The antiretroviral drug Truvada. Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
The antiretroviral drug Truvada. Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

PoliticsMarch 23, 2018

Pharmac’s anti-HIV drug subsidy is an own goal for LGBT

The antiretroviral drug Truvada. Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
The antiretroviral drug Truvada. Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

News that Pharmac is to fund the HIV drug Truvada for an estimated 4000 at-risk New Zealanders has been widely welcomed by the LGBTQi community. But with the plan set to cost the taxpayer millions in subsidies, there’s got to be a better way, argues Act’s Stephen Berry.

As a gay man, HIV Aids has been in the background of my life. I don’t have it, and it’s not as dangerous as it was, but it still kills a million people every year globally and we all know someone whose life was cut short by the silent killer. Besides the disease itself, our persecutors have used it as a stick to beat us with for decades.

The anti-HIV PrEP drug, Truvada, is doubtless one of the wonder drugs of our time. It makes the virus undetectable in a carrier and virtually impossible to transmit. Someone without HIV can also take Truvada; after a 28 day course they can be over 99% resistant to infection. This is a breakthrough.

Before the last election campaign, slogans about eliminating HIV by 2025 sounded either fantastic or somewhat grim. Truvada makes it possible – if we can get past the $900 per month price tag.

I’ve never supported politicians overriding Pharmac. Partly for principled reasons, but also some self interest.  When the scientific merits of drug funding processes are replaced by a democratic one, smaller demographics like LGBT aren’t going to get a fair shake against people with heart conditions and cancer sufferers. Even if we could win the argument for Pharmac funding of PreP, there’s got to be a better way.

While campaigning for ACT last election (see, bust your prejudices) I heard from a guy who could import generic PrEP. He agreed it would be better to seek alternatives to a Truvada subsidy and I was keen to help, whatever tedious tomes of legislation would need to be tackled. I also learned the patent protecting the Truvada brand expired in June last year, so the legitimacy of generic PrEP versions were no longer an issue.

Even though generic PrEP has not been approved by Medsafe in New Zealand, that doesn’t mean it is banned. Researching the Medicines Act, I found there are processes in place already for GPs to prescribe unapproved medicines for import just as they have the discretion to prescribe medicines for treatment of conditions not intended by the manufacturer. That prescription can be posted to the generics manufacturer, in this case in Swaziland, and three months supply is posted back to New Zealand for $100 including postage and packaging. That’s the same level of protection from $900 monthly Truvada vs a $1-a-day generic import.

The main difficulty is when Medsafe and Customs intercept your medicine at the border. Up until now PrEP has been a bit of an unknown for most GPs. Many are happy to assist their patients in seeking out alternative medications and write a prescription, but fewer remain that way when Medsafe contact them for confirmation and questions. This results in even fewer GPs willing to prescribe.

Since the election, I’ve been investigating several avenues to help make generic PrEP more easily available in New Zealand on the proviso it will be safe for the user to take. Pharmaceutical companies charging over $10,000 a year for their product does appear obscene on the surface. However we also need to take into account the expensive regulatory processes involved in research that may discover nothing plus the incentive to develop world changing drugs just isn’t the same without financial reward.

The conclusion I eventually came to is the approval system we have in New Zealand is actually pretty reasonable. The Medicines Act contains simple to follow processes for manufacturers to obtain permission. The rules are fair but the frustration experienced by my friend at delays while his medicine was held at customs is totally understandable. I spent a lot of time researching improvements but eventually concluded that it’s reasonable for Medsafe to take some time to confirm medicines intercepted at the border are legitimate.

I wondered why generic PrEP was not already available in the country given the simple processes for this to take place. One GP I met said the situation is hopeless because two companies have already obtained approval to import cheap generic products, but weren’t doing so and I was wasting my time. An OIA request with the Ministry of Health confirmed that approval had occurred.

It would be easy to propose hosing in taxpayer money for PrEP before the increase in HIV infections reaches crisis levels again. This is the  tactic being employed by Labour, the Greens and special interest groups, but as I say, I support the existing Pharmac model.

