Condensed milk is crucial in a crisis (Photos: Getty Images, Amanda Thompson)
Condensed milk is crucial in a crisis (Photos: Getty Images, Amanda Thompson)

KaiApril 27, 2020

On dystopian nightmares and tinned condensed milk

Condensed milk is crucial in a crisis (Photos: Getty Images, Amanda Thompson)
Condensed milk is crucial in a crisis (Photos: Getty Images, Amanda Thompson)

Amanda Thompson always thought the apocalypse would be more about zombies and less about a lack of flour. No matter, this recipe will stand you in good stead for either eventuality.

Our current dystopian nightmare was not the apocalypse I was expecting. 

I do not feel prepared, even after years of planning. Big fans of movies and books of the whole the-world-is-ending-and-all-I-have-are-my-wits-and-a-dirty-backpack genre, my family has always found it fun to discuss how they would survive the unsurvivable. They like to imagine how they would heroically roam a zombie- or alien-infested chaoscape with their trusty dog, a greasy hat, some inexplicably attained triceps and a machine-gun-mounted Hilux. They talk about it all the time. There isn’t a single walk through fallen leaves that cannot be ruined by having one of my nearest and intermittently dearest explain to me how you can grind up acorns to make coffee. They beguile me on long car trips by pointing out remote farmhouses as “easily defendable once you dig out some trenches” or as having particularly lush solar panels. They will passionately argue the merits of chickens or cows as the ultimate “food stock’ (apparently it’s cows. “I would tan the leather and make shoes,” confidently says my 14-year-old who is lost if the cheese doesn’t come already grated.) 

I have been dragged through the Walking Dead experience at Universal Studios, standing in line with a lot of overstimulated college kids who airdropped GIFs I couldn’t understand and smelled like barbecue sauce, wasting a lot of time I thought could have been spent drinking Duff at Moe’s Tavern. My husband on the other hand loved it. He still rates it as one of the top 10 things he has ever done, including me.

I think my kids mostly enjoy talking about this constantly because it is funny to annoy me. They know my views on battling through zombie infection, alien invasion, or sharknado inundation – I just wouldn’t. I am slow and numpty and would be the first to trip and roll into the lava, get lost in war-ravaged Los Angeles or sink along with New York. Also I would be just a little bit unenthusiastic about inheriting a world in which I have to butcher my own shoes anyway. Why would you want to survive in an irradiated wasteland? What for? Acorn coffee and crapping in the bushes? Count me out.

Bumblebees in progress (Photos: Amanda Thompson)

None of us thought we would still have running water and Netflix when the virus that would forever change our world finally arrived. How could we know that it would be battled with isolation, with boredom – with snacks – from the couch? We never guessed that the cost would be a slowly toppling world economy, the saddest of lonely deaths for a few of our loved ones and the pure terror of home schooling for many more. I always knew that the infuriating wind-up torches my husband likes to collect would be useless – but I did not reckon on my emergency kit needing a really big sack of flour.

There is still no flour to be had in my neck of the woods and I have to imagine there may not be for some time. It is a sad thing. I would have very much liked to make Anzac biscuits last week, but I could not so you will just have to believe me when I tell you that my recipe is much better than yours. Instead I am making use of another wartime staple, a tin of condensed milk.

Canned milk was a necessity in the days when refrigeration was a luxury, and it was often sent to troops overseas as a treat. This recipe is always made by my mother-in-law at Christmas and the very best thing is that it uses exactly ¾ of a can of condensed milk, which is the perfect amount so that you can feel justified in eating the rest with a spoon. Any more and it would be all gone, any less and you would feel obliged to save the half-a-can for the next round of baking, and that is not right.

Bumblebees pre and post baking (Photos: Amanda Thompson)


  • ¾ can condensed milk
  • 2 cups desiccated coconut
  • 1 cup raisins 
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

Mix all of these things together to make a delicious sticky paste. Shaping the delicious sticky paste into lumps that look nothing like bumblebees is fine work for any children you may have lounging about. Eat the rest of the condensed milk while they are thus occupied. Place the lumps on baking paper and cook for about 20 minutes at 170°C. Enjoy.

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images

OPINIONKaiApril 27, 2020

Covid-19 has thrown food insecurity into sharp relief. Let’s use it as an opportunity

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images

The current crisis has rendered visible challenges that have been simmering in the background long before the country went into lockdown, writes Chris Farrelly of the Auckland City Mission.

