Benee’s had a couple of big hits on TikTok. Photo: Imogen Wilson
Benee’s had a couple of big hits on TikTok. Photo: Imogen Wilson

Pop CultureMay 6, 2020

Exclusive: New song from Benee

Benee’s had a couple of big hits on TikTok. Photo: Imogen Wilson
Benee’s had a couple of big hits on TikTok. Photo: Imogen Wilson

Benee’s new tune ‘Lownely’, a remix of the international hit ‘Supalonely’, is premiering right here, right now. She tells us about making music in unprecedented times.

Local lass and global superstar Benee is a 20-year-old with 23 million monthly listeners. She’s gone from strength to strength since last year’s EPs Stella & Steve and Fire on Marzz. New Benee tunes are on their way, but to tide us over, she jumped in the studio in the final hours before lockdown hit and reworked ‘Supalonely’. Here’s the brand new, stripped-back arrangement:

The Spinoff: How are you doing? Are you locked down in Auckland?

Benee: I’m pretty good thank you, yeah! Oh, dude, it’s so rainy right now.

Is that good for making music? Any lockdown tunes coming?

Yes, actually it is! I’m not running around all the time and everything’s kind of slowed down, which is nice.

Talking about slowing down, this new remix of yours — it’s very slow. Very chill. Do you think it’s a better reflection of the song’s lyrics?

Yeah, I would say so! It was written about something really sad, but I’m dancing around, which is cool, and I feel like that’s what I was intending to do when I wrote it. But I also want to show the realness of what I was writing about at the time. 

Did you make it more dancey and fun at the time because you wanted to hide how sad you were?

I don’t know if it was to hide, but it was definitely to cheer myself up. I was in LA, and I was gonna be there for a month making music, and I got there and had broken up with my boyfriend four days before leaving New Zealand, and I was like, fuck, I’m going to be so sad this whole bloody time.

I felt like making a song where I could mock myself for being sad, and have fun. It was a weird time. I thought I was going to have the worst month ever, and in the first session I was like, oh, shoot, maybe this will be fun.

I guess there aren’t so many LA sessions right now. A lot of musicians have found their careers are on pause during lockdown, but yours is still taking off — does that feel normal to you?

It’s quite weird. This whole time is very weird for me. I’m just glad that I can still work right now. I feel like the ‘Supalonely’ thing on TikTok has been able to push me through. I’ve been busy making new stuff, doing promo, and that’s kind of distracting me from playing shows. I am gutted to not to be performing live gigs.

That feedback from the crowd is so important, and you can’t get that doing a show on Instagram Live, or on Fortnite like Travis Scott did. Do you think you’d feel the same about being a musician if you had to do it online all the time?

Oooh… No. I don’t know. I used to think that the making of the music was the best thing about this job, and then you go and perform in front of a small group of people and you get this weird adrenaline — you can’t get that anywhere else. Now I feel like I need it. I think it would be very different if everything was online.

So no adrenaline rush. You might live a bit longer, though.

Ha! True.

Does this mean you’re still making music? Is there more coming?

I’m hoping to release a new album in the next couple of months. I feel like I’ve got it there, I just need to do the fine tuning and work in the studio. I would say it’s pretty different from Fire on Marzz. I’ve kind of explored different genres. All of the songs in it are very different to each other. It’s sort of organised chaos.

There are trap elements in there, and I try to rap, and even housey stuff. A bunch of different stuff.

If it’s housey, does that mean you’re going to make up a TikTok dance to it?

No! I’m going to leave it to the people. I can’t dance to save myself.

Keep going!
So many sandwiches, so little Outlander left.
So many sandwiches, so little Outlander left.

Pop CultureMay 5, 2020

Outlander recap: Like sandwiches through the hour glass

So many sandwiches, so little Outlander left.
So many sandwiches, so little Outlander left.

It’s the penultimate episode of the season, so what better time to reveal what Jamie Fraser’s sperm looks like? Tara Ward recaps season five, episode 11 of Outlander. 

We’ve been surfing the Outlander wave for many moons now, but our beloved drama still knows how to surprise us like Jamie Fraser jumping out from behind a tree during a hectic game of hide and seek. This week we learned that nothing gets our two favourite hornbags more hornbagged up than the stench of each other’s skin, and that the Frasers love a bit of sexy time out an open window. For starters, that’s quite the draught around your kidneys, and also, won’t someone think of the health and safety risks? And Claire a doctor, too. For shame.

Well, hold onto your hairpieces. The most surprising thing we’ve seen after five seasons, 66 episodes and nearly 4,000 minutes of Claire and Jamie magic was the sight of Jamie Fraser’s sperm.

As the picture says, *smoulder*

Seeing the tiny fruit of Jamie Fraser’s loins waving back at us through a microscope was the last thing you expect to see in a drama about a woman with two husbands in two different centuries, but this was an episode bursting with surprises. Claire told Ian she was from the future, Bree discovered she had a secret brother, and I was shocked and saddened to see that Willy’s luscious season four mullet is no more. Things change and seasons pass, but the loss of that hairdo was the truth bomb that hurt the most. Slide my tears under your microscope, Claire Fraser, and you will see what grief looks like.

But there were bigger things to worry about, like the Frasers realising that Jemmy has the gift of time travel. Suddenly, the road back to the future was wide open for the Mackenzies, and Bree and Roger prepared to leave the 18th century forever. Nobody was happy about it, especially Marsali, who was pregnant again, even though she just gave birth two weeks ago. If there’s sperm we need to see under a microscope, it’s Fergus’s. That stuff is potent.

Very 17th-century insult

Just as powerful were Claire’s peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, whipped up in honour of Roger and Bree’s departure. Those sandwiches were a metaphor for the episode, with the bread being the two chunks of violence at each end, and the jam being all the lovely, gooey emotional bits in the middle. I love bread as much as I love gooey bits, but those opening scenes with the dying fire victim were brutal.

If only Claire had made an open sandwich, so instead of a burned body we’d had a heartfelt farewell scene between Roger and Jamie, where Roger softly touched Jamie’s hair and thanked him for teaching him everything he knew about being a man in the 17th century.


And Jamie would reply “thanks for teaching me how to rock and roll, Captain”, and Lizzie would bring out bowls of mashed potatoes to comfort everyone while Lord John danced like nobody was watching, because a Lord John jig makes everything better. Bree would realise she belongs on the Ridge and she’d tell Roger “but I CAN be an engineer in 1772” and Roger would laugh like he has never laughed before, because even though he’s been beaten, enslaved and nearly hanged, he loves the 1700s too. Jamie would cry tears of joy and tell Claire she smells like pickling cucumbers again, and everyone would be happy.

Dreams are free, friends. Nobody is happy on the Ridge any more, and it’s all down to those nasty Brown brothers. They have bad stubble and bad hair, and you should never trust anyone in Outlander with that combo. I would not like to look at any of the Brown family sperm under a microscope, is all I’m saying.

In the supermarket next to the vinegar

Jamie’s refusal to join the militia made the Browns really mad, and if anyone needed to chill out with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it was these clowns. Revenge was in the air, and when the men of the Ridge were distracted by an explosion at the whiskey still, Brown’s gang burst into the Fraser house. The men struck Marsali and kidnapped Claire and stabbed a random patient through the guts. That poor bloke came to the surgery with a sore shoulder, and now he has a new set of problems to deal with, like being dead.

Claire has disappeared, Bree and Roger are gone, and Jamie is standing alone on a cliff having a bonfire. It’s a literal cliffhanger, and I am literally hungry for a sandwich. See you at the season finale.

Read all of Tara Ward’s Outlander recaps here.