Nadia Lim and Carlos Bagrie (Photo: Holly Wallace/Three)
The Masterchef NZ winner takes us back to the land with a new season of Nadia’s Farm.
This is an excerpt from our weekly pop culture newsletter Rec Room. Sign up here.
It’s a warm summer’s day in Central Otago, and Nadia Lim is trying to drive a tractor. The old, red machine starts with a deep grunt, before quickly stalling and spluttering into silence. Lim looks around, puzzled. “The handbrake is on,” someone finally explains, and just moments after Nadia successfully putters the tractor into a paddock, it stalls again. It turns out Nadia doesn’t drive a tractor that often, although her husband Carlos reassures her it’s easy. “With the tractor sorted, the question still remains,” the show’s narrator chimes in, “what is going on?”
What’s going on is the return of Nadia’s Farm, the popular series that follows Masterchef NZ winner Nadia Lim and her husband Carlos Bagrie as they farm Royalburn Station, a 1,200-acre property on the Crown Range in Central Otago. It’s been four years since the couple took the farm over with the dream of becoming leaders in regenerative and ethical farming. Since then, seeds have been sown and garlic has been pulled, but there is one war that is yet to be won: Nadia Lim vs that red tractor.
Nadia Lim and Carlos Bagrie at Royalburn. (Photo: Holly Wallace)
Much like earlier episodes, the latest instalment of Nadia’s Farm is a gentle mix of Country Calendar and a Jamie Oliver-type lifestyle series. It’s December when we return to Royalburn, as Lim plants another crop of potatoes, shows off her sunflower field and teaches us how to bake focaccia. Bagrie waxes lyrical about combine harvesters and explains the importance of regenerative planting. They’re warm and personable, and the show is beautiful to watch, with the simple but stunning photography capturing the richness of the region they now call home.
As Lim picks plums off the tree in her garden and starts to make jam, it feels like we’re an old friend who’s just popped in to visit. But while the sun shines, not everything is going well on the farm. After three years, the market garden is still unprofitable (“it’s a bit of a loser,” Lim declares), while Bagrie tallies up the losses from a lease on neighbouring Motatapu Station. He works out they’re hundreds of thousands of dollars out of pocket, reminding us that farming success is dependent on challenges neither Lim nor Bagrie can control: the weather, fluctuating global lamb prices, birds eating Lim’s precious sunflower seeds.
It’s also a reminder of the spirit of generosity that runs through Nadia’s Farm. Bagrie and Lim don’t hide their struggles from their cameras, and their willingness to be upfront about their mistakes gives the series a relatable sense of honesty and vulnerability. They’re bringing us along for the (tractor) ride, regardless of whatever fortune they eventually dig up.
I don’t know much about farming, and I wonder what other farmers think of Lim and Bagrie’s efforts. Then again, does it matter what anyone else thinks? It’s not me planting those potatoes and somehow pulling up radishes a few months later, and I can only admire their dedication to experimenting with more sustainable and regenerative methods. I also love that they don’t take themselves too seriously. “It’s a family tradition that when we harvest yellow and white clover, that we stop halfway through and eat focaccia bread,” Lim explains to the camera, tongue firmly in her cheek.
Photo: Holly Wallace
What’s more important about Nadia’s Farm is that it gives viewers an insight into the realities of farming, and how much work goes into getting food to the table. In a world where we demand instant results, there’s something inspiring about watching a show built on patience and resilience, where the focus is on working with nature, rather than trying to control it. Nothing happens quickly on Nadia’s Farm, and it’s a quiet reminder that this is actually how the world is supposed to work.
As I watched Nadia’s Farm, I felt like I could breathe again: there’s light and space and heart here. The passing seasons are the anchor points in time, marking the end of one adventure and the beginning of another, and nothing is achieved without community and teamwork. Among those stubborn potatoes and bright yellow sunflowers, Lim and Bagrie’s optimism is the show’s biggest success story. Whatever happens on Nadia’s Farm, it’s clear they’ll never stop trying to make things better. The seasons may change, but hope always prevails.
Nadia’s Farm screens on Wednesdays on Three at 7pm and streams on ThreeNow.
In honour of the show wrapping its fifth season, our taskforce of Taskmaster NZ tragics return to complete the toughest task of all.
Just like Paul Williams biting into a raw egg, we at The Spinoff are suckers for punishment. What we thought would be a fun, easy breezy task began back in 2022, when we had the genius idea to rank each of the 129 Taskmaster NZ tasks from best to worst. Then, in 2023, we found ourselves with 172 tasks to consider (as well as a contingent of furious Taskmaster fans who took umbrage with some of our choices).
Now it’s 2024, Taskmaster has just finished another season, and we’ve been back in the world’s worst Google Doc colour coding, splitting hairs and arguing our way through five delightful seasons of tasks. Weighing up a combination of task originality, competitor experimentation and carefully measured “crack up” levels, we finally reached a verdict. Our decisions are final, until we change them all next year.
Here lies all 210 tasks from Taskmaster NZ, ranked from worst to best.
