(Photography: Ralph Brown; Additional design: Tina Tiller)
(Photography: Ralph Brown; Additional design: Tina Tiller)

PartnersSeptember 7, 2023

How Victoria Kelly finds clarity in a noisy world

(Photography: Ralph Brown; Additional design: Tina Tiller)
(Photography: Ralph Brown; Additional design: Tina Tiller)

In this instalment of Art Work, composer and musician Victoria Kelly explains how she finds the time and inspiration to pursue her award-winning practice.

Victoria Kelly is an award-winning composer and arranger. She has won multiple awards for her compositions, including an APRA Silver Scroll Award, a NZ Screen Award and an Aotearoa Film and Television Award. She has collaborated with countless titans of the film and music industry, including Neil Finn, the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Peter Jackson and Moana Maniapoto. Most recently, her work Requiem premiered with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra at the Auckland Arts Festival 2023.

The working week

There is no such thing as an average work week for me as a freelance composer.

I’m married to a cellist (Ashley Brown of NZTrio), so there are two musicians in the house. And we have three children. Like me, Ash has a constantly evolving and changing schedule. He plays in two different groups – the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and NZTrio, so my work schedule fluctuates depending on what I’ve got on, what he’s got on, what’s happening in the kids’ lives, what deadlines I’m trying to meet, and the degree of pressure I’m under from life in general. 

Finding a flow when I’m writing is crucial but also elusive. I try to sit down every day and work, but ideas don’t miraculously appear just because you want them to. Working to a deadline can be genuinely terrifying. You need to be able to pursue ideas to their natural conclusion in an unbroken way – but of course life is full of interruptions.

(Photography: Ralph Brown)

That’s one of the greatest challenges of a freelance creative job: trying to create some space and structure around a fluid and amorphous process, in a noisy and distracting world.

Sometimes I work at the piano, sometimes I sit and think about ideas and string them together in my mind, or on a piece of paper. I’ll try and draw them and plan them out. Sometimes I’ll mock the music up on the computer and try to get some objectivity about what it sounds like, or where it’s leading.

The needs of the day can be very distracting. When you work from home, the lines between life and work get very blurred. Because you’re at home, everyone thinks you’re available. There’s often other music happening in the house. My husband has a similar experience to mine, it’s hard for him to find the space too. We have to negotiate each other’s priorities. It can be complicated and chaotic sharing a creative life and a family, and working from home.

So it’s kind of a strange, slow-motion juggling act where different objects are thrown at you… sometimes you drop them, sometimes you don’t even manage to catch them, but sometimes everything is flowing through the air and it’s beautiful.

Constantly composing

I’m a person who finds it hard to concentrate on more than one thing at the same time, so I try to sequester myself away to really focus. Frustratingly for everyone around me, I can’t always say when I’ll be finished. I have to inhabit the space until I come to a point where I can stand up and walk away.

I think I do a lot of background processing in my head. If I’m working on a piece of music, it’s writing itself in my mind constantly. Even when I’m not sitting down at the piano or at my desk, I’ll be formulating ideas, imagining stuff, playing it in my mind. I often dream it. It doesn’t leave me alone. I usually carry a notebook around with me, or sing stuff into my phone. Then, when I finally sit down to work, I find myself starting from a new or transformed place.

Composer Victoria Kelly stands in front of a tall bookshelf, gesturing towards a ceramic crow figurine.
(Photography: Ralph Brown)

Managing the freelance lifestyle

Being a freelance artist was entirely the best kind of life for me when I was young. I did office work to earn money, and then I went home and wrote music. I lived by myself. I could work when I had the mental capacity and inspiration to work. There’s a cost though, to your relationships and friendships. 

As I’ve grown older, the freelance life has become harder to manage. For a while, I left it behind completely because the lack of security became too difficult. When I had children, my decisions didn’t just affect me anymore. Balancing a creative life with parenthood is challenging.

The other thing that’s difficult about freelance creative work is the income uncertainty. You are under a lot of pressure to ensure that you’re covered for the times when work is scarce, you’re making hay while the sun shines. 

You end up having an interesting relationship with the flow of money because you don’t have it arriving in your account with any regularity or predictability. You don’t get the latitude to calculate the logistics of your life in advance when you don’t know where your future work might be coming from, or what that work might demand of you.

In the end, I returned to composing because there was a piece that I simply needed to write – Requiem. I don’t know how to explain it other than to say that I couldn’t live with the possibility of not writing it. I think something people don’t always understand about a strange and difficult career like composing, is that it’s not necessarily something you choose. No one in their right mind would choose it, thinking it would provide continuity and stability and security. For me, it’s a strange kind of compulsion.

