Jacinda blue background

OPINIONPoliticsAugust 6, 2020

Jacinda Ardern, conservative

Jacinda blue background

The prime minister is no free-market ideologue or social traditionalist, but there is a conservative streak to her leadership, and that delights committed conservative Liam Hehir.

Jacinda Ardern has advised us not to expect a whole lot of big promises from Labour this year. The announcement was undoubtedly frustrating for her more left-wing supporters. Regular voters, on the other hand, are much less likely to be bothered.

Which leads us to the question of why Jacinda Ardern and her government so popular? Part of it comes down to excellent communication and political skills on the part of the prime minister. The warm afterglow of New Zealand’s victory against the first wave of Covid-19 almost certainly plays a part.

Another factor, in my view, is the relative conservatism of this government. This is not to say that Jacinda Ardern is any kind of free market ideologue or social traditionalist. But in an older, more fundamental sense of the word, the prime minister has taken a surprisingly conservative approach to leading Her Majesty’s government.

There really is not a lot that can be said to be “radical” about this administration. There have been no decisive breaks with the past. To the extent that reform has been successfully completed, these have been of a gradual nature rather than anything revolutionary.

When you boil it all down, Ardernism comes to the idea that kindness is good. It can be tempting to make fun of this and too many on the right try. They probably should not since most normal people would agree that being kind is good.

It is just not a particularly transformational political ideology.

There are some who will object that the lack of bold policy from this government is down to the presence of NZ First. And this is correct to a point. But only to a point.

For example, NZ First scotched the idea of a capital gains tax and there was not much that Ardern could do about that. What she did not have to do, however, was announce that she would never countenance a capital gains tax while leader of the Labour Party. Her pledge reflected an unwillingness to persist with abstract notions of fairness in the face of entrenched political difficulties.

Another useful example is Kiwibuild. This was arguably Labour’s most socialistic policy given it was predicated on the idea that problems with the housing market could be best resolved through a government department directly supplying private residences for sale. The policy quickly fell apart, as we all know, for all the reasons that the public provision of private goods nearly always falls apart.

Has Ardern come out swinging in defence of the policy, the need to persist with it and give it more resources? Of course not. That would be a triumph of ideology over pragmatism. So instead the policy has been allowed to quietly wither on the vine and die even as house prices continue to surge to record new highs.

Labour is handed a healthy balance sheet and the biggest economic crisis since the great depression and instead of implementing the UBI it was talking about a few years ago, the response is a budget so conservative that Bill English could have delivered it.

And on and on it goes.

Here’s the thing: Jacinda Ardern does not have an anti-establishment bone in her body. She is an outstanding politician and has had many years to hone her craft. She worked for Helen Clark and Tony Blair, entered Parliament through an extraordinary good list placing and became party leader by acclamation. She was then made prime minister by Winston Peters, who had then served in three governments and was the most experienced person in politics. It is hard to think of somebody who less establishment than Jacinda Ardern.

Then there is Ardern’s very high personal approval ratings.

As a politician seeking election, this is a great thing to have. It is probably the best asset that somebody seeking to hold and retain power can have. It is also something of a prison.

On any given subject, there will always be more people interested in defending the way things are than there will be people dedicated to overturning the way things are. This is because the benefits of the status quo are concentrated while the costs are diffused. And this means that it is easier for those threatened by change to make trouble for a reformer than it is for the reformer to stir the masses to her side.

Put that together and what do you get? Somebody already disposed to moderation and a political brand built around being popular. On the right, that gives you John Key. On the left, it gives you Jacinda Ardern.

Key and Ardern share two things: crossover appeal and few true policy monuments. It is probably going too far to say that we are currently living through the fourth term of John Key’s premiership. The basic framework of the nine long years, however, remains very much intact at a fundamental level.

Don’t get me wrong – our prime minister is not in any meaningful way “right wing.” She is an avowed supporter of a mixed economy and has taken steps to buttress the safety net. But she also falls squarely within existing structures and has little inclination to overthrow them. She is as politically conservative as Labour leaders come.

