

King Charles III addresses nation for first time as sovereign


King Charles III addresses nation for first time as sovereign

Sep 10 2022

The most WTF corporate social media tributes to the Queen


What should you, the manager of a brand’s social media account, do when a globally beloved figure dies? If you’re smart, you do precisely zero unless your company already had a longstanding and organic connection to the deceased. But if you’re like too many companies over the past day and a bit, you post a tribute so pointless or outlandish that you’re swiftly ratioed into oblivion.

While many of the brand posts we saw yesterday were likely created with good intentions – social media managers are sad about Queen Elizabeth’s death too, after all – for others the outrage was probably the point. Yes, they’ve been ridiculed across the internet and found themselves starring in round-ups like this one. But they successfully rode the trending topics gravy train all the way to engagement nirvana, and isn’t that the whole point of social media marketing?

Much to consider. In the meantime, please “enjoy” a few brands’ online tributes the Queen. Let’s start with an utterly unhinged Instagram post from Crossfit UK, now deleted.

‘We are still here!’ Michael Sheen rouses the Welsh dragon in viral TV clip


Here’s a short video guaranteed to improve your day. It’s actor Michael Sheen delivering an address to the Welsh football team ahead of its upcoming World Cup match against England, and when you watch it you’ll understand why it’s gone so viral today.

Sheen, appearing on the UK sports comedy quiz show A League Of Their Own, deployed the full force of his own resonant Welsh timbre, delivering a paean to football and patriotism that won him a standing ovation from audience members and fellow panellists alike. “Rousing” barely covers it.

A few contextual details that’ll help you appreciate the references in Sheen’s oratory: ‘Yma o Hyd’ is a traditional Welsh song whose title translates to ‘We are Still Here’, 1958 was the last time Wales qualified for the World Cup, Rob Page is Wales’ manager, and “sons of Speed” is a reference to Gary Speed, a former manager and Welsh international player who died by suicide in 2011.

If the video above has awoken a love of Welsh football somewhere deep within you, I can recommend seeking out Welcome to Wrexham, a new Disney+ documentary series about the fortunes of the lowly Welsh team Wrexham after being bought by Rob McElhenney (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) and Ryan Reynolds (who, come on, you already know). While the Hollywood angle is the draw – and the difference in lifestyle between the LA actors and the Wrexham locals may have you dreaming of a Marxist revolution – it’s the stories of the players and long-suffering fans that makes this series such a lovely watch.

James Shaw re-elected as Green Party co-leader by an overwhelming margin

James Shaw (Photo: Getty Images)

Green Party members have overwhelmingly re-elected James Shaw as co-leader.

A total of 145 delegates were eligible to vote in the co-leader election, and 142 votes were received. Of those, 138 (97%) voted for Shaw, the only candidate, and four voted to reopen nominations.

The show of support represents a remarkable turnaround since July when, in a vote at the Greens’ annual general meeting, 32 of 107 delegates voted to reopen nominations for Shaw’s co-leader position. At the time, The Spinoff’s Toby Manhire wrote that “more than 25% of delegates [had] said, in effect, that they do not have confidence in his co-leadership – or at least that they need to be persuaded why they should”.

Today Shaw said it was “an honour and a privilege” to be re-elected “with the overwhelming support of our members”.

“I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their support over the past few weeks and for playing a part in this unique process,” he said.

In recent weeks Shaw has been traveling the country meeting with membership, despite being the only candidate for the election.

Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and James Shaw. (Photo: Facebook/James Shaw)

Co-leader Marama Davidson said she was delighted by the result. In a veiled reference to the members who agitated for his removal over climate change issues, she noted that she had seen “first-hand how hard James has pushed Labour to take more radical climate action. Much like me, he gets frustrated at the slow pace of change and wants to see the government move much faster than it is.

“There is one simple way we can all make sure the next government takes more urgent action to address climate change and inequality – and that is by electing more Green MPs,” she added.

King Charles pays tribute to ‘darling mama’ in first address to nation

King Charles addresses the nation from Buckingham Palace

The new King Charles III has given his first address to the UK as sovereign following the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth yesterday.

In the speech, recorded in the Blue Drawing Room at Buckingham Palace and broadcast at 6pm, the King pledged to “uphold the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation”, as his predecessor did.

“Wherever you may live in the United Kingdom, or in the Realms and territories across the world, and whatever may be your background or beliefs, I shall endeavour to serve you with loyalty, respect and love, as I have throughout my life.”

King Charles addresses the nation from Buckingham Palace

He named his eldest son William “Prince of Wales, Tywysog Cymru, the country whose title I have been so greatly privileged to bear during so much of my life and duty”.

“With Catherine beside him, our new Prince and Princess of Wales will, I know, continue to inspire and lead our national conversations, helping to bring the marginal to the centre ground where vital help can be given.”

He added that he wanted “to express my love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives overseas”.

The King said he “counted on the loving help of my darling wife, Camilla”, who will be his Queen Consort “in recognition of her own loyal public service”.

He ended his address with a personal tribute to his late mother.

“As you begin your last great journey to join my dear late Papa, I want simply to say this: thank you. Thank you for your love and devotion to our family and to the family of nations you have served so diligently all these years.

“May ‘flights of angels sing thee to thy rest’.”

The address coincided with a service of thanksgiving for the Queen’s life at St Paul’s Cathedral in London. The King’s address was broadcast live to attendees, and the programme ended with a rendition of ‘God Save the King’.