A top-down photograph of composer Victoria Kelly's hands playing a grand piano
(Photography: Ralph Brown)

How my career has changed over time

Today’s music industry is totally different from how it was when I started out. I was born into a world before personal computers, before mobile phones, before the internet, and before streaming. The transformation has been powerful and profound. Technology has found its way into, shaped, and forever influenced my work. 

The nature of my career also changed when I had children. When you have children, you’re no longer responsible for only yourself. You have to think about the sustenance of your family, and the routines that their lives demand. A child needs routine to feel safe… to sleep when they need to sleep, to eat when they need to eat. 

But that routine is at variance with a creative routine. I had three children under five, I was writing music for a living, working to insanely short deadlines on low budget film productions where I had to put in many, many hours.

I might have had the energy to do that as a young person, but that quickly ebbed when I had twins. Now that I’m 50, I feel like a very different person… less tolerance for extreme hours, but a greater sense of balance and perspective. There is a beautiful advantage to getting older as a creator – you have a deeper sense of your own identity. The anxiety of creating never goes away, but your perspective on it transforms.

It hurts me to see music continually undervalued though. That is a change that’s continuing to unfold in a disturbing way. Income and rights are being perpetually eroded in favour of technology companies and at the expense of creators. The way algorithms direct music towards the audience – the passivity of the musical experience – is changing the landscape profoundly. 

Mid-level and senior careers are much harder to sustain in Aotearoa than emerging careers. It’s fine to be breaking your back on low budgets when you’re a beginner, thinking it’s a temporary sacrifice to get your foot in the door and trusting that the projects you’re working on will grow in scale as you become more experienced and capable. But when you work in an industry where that doesn’t necessarily happen… where the budgets stay low and sustainability is always a challenge, it’s a very different career proposition.

(Photography: Ralph Brown)

The importance of education to the arts sector

When I was young, I remember music being taught in every classroom. Every child had access to it. Somewhere along the way a decision was made to decentralise school budgets, which meant that schools could choose whether or not to prioritise music, and more broadly, the arts. Many didn’t have the resources and many needed to place a greater focus on core subjects.

That had a profound effect on the environment we now find ourselves in. It turned the arts into an option, it failed to recognise the fundamental importance that the arts have to core subjects, and it ultimately denied access to specialist arts education for large numbers of kids. Today, the opportunity to have a specialist music or arts teacher at primary school comes down to the priority of individual schools, their socio-economic realities, the degree of literacy in their school communities. Music education at a young age has been shown to increase literacy and numeracy and help kids develop crucial skills – yet it’s the first subject to be deprioritised when it comes to educating kids who need it the most.  

So, if there was one change that I could make, it would be to give every single primary school in the country a great, specialist music teacher.

I’d like to see every child have access to classical music, to songwriting, to Māori music, to Pasifika music, to music that represents and teaches the depth and breadth of our culture and our society. I’d love to see our generations of young people learning how to articulate and understand themselves and each other in that artistic dimension, how to think creatively, and appreciate the world in that way. 

If we all got that in primary school, and if that was followed through over a generation or two, our society would be profoundly different. Just as our cultural landscape has been negatively impacted by the devaluation of the arts and humanities  over the past couple of decades in favour of STEM subjects, which are obviously important but which also really need the context and creativity that the arts can bring to them. That landscape could also be positively transformed if we revalued the arts and humanities. We would be so much the richer for that.

Victoria Kelly's hand holding a black lacquered tambourine bearing the symbol of late R&B musician, Prince.
(Photography: Ralph Brown)

We’re living in a time where everybody’s talking about the importance of creativity. Everybody’s talking about the future economy and how it’s going to look unlike anything we’ve ever seen, and how we’re going to need creative skills to navigate this perpetually changing space. Yet the subjects that teach people how to be creative, that allow them to practise creativity and incorporate it into their everyday existence, are being eroded from the curriculum. That feeds through into secondary school, and into tertiary institutions.

That drives the arts into an elite space, where only wealthy people can afford to participate, and only kids from financially secure backgrounds can contemplate artistic careers, because financial uncertainty isn’t a barrier for them.

So if I could wave a magic wand, I would transform society’s attitudes to the arts. I would resource and embed creativity – artistically and philosophically – into the curriculum from primary school onwards, for all children.

What makes it all worth it

I recently had a work, Requiem, performed at the Auckland Arts Festival and I had been wanting to write it for about 30 years. It was about the death of my parents, and then over the time it had taken me to realise the work, it became about so many other things too, so many other powerful moments and experiences in my life. It’s not a religious piece of music, but a piece of music that contemplates what it means to be alive.

It was finally performed this year with an orchestra, two choirs, two soloists. A hundred and forty people onstage. The work of my lifetime, really. I don’t know if I’ll ever write a work like that again.

