

The Spinoff’s gaming coverage comes to you courtesy of our sponsors Bigpipe, a magical ISP.

Keep going!

Pop CultureJanuary 10, 2017

Inside the Lightbox: Shows to help the new you into the New Year


Inside the Lightbox is a sponsored segment where we peruse the extensive Lightbox catalogue for shows you might like to watch. This week, Alice Webb-Liddall creates a vision board of shows to help you become the best can be in 2017.

Swamp People


There’s nothing like a bit of tragic reality television to make you feel better about your own life. If you’ve had it up to your Kylie Jenner-stained lips with the Kardashians, the trials of a croc-hunting family from Louisiana might be just the break you need. Sleep happy knowing your encounters with cold-blooded reptiles are generally restricted to zoos and harmless brown skinks. 2017 is looking up already.

How to Cook Like Heston


You’ve probably seen Heston Blumenthal’s wacky scientific creations on television, and now you can (apparently) learn how to cook just like him. 2017 is the year you have told yourself you’d increase your culinary repertoire, and watching a cooking show is the perfect start if you’re not yet motivated enough to get into the kitchen.

Dance Moms

The cast of "Dance Moms" filming in Pittsburgh, PA on January 11 & 12, 2012. Photo by Scott Gries

If getting ‘jiggy wit it’ isn’t your thing, then maybe you’ve resolved to learn how to dance. Abby-Lee’s harsh choreography and teaching tactics may help you to realise your stage-worthy talent. DISCLAIMER: Dance Moms will make you sad that this flock of pre-teen girls are probably making more money than you ever will, but you can be reassured by the fact that their moms are all demons.



So you are welcoming in the new year with a sneaking suspicion that you may not have called your mother more than three times in the blur of 2016. How about a psychological thriller about someone who eats people? If anything, it should save you from 2016’s cloud of guilt with the knowledge that all your shortcomings didn’t lead you down a path of cannibalism. Well done you!

War and Peace


A few days in and 2017 is already feeling like it’s not your year? There’s nothing like television to whirl you back to the 19th century. This new adaptation of Tolstoy’s classic story will have you forgetting the current terrible worldwide political climate in exchange for one of blissful Napoleonic war. Besides, you’re never actually going to read the book.

Breaking Bad


For anyone looking to change up their life in a big way, it’s never too late for a career change. Take it from everyone’s favourite High School Chemistry teacher turned meth-cooker, Walter White. If you haven’t already, this could be the year you find your true calling.

Make your 2017 better than you ever expected on Lightbox below


This content, like all television coverage we do at The Spinoff, is brought to you thanks to the excellent folk at Lightbox. Do us and yourself a favour by clicking here to start a FREE 30 day trial of this truly wonderful service.