Covid-19 presents new and unfamiliar territory for many of us in our day-to-day realities. Be it managing childcare in the home office, or adjusting to time apart from loved ones, there are changes in all our lives that are challenging us through this period.

Among others, however, this pandemic is merely rendering visible challenges that have been simmering in the background long before the country went into lockdown.

Covid is exacerbating existing food insecurity

Following the Covid-19 lockdown, many families have been affected by business closures, reduced hours and pay cuts. Some – particularly those in precarious work arrangements – found themselves suddenly uncertain of how they will afford to feed their children. The Auckland City Mission describes these families as food insecure – in other words, they do not have enough nutritious food to feed themselves and their families.

We have seen reports throughout the country over the last four weeks of significant increases in demand for food assistance. The Christchurch city missioner reported a three-fold increase in food parcel demand the week of the lockdown. The following week, Wellington’s city missioner recorded increased demand of 400%.

In Tāmaki Makaurau, we have witnessed similar spikes in demand, and responses on an unprecedented scale. At the mission, in the week after Easter, we provided more than 1,200 food parcels compared to our usual 450 each week. Two weeks ago, the government and Auckland Council transformed Spark Arena into a giant food bank to provide for those going hungry during the lockdown.

While food insecurity is a new reality for some people, for others, it long predates the pandemic. According to research released in 2019 by the Auckland City Mission, 10% of New Zealanders didn’t have sufficient, nutritious food.

Food parcels at Auckland City Mission in 2017 (Photo: Getty Images)

Food assistance provides immediate relief, but it does not address food insecurity

It’s indisputable, then, that there is significant unmet need, now more than ever, when it comes to accessing food in Aotearoa. We stand alongside many other organisations throughout the country providing immediate assistance to families, enabling them to meet basic needs through this difficult time.

Providing food for those suffering financial hardship is a tangible way of ensuring affected families don’t go hungry. However, food parcels are not a silver bullet.

Ultimately, food insecurity comes down to insufficient income against expenses.

Many in paid work struggle to find sufficient well-enough paid hours to meet high costs of living. In particular, disproportionate housing costs relative to income leaves many families with little money after paying rent.

For people on benefits, the amount of money coming in is often simply unliveable. Economist Shamubeel Eaqub is projecting that the number of New Zealanders on benefits will double this year following Covid-related job losses. This means that more of us are going to discover the inadequacy of our social safety net.

Tackling food insecurity head-on requires families having sufficient money coming in against money going out. It’s as simple and complicated as that. What, then, are some pathways to increasing household incomes?

We must raise income levels to curb the worst impacts of this crisis among the most vulnerable

One tangible way of increasing household income is to raise main benefit levels. Benefit rates have declined steadily in relation to the average wage over the past 30 years, with current benefit levels insufficient for families to meet basic needs. The government recently signalled steps in the right direction, announcing a $25 raise in benefit levels, reflecting somewhere between a 6.4% and 10% increase in income for beneficiaries. While a boost, this falls short of the Welfare Expert Advisory Group’s 2019 recommendations of increases between 12% and 47%.

Beyond raising benefit levels, we could also be revising the in-work tax credit. Currently, the IWTC is available only to those families in paid employment. While the government recently removed the minimum work hours criteria, this $72.50 per week is still only available to those with waged income. This means that those families who are receiving a benefit – including those who lose work due to the pandemic and apply for a benefit – will lose this crucial $72.50 per week.

For families in waged employment, we could implement a compulsory living wage. This lockdown has highlighted the significance of essential workers – our cleaners, warehouse packers and supermarket cashiers – who occupy crucial but often undervalued and underpaid roles. The difference between the current minimum wage and the living wage rate amounts to $90 per week.

Looking ahead

The pandemic has presented us with a crisis – and an opportunity to reassess the efficacy of current policy. Challenges such as widespread food insecurity have been thrust into the spotlight, opening up space to discuss how best to enact systemic and long-term change.

Any changes we adopt must be sustainable. In time, the lockdown will be over, and the spectacle of a stadium-sized food bank will fade from public consciousness. However, for many families, the impacts of this crisis will reverberate for months and months to come.

We’ve been told repeatedly that life will not go back to the way it was pre-Covid, and that we are to expect a “new normal”. The mission strongly believes this new normal ought to include access to adequate, appropriate food for all New Zealanders.