I offer this analysis not as a lament but with a sigh of relief. As a political conservative, I naturally would prefer a National Party government. In 2017, however, I wrote of the fact that I was not “fearful of a Labour government” because it was clear that there would be no “revolution” against our way of life or the basic set out of policies that have generally held us in good stead.

Tell me that I was wrong.

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images

PoliticsAugust 5, 2020

Attention landlords and tenants: here’s how the new renting regulations affect you

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images

Parliament has just passed a new law that will leave renters with a sense of relief. But many landlords aren’t too pleased. 

What’s all this then?

The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill passed under urgency this evening. It amends existing law around renting to increase rights for tenants. According to associate housing minister Kris Faafoi, who’s in charge of the bill, it increases the security of tenure for tenants and promotes good-faith relationships in the renting environment. Faafoi says it also protects a landlord’s interest in their property and ensures tenants receive fair rights for the rent that they are paying. 

That’s all well and good – but what does it mean for me?

If you’re a renter, it means you’ll have a bit more control over what goes on in the home you’re paying to live in. Firstly, it will remove no-cause terminations to end a periodic tenancy agreement. During the bill’s first reading, Faafoi said tenants deserve to know why they are being evicted.

The bill mandates that fixed-term tenancy agreements must become periodic tenancy agreements upon expiry, unless both parties agree otherwise, or justified reasons apply. Faafoi says this will flatten the demand that has been created in some regions by tenancies all ending at the same time.

There’s also more protections for victims of family violence, who can now end a tenancy with just two days’ notice. Landlords can terminate tenancies with 14 days’ notice if a tenant assaults them.

Will it mean I can make my rental more “homely”?

The bill makes rental properties safer and more liveable by preventing landlords from stopping minor changes being made to their property. For example, landlords won’t be able to stop tenants doing things like putting brackets up to secure furniture and appliances against earthquake risk, baby-proofing the property, or installing visual fire alarms and doorbells for hearing-impaired tenants. 

But, landlords can still set reasonable conditions when agreeing to these minor changes.

So my landlord can’t stop me from putting things on the walls?! 

Exactly! If, like me, you have an assortment of pictures, mirrors, and hanging pot plants piled up against the wall, you’ll now be able to hang them all up – just so long as you can return the property to substantially the same condition as you found it before the tenancy started when you move out

My flat doesn’t have fibre installed – will it now be easier to get that done?

For sure! Where a tenancy or property does not already have ultra-fast broadband, and a tenant requests it, landlords will be required to permit and facilitate the installation of ultra-fast broadband. Of course, if installing fibre is going to do something like compromise the structural integrity of the property, landlords can still refuse it. The costs of installation remain the tenants’ responsibility, not the landlord’s. 

That all sounds grand, but I’m a landlord. Am I being screwed over?

The government says the law will still recognise landlords’ rights. For instance, landlords will still be able to terminate tenancies for a range of fair and justified reasons, such as antisocial behaviour. They could also kick someone out if they’re at least three weeks behind in rent. 

If the landlord wants to change the use of the premises or to redevelop it, that will also be a reason to end a tenancy. For example, if the landlord wants to sell your property, or move into it, they will still be able to terminate the tenancy.

What’s the feedback been like?

Despite the government claiming it will balance tenants’ and landlords’ interests, there has been quite a bit of criticism levelled at the bill from property owners. The real estate institute, for example, reckons it will now be harder for tenants to find new rental properties unless they have an “excellent” rental history. 

The Property Investors Federation executive officer Sharon Cullwick told Newstalk ZB that 20% of landlords could leave the industry as a result of this law going through. 

And property commentator Ashley Church told Newshub this government is the most “anti-landlord” in our country’s history.

So, it’s probably fair to say that property owners (or, those who represent property owners) don’t seem very happy with the law.

Read more:

Why even after the law changes, NZ still sucks for renters

An important message from a landlord about the new rental laws

I’m a landlord – but the negligence and greed of other landlords makes me ashamed to admit it

I was a landlord, and I hated the person it made me become