Whenever music is performed, there’s a moment between the final note, and the audience response – where people process what they’ve just heard and then react to it, collectively.  When Requiem was performed, there was an incredibly long silence. A full minute. I was so nervous, and so worried about how it would be received. But as that silence was held in the room, I realised that people were still inside the piece. I have never felt such a profound connection to other human beings as I did in that moment. I hope I never forget that feeling for as long as I live. It was the culmination of a lifetime’s worth of wondering and waiting – and finally communicating. It felt like an eternity, and I can still feel it.

That makes it worth it. To feel as though you can say something true to somebody who needs to hear it, and who understands it in their own unique way.

– As told to Sam Brooks

A wide shot of composer Victoria Kelly sitting in a music room in her home. The photo is shot through and framed by the doorway, and she is looking away from the camera. A Max Gimblett is visible on the wall, and a grand piano sits in the room.
(Photography: Ralph Brown)


Keep going!
Image: Archi Banal
Image: Archi Banal

PartnersSeptember 5, 2023

‘It’s a bloody mess’: Six people on what they wish everyone knew about periods

Image: Archi Banal
Image: Archi Banal

Everyone who gets their period has a different kind of experience. Here, six people talk about the things they wish they knew earlier.

From bleeding through your pants onto the couch, to being ignored or misdiagnosed for more serious conditions, the spectrum of issues surrounding periods is wide and often misunderstood.

We asked a group of people – from an athlete to a mum to a women’s health expert – to talk about what their periods are like, what they’ve learnt since their first, and what they want others to know.

Wendy Talbot, athlete, 31

The week before champion kickboxer Wendy Talbot’s period arrives is generally a “bloody mess”.

“I have next to no energy, I can’t focus, I feel shitty,” says the professional fighter, “training feels like it is not going to plan, and you’re filled with self-doubt.”

Talbot, 31, is based out of Auckland gym City Kickboxing and is in the midst of a fight camp for a bout in October. She was actually on her period when she spoke to The Spinoff and described her current training regime.

“I’m doing two to three workouts a day, six days a week – and when you’re bleeding out ya hooch that is not fun.”

She wishes she had always known how her period can affect her mental and physical output.

Talbot has been fighting since she was 17 but it’s only been in the last two years she has started to take her cycle into consideration. 

“As women we are always told to push through, but there needs to be more talk about it because there are things we can do about it – we can taper off our training and rest more around our periods.”

“We bleed once a month and if our cycle falls within fight night, we have to consider that.”

This happened to Talbot once: “I went to sleep the night before weigh in and I woke up with my period and an extra 1.2kgs.” 

She jumped in the sauna to try and sweat it off, but missed weight by 500 grams. The fight still went ahead, but she lost money as a result.

With more girls coming on the fighting scene she’s grateful they have each other to share their experiences with. She wants to see increased awareness around female fighters and their periods, especially how they can train and weight cut safely.

Priya Delana, mother of two, 37

Priya Delana only found out she had endometriosis while giving birth to her first baby.

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) grows outside of the uterus. It affects one in 10 New Zealand people with uteri, with symptoms like period and pelvic pain and heavy bleeding, and can impact fertility.

Delana was 35 and, prior to falling pregnant, had been getting her period like clockwork for over 20 years. Every month her period was accompanied by intense pain, but because her cycle was regular this was never investigated. 

A family history of endometriosis can be a risk factor, but her symptoms continued to be overlooked even after her younger sister was diagnosed with the condition in 2016.

It wasn’t until her emergency caesarean section in 2021 when the medical team discovered an extensive growth of endometrial lining.

Other than an “off-handed remark” from her surgeon who was surprised she had been able to conceive at all, Delana was sent home with no information about what this diagnosis meant for her.

Her period came back around five months later, still regular but more painful than before. Shortly after, she fell pregnant again, giving birth to baby number two naturally in May. Three months on, she is yet to get her period back.

Since the age of 14, Delana says she normalised her symptoms, thanks to a naturally high pain tolerance and people telling her it’s “normal” to be sore.

On a scale of one to 10, she says the pain is a seven, an eight on a bad day. Her tactic? Just deal with it: “I’ve normalised it so that a hot water bottle and panadol is enough.” 

Delana finds herself wishing she had always known the intense pain she was experiencing on her period wasn’t normal: “Why did it take an emergency c-section for me to get a diagnosis?” 

Mo Webb-Liddall, student, 21

Mo Webb-Liddall got their period at 13, in year nine. Since then, they say their period has been pretty regular. “I’ve always been pretty lucky – I’ve basically never been caught off-guard.” 

They don’t recall any horror stories of being caught unprepared, and say that the cramps they get each month are easily quashed with an ibuprofen.

But despite their relative luck with the physical symptoms, Webb-Liddall has trouble with the psychological effect of their period, due to their ADHD diagnosis. 