210. Make soap (S05E07)
I feel like I can still taste and smell Ben Hurley’s pink duck fat soap. Never again. / Alex Casey
209. Give Paul money (S03E07)
No twist to confuse, no riddle to unravel, no clue to solve. The winner was, quite literally, the person who gave Paul the most money. He even had an Eftpos machine. I didn’t get it then. I don’t get it now. Is there anything to get? I don’t think so. / Chris Schulz
208. Live: Side with the Taskmaster via getting in the bathtub (S04E05)
It’s an unfortunate reality that most live tasks just aren’t going to rank that highly. But after this one in particular, my partner and I locked eyes and both went “meh”. / Stewart Sowman-Lund
The cast of Taskmaster S4
207. Complete the fortune trail then flip five consecutive heads (S03E06)
Justice for Justine Smith, who had to flip her coin for what seemed like 30,000 years. A painful watch and something I never want to see again. / AC
206. Leave the room. Your time started when Paul left the room. (S01E06)
In the wise words of Guy Williams after completing this task, “boo to that one”. / AC
205. Text a compliment to one of your fellow contestants (S01E08)
Unfortunately Love Island has conditioned me to drool for gossip whenever I hear a text arrive. I wanted to see what all the complimentary texts said!!! Show us ya texts!!! / AC
204. Live: Pop the balloons that match the colour of your vest (S04E04)
I’m going to come right out and say that it bothered me how the balloon colours didn’t exactly match the colours on their vests. We have so, so, so many more tasks to rank. / AC
203. Live: Pinch, protect or plunder (S05E05)
Balls in a sack never fails to amuse, but even after watching this task three times, I still don’t understand it. / Tara Ward
202. Handcuff yourselves together at the wrist, then score 10 “points” (S01E10)
A riddle (the points came from dishing out compliments, not from the various sports equipment lying around the field) that only one team ever really understood. / CS
201. Turn on a lamp in the lab. You must be seated at the desk in the study when the lamp turns on. (S05E03)
Not the most riveting of tasks aside from Tofiga’s innovation to move the desk, but one that did inspire me to search “vintage banker lamp” on Trade Me and consider my options. / AC
Abby Howells and a selection of lamps.
200. Scream the name of your crop which is written on a tissue in this box (S03E10)
I’ve got an issue with all of these tissues. / AC
199. Write down a sport, animal and colour and then strike a pose to resemble them (S01E03)
Not the most memorable live task of all time, most notable for Leigh Hart failing to write a sport entirely and just standing there blankly as his pose. / AC
198. Live: Using the canvas behind you, communicate to the Taskmaster what your animal, vegetable or vehicle is (S05E04)
A tricky drawing task that involved a backpack, a mirror and Matt Heath declaring “I’m just trying to ascertain the best way forward” while posing like a carrot. / TW
197. Live: Survive the Great Flour Bluff (S04E08)
Simply too much janky equipment and weird nose plugs/goggles on stage for me to relax. / AC
196. Create the most amusing amusement park ride (S01E09)
Brynley, Guy and Madeleine stuffed poor Paul into a wheelchair and flung him into a mattress, while Leigh and Angella created a waterslide then towed him around on the back of a jeep. Leigh and Angella won this tough task with middling results. / CS
195. Live: One by one, place an item on the table
All the live tasks are basically elevated kids party games, and this was giving Buckaroo. Not an especially bad thing, not an especially amazing thing, but most certainly a thing. / AC
Taskmaster jumble sale.
194. Live: Correctly don your surgical gear while keeping balloon afloat (S04E01)
Took me back to feeling unnecessarily stressed at a birthday party. Better there than the operating theatre, of course. / AC
193. Win the debate. Your argument must consist of six lines and every second line must rhyme (S03E07)
The joy of the live tasks is often when something so simple becomes infuriatingly difficult. This was just a hard task and the results were therefore mixed. / SSL
192. Cover one I and turn U into a pirate. Cross the 7 Cs and circle where X marks the spot. (S05E06)
A clever little bit of wordplay, but perhaps too corporate escape room vibes? Did enjoy Ben Hurley’s unwavering commitment to Generic Pirate Voice. / AC
191. Tall, a ball, or Paul? (S04E02)
A live task that didn’t allow for much creativity, but I did enjoy Ray shaking the sides of the tent like it was the Taskmaster earthquake experience. / AC
190. Do one of your tasks completely wet (S03E09)
Definitely funny to see Chris Parker wet. Kinda weird that there was no further mention of it. But always love a surprise task that nobody was expecting. / SSL
189. Film a trailer for a movie about this trailer (S05E03)
Love Tofiga in a dressing gown, but otherwise a task with a pretty low ceiling and some major 48 Hours flashbacks I’d rather left forgotten. / AC
Tofiga’s trailer about a trailer.