So why are these approved companies not importing PrEP? In two words, regulatory uncertainty.

These two companies will have been aware that while they were obtaining permission to import their generic PrEP, Pharmac was also investigating a deal for Truvada. Such a deal would see them faced with a competitor who could undercut their very cheap product even further using taxpayer subsidies, having enormous impact on their business model. They’d be silly not to wait and see.

During the recent Pride Festival in February, Pharmac finally announced an agreement to supply Truvada branded PrEP to an estimated 4000 at-risk New Zealanders. I imagine we will not discover the price Pharmac managed to negotiate but I hope they got a great deal, because the pre-agreement price tag of $10,800 a year for 4000 people is considerable.

Following the announcement I had a look at the fine print for the criteria determining what at risk groups are eligible for Pharmac’s subsidy. The language that follows is a bit more adult-orientated than what I have used thus far:

You must either be an HIV negative gay man with a gay male partner who already has HIV OR:

You must be a HIV negative gay or transgender man who has casual receptive anal sex with other gay men, AND either

  • Have had casual receptive anal sex within the last 3 months without using a condom OR

  • Have been infected anally with gonorrhea/chlamydia OR

  • Had syphilis OR

  • Have used methamphetamine within the last three months

You can see that for many, using this criteria will actually make it more difficult to obtain PrEP than importing generic versions from overseas. That is due to the perverse incentive system Pharmac has created for gay men to become eligible. You can obtain subsidised Truvada by using a very dangerous, addictive and illegal drug or by having casual condomless sex with a gay man whose HIV status is unknown. If you’re responsible with your sexual health, you don’t get the subsidy.

Even when government organisations create new programmes for benevolent reasons, and they’re usually benevolent, the unwritten Law of Unintended Consequences also creates a regulatory framework that punishes personal responsibility and traps people into dependency. This is the first time I’ve ever come across a government programme requiring you first use methamphetamine to get their help.

There are cheaper generic medicines that have been approved for import and supply in New Zealand, potentially costing as little as $1 a day. They’d probably be here already were it not for the campaign by left-wing activist groups for a taxpayer-funded gold class option. After that long campaign, most gay men will not be eligible to obtain Truvada and must continue using the same cumbersome import system.

Pharmac only has a limited budget with which to negotiate purchasing expensive, life-saving pharmaceuticals. It can’t afford to fund everything and needs to make tough decisions on the merits of numerous products for cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease etc. I would argue that when we have so many other tools to fight the spread of HIV, perhaps this subsidy isn’t the best application of Pharmac’s scarce resources, especially when they’ve knocked out a much cheaper alternative for everyone in the process

Stephen Berry was Act’s spokesperson for Health and LGBT issues in the 2017 election.

This section is made possible by Simplicity, New Zealand’s fastest growing KiwiSaver scheme. As a nonprofit, Simplicity only charges members what it costs to invest their money. It already has more than 12,500 plus members who, together, are saving more than $3.8 million annually in fees. This year, New Zealanders will pay more than $525 million in KiwiSaver fees. Why pay more than you need to? It takes two minutes to switch. Grab your IRD # and driver’s licence. It really is that simple.

Keep going!
Which National MP will be next out the door? Place your bets now.
Which National MP will be next out the door? Place your bets now.

PoliticsMarch 22, 2018

The home stretch: Odds on which National MPs won’t survive the term

Which National MP will be next out the door? Place your bets now.
Which National MP will be next out the door? Place your bets now.

Another one bites the dust, with Northcote MP Jonathan Coleman deciding to retire from politics. He follows Bill English and Steven Joyce out the door, as the party’s cleanout continues. So, who’s next? 

The trickle is fast becoming a flood. In the space of about six weeks, the National Party has lost three of their heaviest heavyweights. All three held senior portfolios in the last government. All three launched bids for leadership. All three were men in their 50s who had been in parliament more than a decade. And now, all three are gone.