“My PMS is a lot harsher and my ADHD symptoms get worse when I’m on my period. I get more brain fog and my concentration is even worse when I’m getting or on my period because the hormone drops my dopamine levels even further.”

And they still have trouble getting support for these challenges, which are often hard to explain to work or university.

“You can’t necessarily work around all the deadlines with uni, and even with work, if I’m in that phase of my cycle I can’t focus so it’s much harder to get anything done, but I don’t know what they could do about that.”

They wish there was more understanding of the diverse range of experiences of people on their period, that the mental toll for some can be just as debilitating as the cramps that others experience. They’re still learning to be patient with themselves when their PMS symptoms are particularly strong.

“I get really irritable and my fuse is way shorter. I’ll be more grumpy at work or with friends and then I’ll feel guilty. I have to try to be gentle with myself, as well as with the people around me.”

And while they are confident that they’ve never been caught out unprepared, Webb-Liddall always makes sure their pockets are stocked with tampons, should they or anyone they’re with need one.

“I have tampons in every pocket, in every bag, just in case. Every time I move flat I’ve found like four boxes-worth hidden away in random pockets.”

Marissa Holder, diagnosed with endometriosis, 33

Every month, Marissa Holder is “out of action” for 36 hours, the pain caused by her endometriosis leaving her unable to work, move or even think.  

She used to be out for three whole days, until she recently started taking tranexamic acid, an antifibrinolytic drug which reduces the amount of time she spends both bleeding and in pain. 

But still, when the endometriosis pain hits, the busy 33-year-old has to cancel all her commitments: work, band practice, gym and social events until the symptoms subside.

Coming to terms with this reality has seen Holder give up aspirations of working as a personal trainer, knowing she can’t cancel on clients repeatedly every month.

It’s an unpredictable condition: “when it hits, it hits, there’s no rhyme or reason to it,” she says, but counts herself lucky to have a job and a network around her that are understanding and supportive.

Her diagnosis took 10 years and multiple appointments with different doctors, despite persistent symptoms from the age of 15 that worsened in her 20s. 

“Eventually at 25 I found a doctor who didn’t brush me off and properly investigated,” says Holder.

Since then she’s had a laparoscopy, a type of keyhole surgery used to remove the endometriosis, but the tissue has since grown back. She’s tried the oral contraceptive pill, the Depo-provera injection and the Mirena intrauterine device, all commonly used to manage endometriosis symptoms, but these caused negative side effects like drastic mood swings.

With no plans to have children, Holder considered having her womb removed, citing the irony of suffering through endometriosis for a reproductive system she doesn’t even want. 

She changed her mind when she realised that the surgery might manage some, but not all, of her symptoms and could leave her with a different raft of side effects.

With tranexamic acid now reducing the length of her debilitating symptoms, it’s better to deal with the devil you know, says Holder.

“People react so differently to different treatments, so it’s a balancing act of choosing what we want to suffer from.”

Her message to others is not to give up: “If you get stuck, don’t give up talking, ask around for advice.”

Orna McGinn, Auckland specialist GP with a special interest in women’s health

Dr Olivia Stuart, fertility specialist and obstetrician at Fertility Associates in Auckland

The challenge is that troublesome periods continue to be normalised, says Auckland specialist GP Orna McGinn. “There is an expectation that periods will be sore, heavy, abnormal and people feel unable to say they are not happy about this,” she says.

McGinn has long been an advocate for women’s health and says she’d like to see women talking to each other more about what they’re feeling – if you can’t leave the house because you’re in so much pain, that’s not normal, says McGinn.

Fertility specialist Olivia Stuart (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahungunu), finds that people will have period problems for most of their life but will soldier on without taking pain relief or seeking help. She stresses the importance of seeking help when you notice anything unusual about your period and that using a period app can help to keep track.

“It’s hard to remember your period when there’s so much else going on in life. With an app you can see clearly if your periods are consistently long, heavy, irregular or absent.”

But Stuart also wants people to know that periods are like snowflakes: no two are ever exactly the same.

“We’re led to believe, especially as doctors at medical school, that every 28 days we see the same bleeding, but it’s never like that.

“If it’s really light, then heavy the next time, that’s quite normal, so long as it is manageable and there are no other concerning symptoms.”

Both women say it’s important to listen to your own body, and to find a doctor who takes your word seriously.

“Don’t give up or take no for an answer,” says McGinn, because symptoms of PCOS and endometriosis can show differently, but there are ways to treat and manage the pain – from surgeries to medicines, McGinn says, that “can be life-changing.”

Having seen hundreds of women through their practices, and through their own experiences, McGinn and Stuart agree that periods are different for everyone. Armed with that knowledge, they hope people feel empowered to be more open about their periods.

But wait there's more!