188. Follow the Taskmaster’s orders (S03E06)
The most challenging game of Simon Says ever. I reckon I would absolutely have nailed this task, but none of the contestants did. / SSL
187. Spell the longest word using alphabet soup (S01E05)
Watching the comedians paw desperately through soup felt like body horror, and the longest word was “breaker” by Brynley Stent. To borrow Angella’s alphabet soup word, I was “anti” this task. / AC
186. Transfer as much soup as possible from the blue vat to the yellow vat (S01E06)
No more soup-based tasks! Please!!! / AC
185. Pass this mathematics exam (S01E09)
Plot twist: to his dismay, only Guy Williams was asked to do this one. He wrote “7” for all the answers in a level 1 NCEA test and got zero questions right. ”I have done so many bad things in my career,” he said. “This is the most humiliating.” / CS
The Taskmaster NZ S1 cast (Photo : TVNZ/Tina Tiller)
184. Get a hole in one from the furthest distance. (S05E09)
The duck who thought Ben Hurley’s big hole was a pond was the winner on the day. Abby Howells hurtling a bowling ball into an imperceptible hole was most definitely the loser. / AC
183. Win a bet against Paul (S04E04)
A task with an almost open-ended brief can result in greatness, but the best this task generated was Bubbah struggling to cycle across a field and Paul running 5.7 kilometres just to win the bet. / SSL
182. Sculpt the third most impressive dog using this clay (S01E07)
Cranium’s lawyers could not be reached for comment at this time. / AC
181. Live: Fan out your flame. You cannot move from or move your mat. (S05E02)
Well, it seems to me, you lived your life, like a candle in the fierce breeze of Madeleine Sami’s jacket being waved around in the studio. / TW
180. Become one with nature (S03E09)
Basically just an excuse for Josh to get naked and Justine to have a little lie down. / SSL
Josh Thomson, clothed
179. Boldly and beautifully blow out the candle (S04E02)
“I believe it said ‘climate change is happening,’” commentated Paul Williams as Melanie Bracewell’s bold and beautiful bird died on the floor. Powerful stuff. / AC
178. Make an electrifying new gameshow sponsored by the product in your box (S03E10)
The team tasks in season three were altogether kind of lacking. This felt a bit more improv theatre than Taskmaster. / SSL
177. Win one point in table tennis against Paul (S04E07)
This definitely felt like Paul Willians just wanting to play table tennis for a day. Can we begrudge him for that? No. Did this task make me want to eat 100 peanut butter and jam sandwiches? Yes. / AC
176. Draw a map of New Zealand using yeast spread (S01E02)
Beautiful, dirty, rich(ly spread Marmite). / SSL
175. End up with the most duck-filled bucket (S03E05)
Shades of Celebrity Treasure Island here as the comedians were asked to peek at the number of ducks in their bucket and then say the number aloud, but they did not have to tell the truth. Possibly more fun to play than to watch. / AC
174. Spin the most times on an office chair before successfully shooting a hoop (S04E08)
I felt sick watching this – especially after Dai said he’d recently eaten a beef wellington – but it was Ray’s teeny tiny spins that kept me engaged. Season four’s cast sometimes struggled to think outside of the box and I think this task would have been more exciting if it wasn’t just Ray that tried something a bit… weird. / SSL
Bubbah for Taskmaster S4
173. Touch the cow. The fourth person to touch the cow will win (S03E05)
This was near identical to a task on the UK version of Taskmaster, coincidentally. For some reason, the UK version was hilarious and this was a bit of a lame… cow. Maybe it needed Judi Love? / SSL
172. Use this entire roll of Sellotape in the most brilliant way (S04E06)
“Can I hang you? Like pig on a spit?” – Bubbah, 2023
171. Ring in the New Year in style and complete your New Year’s resolution (S05E05)
I don’t think this was a “bad” task, but I do have to say I found the way it was interpreted quite dull. The open-ended nature meant it required a lot of creativity, and not to discredit the amazing series five cast, but I was left wanting more. / SSL
170. Say Thank You to Paul (S03E08)
Largely forgettable aside from the moment Kura unintentionally completed the task and looked truly shocked. / SSL
169. Steal the Taskmaster’s portrait (S02E09)
Public service announcement: if you are the owner of an illustrious piece of art, be very careful which pigeon hunters you hire. / AC
168. Make your hometown proud (S02E05)
This task was what people talk about when they talk about New Zealand Gothic. No further questions. / AC
Matt Heath makes Dunedin proud.
167. Hang the washing out to dry. Paul will spin the washing line once (S03E03)
No one wants to be reminded of monotonous household chores while enjoying an episode of Taskmaster. Stop this immediately. / CS
166. Make a sculpture of something starting with your letter, only using items starting with your letter (S01E01)
Choosing the letter T, Angella Dravid made Tina’s torso with teabag tits wearing a T-shirt and a thong. And that’s truly terrific television. / AC
165. Do magic, you cannot use editing trickery (S4E07)
Would I hire Mystical Mel or Krusty the Karen for a birthday party? Absolutely not. Would I like to see more of them on my screen? Yes please. I think this was another example of the season four cast struggling to commit to the most wacky tasks, but their overt shitness still made for good telly. / SSL
164. Prove you’re smarter than other contestants (S03E04)
“What’s something that I know?” Josh asked Paul. “You wouldn’t know.”