Like a snake shedding it’s skin, the National Party is regenerating itself. At their 2018 party conference, they invited their next four candidates on the list to come and have a look around, see how the coffee machine works, get a slack login, that sort of thing. At the time, the party denied that meant resignations were coming, but now two of those four are in parliament.

With that in mind, if you want to run a particularly nerdy office sweepstake, here are The Spinoff’s Official Odds on which National MPs will be gone before the end of the term.

Gerry Brownlee – $1.20

Surely the absolute front-runner. Gerry Brownlee has had the quintessential National Party MP career. He once got the chance to use excessive force on an unruly protestor, was personally attacked by another protester with what appeared to be a bucket of shit, was personally insulted by Winston Peters as an “illiterate woodwork teacher;” (for legal reasons we must confirm Gerry Brownlee can, in fact, read) It’s fair to say Gerry Brownlee has a very strong highlights reel. Unfortunately, it seems like Christchurch is liking him less and less all the time. The National Party suffered a big swing against it in the city in the last election, and Brownlee’s personal vote count in Ilam has dropped every year since 2008. More pertinently, he suffered in the latest National Party reshuffle, losing the foreign affairs portfolio, and dropping from 5th to 11th.

Nick Smith – $1.25

A form horse in this race, Nick Smith is one of those ministers who always seems to front up for interviews no matter how badly he’s about to get mauled. And he’s been in plenty of portfolios offering the likes of Guyon Espiner and Mike Hosking the chance to really unleash themselves: Conservation, housing, education, ACC. He’s been in parliament since 1990, but his enduring legacy may well end up being the statue of him without pants, which intermittently tours the country. Given how chill he was about the statue though, there’s every chance Nick Smith will decide that he may as well stay on in parliament and keep taking punishment indefinitely.

Chris Finlayson – $1.50

The former attorney general and treaty settlements minister presents himself as the smartest person in the room, and depending on the room, he probably is most of the time. That aloofness has been part of the reason why he’s never won an electorate seat, but the other reason for those failures is that he’s always stood right in Labour’s heartland – the Mana and Rongotai electorates of Wellington. Would probably enjoy not having to suffer the “stupid actions” of others any more if he wasn’t in parliament, but might perhaps miss it a little as well?

David Carter – $2.00

Former speaker of the house, typically a position occupied by someone who’s in their last big parliamentary job (Jonathan Hunt, Margaret Wilson, Lockwood Smith, and let’s be honest, Trevor Mallard) Has been list-only since 2014 in order to focus on being the best Speaker he can be, which is proving difficult now that National aren’t in power any more. Would make a really good valedictory speech, just saying.

Nicky Wagner – $2.80

Dropped from 22nd to 40th in the latest reshuffle, after losing Christchurch Central in 2017. Take the hint.

Maggie Barry – $3.50

A dark horse in this race, North Shore MP Maggie Barry really really backed the wrong candidate in the recent leadership election, lining up behind Amy Adams. Weirdly, the list rankings of most of the MPs that openly endorsed Adams seem to have all stalled or gone backwards – see also Hamilton MP Tim Macindoe and Hutt South MP Chris Bishop.

Jian Yang – $4.50

This is a tricky one, given nobody in the National Party, including Jian Yang himself, is willing to confirm or deny the existence of Jian Yang.

Nuk Korako – $7.00

Now that he has accomplished the titanic task of changing how airports advertise lost luggage auctions, Nuk Korako can retire satisfied, safe in the knowledge that he has done his bit to make New Zealand a better place.

Judith Collins – $65,000

Judith Collins will never retire. Judith Collins will never die. Judith Collins will fight her enemies to the ends of the earth.

This section is made possible by Simplicity, New Zealand’s fastest growing KiwiSaver scheme. As a nonprofit, Simplicity only charges members what it costs to invest their money. It already has more than 12,500 plus members who, together, are saving more than $3.8 million annually in fees. This year, New Zealanders will pay more than $525 million in KiwiSaver fees. Why pay more than you need to? It takes two minutes to switch. Grab your IRD # and driver’s licence. It really is that simple.