163. Build a tower using only onions (S02E08)
[Bryce from MAFS AU voice] Not the best onion-based task I’ve ever watched. / AC
162. Shoot a chocolate fish into the bowl while saying a different animal (S02E04)
“Otter”, bellowed Matt Heath, getting his chocolate fish in the bowl almost immediately. / AC
161. Live: Collect table tennis balls on your helmet plate (S04E03)
Always love a live task that involves the contestants wearing something funny on their head. Bubbah nails this by working out she can stack the entire bucket of balls on her head, avoiding the inevitable mess that entails from her fellow contestants. The others… were less successful. /SSL
160. Time-travel. Best time-travel wins (S02E08)
Starring Paul Williams in the role of Adolf Hitler. Need I say more? Probably. But rather not. / AC
159. Invent a new country. You must create a detailed and informative tourism video promoting your country. (S05E10)
Paulandia, Paulandia, ohhhhhhh, Paulandia. / TW
Hayley Sproull, mayor of Majoraland
158. Trick the Taskmaster by hiding a toilet brush in a shopping bag or on your person (S03E04)
A live task that strived for the great heights of “nothing or onions” (more about that later) but sadly fell short. I do love how often this show gravitates toward toilet-based props though. / AC
157. Wearing your blindfold, pop up before the toast. (S01E06)
There’s something to be said for the tasks that are easily replicated at home, and blind-toast-pop is definitely an easy one to cheer up any grim morning. / AC
156. Move Paul (S05E05)
Some chose to drive Paul back to their home, others chose to simply tug on his heartstrings, but couldn’t help but feel there were bigger moves left unmoved here. / AC
155. Make a one minute horror film starring an inanimate object (S04E03)
Featured a flamingo umbrella shooting off Paul’s arm, a pair of killer binoculars and a possession by a rock. I can only hope Peter Jackson is watching. / AC
154. Catch a grape with a tuba (S01E03)
Come for Leigh Hart and Angella Dravid’s elaborate Dennis the Menace deer antler catapult, stay for Madeleine Sami’s exceptional spade work. / AC
153. Defeat the other team at human warboats (S03E09)
I thought I would hate this live task, but I remember ending up on the edge of the couch as the cushion missiles sailed dangerously close to Paul Ego’s shiny bald head. / AC
152. Do the most incredible thing 10 times. (S05E07)
Any task that gets Abby Howells talking about the Titanic is a task that’s alright with me. / AC
151. Make this tree sexy (S01E03)
The first of many instances where Angella Dravid put Paul Williams in an uncomfortable position in the name of comedy, squirting him with oil and cream while he gyrated around a tree. “I’m concerned about the story arc that’s starting to develop between you two,” said Wells. / AC
150. Throw a marshmallow over the wall and catch it in your mouth. (S05E03)
There was a lot going on here: zoom goggles, a big hole, some wall tonguing and a lot of dropped treats. Too many marshmallows sent to an early grave, not enough ducks gobbling up the scraps. / TW
Tofiga vs marshmallow
149. Star in a 30 second silent film. Create the audio for your silent film. All sound must be recorded in this room. (S05E08)
We, as a country, need to have a national conversation about why Tofiga Fepulea’i is so obsessed with making Paul Williams give birth. I’m not mad about it, I just need answers. / AC
148. Make the most impressive windmill while toasting bread (S04E02)
This is one of those tasks that is probably too technical to make riveting television. But it succeeded in comic effect, with Ray and Mel absolutely nailing it and the trio of Karen, Bubbah and Dai botching it almost immediately. This task also exposed that Bubbah absolutely thought both her teammates were Māori. / SSL
147. Relive the best moment of your life (S05E02)
Only because it was such a treat to get to see Ben Hurley smash a jenga block out with a ball for the second time in an episode (more about that much, much further down the list). / SSL
146. Deduce the flavour of these dips (S01E08)
Too many dips on the dancefloor (too many dips). An uneasy task featuring a lot of people wrinkling up their nose while pleading “hummus?” / AC
145. Team Live: Pick a subject from Paul’s board then have a cohesive conversation about it (S05E08)
I’m always looking for tips and tricks about how to have normal conversations with people, and thanks to this task, I now know to reply “I LOVE barbecue sauce” to everything. Not awkward at all. / TW
144. Plant the umbrella in the right spot (S02E09)
Contestants were asked to walk north the average length of a female blue whale, then walk east the height of three double decker buses, then southwest half the height of the Beehive, then east the height of six Steven Adamses. As someone who once got shamed out for positing that a giraffe was “19 metres long” in a vulnerable moment during a pub quiz, I felt personally attacked by this task. / AC
Taskmaster NZ season two cast (Image / TVNZ)
143. Choose three of your five senses to lose for the next task and place them in the bin. Attach your sense blockers then follow the instructions. (S05E01)
Higher than it deserves to be because this task was the very first time we witnessed Tofiga delegate all the work to Paul via getting him to drink all the yuck “milks” for him. Cheers. / AC
142. Take Paul on the perfect first date (S02E09)
“Is there no better date than getting to know the real you?” asked Urzila Carlson, pushing Paul out into the poo lake with nothing but his own thoughts and a giant cookie. Romance. / AC
141. Get married (S04E05)
A task that could have been incredible if the cast had fully committed, but which ended up being a little bit dull. It just makes me think: WWDCD (what would David Correos do?) / SSL
140. Break up your marriage (S04E06)
Nice to have a callback to a task from the previous episode, and these dramatic break-ups actually exceeded the weddings from episode five. Mel sawed off her own hand, Bubbah did some incredible split screen technology work, and Ray shared a bed with a lion. Relationships, amirite? / AC
139. Celebrate a football goal. You may only take one kick. If you miss, you must celebrate regardless. (S05E01)
Could have been another middling “do a skit” kind of a task, but was gratefully elevated by both Tofiga feeding Paul raw chicken fresh off the barbecue, and Abby’s staggeringly realistic rendering of the French Revolution. / AC
138. Shake the coin out of your piggy bank (S02E03)
You have to respect a hastily-drawn adequate pig, but watching people shake piggybanks can only charm for so long. Like a pig, a simply adequate live task. / AC
137. Correctly place the keys back on the keyboard and type a message (S01E08)
As a wise man once said, “HUKKO JJUMUIT” / AC
136. Nearly all of the prize tasks (with three notable exceptions)
The prize tasks that kick off every episode of Taskmaster are but a tepid amuse-bouche to the piping hot buffet carnage to come. Sure, it’s a nice chance to get to know our contestants better, but there’s a level of forward-planning here that feels dull and calculated compared to the spontaneity of the rest of the episode. With that said, our panel found two prize tasks that cracked the top 20. But which ones? You’ll have to keep reading (hehe). / AC
135. Live: Paint a painting on the canvas in front of you (S04E09)
While also being attached to your teams pole. Some did a dangerous duck, some did a handsome horse, but only Ray O’Leary made a sound like Sideshow Bob being hit by a rake. / AC
134. Throw water the furthest (S03E05)
“Do you know how hard it is to find water… in a lake?” Paul Ego, asking the tough questions since ago. / AC
133. Don this tie and leave the room. Then re-enter the room wearing the tie in a new way (S02E09)
In the words of Mr Tiehands himself, “a real victory for Kiwi innovation”. / AC
132. Perform a play based on a historical event
If I had to be nitpicky about the season four cast, I’d say that they weren’t always fully committed to the more creative tasks. And there were a lot of creative tasks in season four. That being said, I’d pay good money to see a high-budget production of Ray and Mel’s incredibly historically inaccurate Julius Caesar. /SSL
131. Commit a crime. You may not break the law (S01E10)
Guy made himself a G-string. Madeleine Sami put her feet on the table. Brynley Stent jumped a fence into the neighbour’s property, Leigh Hart made a toasted sandwich, and Angella Dravid had a trademark dispute. This was probably a good task, but unfortunately the results didn’t quite live up to it. / CS
130. Improve Paul (S04E04)
We had a robot Paul, a fedora-wearing Paul, and a Paul who learned all 52 states in America in alphabetical order for some reason. But it was Bubbah, with her mood-improving graph, who romped home. Did anyone ever check if she gave Paul a tattoo? Food for thought. / AC
129. Find Paul and hit him with this frisbee (S01E07)
“You may not walk or run while holding the frisbee. Every time you throw the frisbee, you must put on an additional item of clothing.”
Leigh Hart in Taskmaster NZ S1
128. Do the most press-ups and/or find the most words in this word search (S01E09)
Leigh Hart completing 87 pushups in 100 seconds and barely being affected by it was the night’s biggest surprise. / CS
127. Draw a life-size self portrait with your nose inside your nose hole (S02E08)
The highlight of this live task? The repetition of the phrase “nose hole”. / AC
126. Knock the bails off the wicket (S04E01)
The first task of season four! A perfect primer to the cast, showing who is more or less likely to think outside the box, try something crafty or just go for the points. Memorable for Dai’s decision not to try anything other than just bowling a ball, with increasing frustration. / SSL
125. Get someone you went to primary school with on the phone (S01E08)
A task that makes one reflect on their own past, present and future. Thank you to all of Leigh Hart’s primary school friends for resolutely refusing to pick up the phone. / AC
124. Memorise the names of the fish on the poster in the shed (S03E02)
123. Draw a stunning self-portrait while playing tag (S03E08)
Chaos rules in a lot of live tasks but this was especially chaotic. Not sure whether that’s good or bad, but I laughed! This also just seems like a very, very fun challenge. / SSL
122. Say the magic phrase while rubbing the lamp. You may not leave the study. (S05E08)
This task was a bamboozle that was over before some comedians even realised they’d completed it. It was saved by Paul Williams doing a conga, some tap-dancing and a striptease. Put that in every challenge, please. / TW
121. Make the best desert (S01E10)
It took years – literal years – of yelling by editors and sub-editors before I understood the difference between “desert” and “dessert”. As a result, I smugly enjoyed this play on words, which laid a table of dessert treats out in front of them. / CS
120. Win something. You cannot win at the Taskmaster ranch or studio (S04E08)
Always love the tasks that the contestants get months to complete, but I can’t help but feel like the season four cast squandered this opportunity somewhat. Dai and Karen clearly forgot (he bought a Lotto ticket and she printed out her NZ On Air funding letter), Bubbah won a community award at her old high school that she was set to win anyway, Mel pranked called Jeremy on air to win movie tickets and Ray spent way too long at the claw machine. Is it too much to ask someone, anyone, to break a Guinness World Record for our amusement in 2023? Perhaps. / AC
119. Create and advertise an amazing new cereal (S03E09)
This task felt a little bit like year nine drama class to me but it was saved by for two reasons: the joyous one-two hit of Chris’ catchphrase “none of your beeswax… ‘scuse your fucking mouth”, followed later by Josh’s “well alright!” repeated with varying levels of desperation. / SSL
118. Team: Make a leaning tower of dry pasta. If you break one of the three secret rules, you must step away from the tower and Paul will trigger a punishment. (S05E02)
It was very entertaining to see the pasta tower collapse each time one of the contestant’s broke a secret rule (most notably using any word starting with P), but I thought it made the actual tower too hard to construct. May have been more fun if the punishment was a little less severe. / SSL
117. Get a photo of a person in the most extraordinary location (S02E03)
“The person must be doing a thumbs-up with one hand, pointing to their thumbs-up with the other hand, and wearing a bowl on their head.” Aka my signature pose. / AC
116. Hit the apple on your best friend’s head (S03E08)
I quite enjoyed the ongoing storyline of the ragdoll friends, but I was really hoping someone would absolutely nail this. However, it was very funny seeing Justine fail dramatically and throw literally every object at her raggy friend. / SSL
115. Hit the golfball into the hole (S03E01)
Sometimes you just need to hear people say “hole” 40,000 times with increasing levels of rage. / AC
114. Get as many balloons on the desk as you can (S04E05)
A very easy task. Unless you are Ray O’Leary, a grown man who cannot blow up balloons, in which case this was near impossible. I’ve pretty much forgotten everything else that happened during this task, but know for certain that Ray’s attempt was absolutely riveting television. /SSL
113. Live: Simultaneously toss both your shoes off the stage. Furthest apart landed shoes each round will be eliminated. (S05E01)
A ridiculously low budget, low stakes task that somehow ended up being extremely engrossing television, mostly thanks to Abby Howells’ astonishing last minute win. They don’t call her Two Shoes Howells for nothing. / TW
112. Make the most surprisingly pleasant sausage using seven ingredients (S01E09)
This was surely a set up for Leigh Hart to reach Speed Cooking levels of chaos, but, even when tasked with making sausages out of mince, gurnard, avocado and Anzac biscuits, he never went there. Instead, Angella Dravid announcing that sausage casings “feel like foreskin” was this task’s highlight. / CS
111. Live: Karate chop the thickest spaghetti log (S01E10)
Looked a tad dangerous. Leigh Hart again demonstrated some strangely niche sporting prowess. I’m not mad at that. / CS
110. Find and complete the most tasks (S04E09)
Galaxy brain Taskmaster where that tat-filled room was littered with limitless little envelopes. Most notable for Bubbah reading “remove one item of clothing” and immediately taking her shorts off. / AC
The cast of Taskmaster NZ season four (Photos: TVNZ / Design: Archi Banal)
109. Completely colour this whiteboard (S01E09)
I was in the room as Madeleine Sami attempted this task and I’m pretty sure a little piece of her soul died that day. “I feel like I’m going to have nightmares about this for the rest of my life,” she said, sitting on the floor, market pen all over her fingers, before storming out saying, “Fuck it, it’s coloured.” / CS
108. Live: In your teams, take turns to each roll an office chair towards the edge of the stage (S05E03)
Straight out of the Taskmaster book of live tasks. We’ve seen dozens of variations of this in Taskmaster here and in the UK, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less exhilarating to watch. Make this a national sport, get this into the Olympics. / SSL
107. Convincingly paint the Taskmaster like a five-year-old (S01E07)
Don’t love an art task, but always love Leigh Hart getting confused and doing a neo-realistic painting of Paul. / AC
106. Fill this piñata with the most surprising filling (S01E03)
And as Paul Williams pointed out, “four out of the five contestants did try to fill it through its non-existent anus”. / AC
105. Pack a suitcase as closely to 23kg as possible (S01E01)
Anyone who has ever travelled overseas with Jetstar will fully understand the sheer intensity of this live task. / SSL
104. Fire the ammunition from the slingshot and knock off the fine china (S04E09)
Except each item had to be different but start with the same letter of the alphabet. Bubbah chose ‘P’ and called her skateboard a “player’s utensil” – five stars. / AC
103. Make a new musical instrument. It must be playable and smaller than a dog AND Live: On your original instrument, perform a solo with this jazz band (both S05E07)
Much like chucking a tissue over a comb and calling it a musical instrument, we combined these two tasks and came up with an intriguing result. This two-part challenge will be remembered both for Abby Howells’ terrifying red death mask and the Taskmaster’s controversial scoring that saw Tofiga’s com-tissue take home five points. Haunting. / TW
A haunting musical experience.
102. Choose your item. Sweep your item towards the drop. You have one sweep (S03E03)
In theory, a promising challenge. In practice, this was no where near messy enough. The pumpkins and frisbees should have been swapped out for trays of eggs, smoothies, slime and a good old bucket of paint. / CS
101. Using your electric toothbrushes, paint a portrait of Jeremy’s mother (S02E02)
Jeremy’s Mum alert!!!!! Luvvit. / AC
100. Do the most impressive thing hands free (S01E05)
“Today Paul I’m going to be Hannibal Lecter, consuming a litre of milk, hands-free.” – Leigh Hart, 2020.
99. Choose a piece of fruit and hit it as far as possible with your choice of bread (S01E01)
“I can’t help but touch bread when I see it.” – Leigh Hart, 2020.
98. Leave New Zealand (S04E03)
Or, Bubbah’s guide to catching a paper shark under a secret waterfall and going all the way to Mexico. / AC
97. Go on the most convincing fake holiday (S01E07)
I like the idea of contestants having to do hokey and inexplicable shit on their own personal social media platforms to please the Taskmaster, and Madeleine Sami chucking a shaka on Instagram while kayaking on a disconcertingly brown lake is no exception. / AC
96. Create the fanciest cocktail using ingredients that rhyme with each other (S01E01)
Seeing Leigh Hart stuff multiple food items into a blender like this was a Moon TV “Speed Cooking” segment was a televisual feast. Bloody love a food task. / SSL
Angella Dravid, bartender.
95. Make the loudest noise (S02E05)
“Can we kill a duck?”
“I’d rather you didn’t.”
94. Relocate the water in this bath to that bath. You may not tamper with your belt. (S03E10)
As the final task of series three I was disappointed with this, but mainly because it’s one of those tasks I’m convinced I would have nailed. Sometimes this show is infuriating like that. / SSL
93. Smash a vase as fast and dramatically as possible (S01E02)
Finding out the contestants had to reassemble their smashed vases is what sends this task swiftly into the history books of great twist-ending tasks. Surprisingly exciting to watch. / SSL
92. Hop the scotch along the hopscotch and pop it in the pail (S02E03)
“I don’t hop, mate.” – Urzila Carlson, 2021.
91. Make the biggest thing disappear (S01E06)
Move over David Copperfield, Madeleine Sami buying time while the caravan wheels squealed behind her magic shroud was the televised magic trick of the century. / AC
90. Live: Deliver the Taskmaster three compliments on an egg driven by remote-controlled car (S04E06)
It was greatly exciting to see eggs being driven on remote-controlled cars. But it was more exciting to hear Jeremy Wells read the phrases: “you are hung like a gorilla” and “you look like a pussy slayer”. /SSL
89. Recite pi to the most decimal places (S03E02)
The pain of Justine Smith misunderstanding the task and reading pi off the paper for 10 minutes will linger with all of us, long into the future. / AC
88. Crack this crème brûlée (S03E01)
If you are going to televise a crème brûlée crack, it better shatter my bones and make all my hair fall out. Instead, all we got was Paul Ego mistakenly saying “tiramisu” about one hundred times. Which was actually very funny. / AC
87. Invent and build a new exercise machine (S04E08)
As someone who rarely exercises, I was interested to see what new, exciting method I could try once and then forget about. Dai made lifting an anchor look quite fun, but I was especially drawn to Bubbah’s approach: tie up Paul on a skateboard and pull him through a forest. How do I sign up? /SSL
Jeremy Wells and Paul Williams.
86. Give Paul either a trick or a treat when he arrives at your door (S03E10)
Another task made excellent by Josh Thomson being an absolute super freak. His Rube Goldberg horn contraption is the most elaborate creation to grace local screens since he made that crazy chicken cake with a Santa coming out of it on Celebrity Bake Off. The fact that he couldn’t stop it loudly tooting was even funnier. / AC
85. Keep the balloon in the air the longest (S01E02)
We all love a good game of keepy uppy balloon in the air, but this task required each strike to be made with a different object. Have you ever wondered what it looks like when Leigh Hart whacks a balloon with a watering can while yelling “shit, shit, shit”? Wonder no more. / AC
84. Use your weapon to slice your snack in twain. Most perfectly halved snack wins (S02E05)
Ever wondered what it would look like if Fruit Ninja was real? / AC
83. Lift the two milk bottles and hold them above the microwave. Longest time wins (S02E10)
Featuring David Correos chatting for one hour and 21 minutes with Paul about Mosgiel, potatoes and Milo. And they say New Zealand men don’t share with each other. / AC
82. Transform into an original superhero and save Paul (S03E06)
Chris Parker’s superheroic goose needs to get the Marvel Cinematic Universe treatment, but this particular task was more Snyder Cut. / SSL
81. Get the Swiss ball in the kayak. You cannot get wet (S02E04)
Always good to get out on the poo lake. But just good, not great. / AC
80. Write and perform a duet with yourself (S04E09)
“I’m just a man with 17 pants, and the way you look makes me want to dance,” crooned Dai Henwood. “I’m just a girl with jeans and a fly, you say come over here and it makes me want to cry,” Dai Henwood trilled back. This, plus Bubbah’s barely-sung break-up ballad truly hit a high note. / AC
79. Complete all the tasks on the roof. You may only touch a task using these pool cues. (S05E01)
We love to see a task that involves reading comprehension! As with many tasks from season five, this was quite a simple one that became absolute madness thanks to one Abby Howells who set about completing dozens of menial tasks stuck to the “ceiling” as opposed to the very simple (and singular) task emblazoned across the “roof”. No one will ever confuse the two ever again and I will be routinely inspecting the roof of my house to see if I need to high five anyone. / SSL
78. Leave the room and spot the changes (S03E07)
A pretty average task made great by Paul Ego and Kura Forrester’s complete inability to spot former contestant David Correos painted to look like the wallpaper. I sincerely hope that neither of them are ever the sole witness to a high-profile crime. / AC
Just a plain wall.
77. Recreate famous scenes from NZ history (S02E09)
Is this where TVNZ got the idea to bring back Give Us a Clue? Makes you think. / AC
76. Transport the milk to the dock, cheers the cow and then return the milk (S03E02)
Nothing makes me prouder to be a New Zealander than seeing our version of earth, wind and fire – aka milk, a cow and a Zorb – within one shambolic task. / AC
75. Write the Taskmaster an anonymous poem (S01E04)
“Why oh why should a woman cry, when time is precious until we die.” – Anon, 2020
74. Team: Build the tallest skyscraper out of the boxes without leaving your area (S05E04)
Hayley Sproull proved once and for all that going to drama school is not a waste of money. / SSL
73. Snap the pencil (S04E03)
Great to see cassettes back in action, and the show calling back to the iconic New Zealand fish poster seen in fish and chip shops across the country and, of course, Taskmaster UK. / AC
72. Fly (S02E01)
A simple brief. It’s one of those tasks I would absolutely have loved to have done (but almost certainly have failed at). / SSL
71. Make a dramatic exit (S03E02)
There are people who enjoyed seeing Paul Ego dancing around with “sauce tits” and those who thought it proved Taskmaster had run its course. I am staunchly in the first camp. / SSL
70. Teach Paul a lesson (S05E04)
A great task that yielded a wide variety of results, most memorably Ben Hurley’s impressive recall of all the prime ministers of New Zealand in order. / AC
69. Do the most unpredictable thing (S04E01)
A pretty good showing from all the contestants, especially Dai “dried goods in my pants” Henwood and Bubbah, who swiftly tackled Paul to the ground. / AC
68. Make history (S03E05)
Gay men on the moon, Whina Cooper and Paul Ego doing “Tom Cruise” slow motion running. What more could you want from network television? / AC
67. Taking turns, name a celebrity whose name starts with the last letter of the previously named celebrity (S02E06)
A good one to play along with at home. / AC
66. Construct the tallest soap skyscraper while enthusiastically making the noise Paul asks the person before you to make (S03E01)
Slimy, noisy, pretty funny. Paul Ego’s mouse sound is the most haunting thing I have ever heard. / AC
65. Start preparing your salad for the Taskmaster (S02E10)
And then, of course, picky old Jeremy Wells changes his mind and no longer wants it, so the contestants were forced to return the salad items to their original state. If you’ve ever wondered what if would look like if some of our best comedians worked at Subway, this is the task for you. / AC
64. Survive lemonade roulette (S02E07)
“The Taskmaster will vigorously shake one bottle of lemonade. You must then open one of the two bottles within five seconds. If you open the bottle that has been shook, you will be eliminated.” When life gives you lemons, etc. / AC
63. Create and run a corporate retreat (S05E08)
Look, any task that features an acrostic poem is a winner, and Tom Sainsbury’s corporate motto of “money and power over people” was truly inspirational. Go forth, run with trust, justice for Daphne. / TW
62. Enchant the forest (S03E07)
Two words: sex witch. / AC
61. Transform this room when the lights go out (S02E02)
If I recall correctly this was the earliest example of David Correos getting naked on Taskmaster. It was certainly not the last. / SSL
60. Follow Paul’s instructions. You may tell him to stop or ask him to start again. (S05E07)
A task within a task that involved deciphering the NATO phonetic alphabet, constructing a paper plane and being the slowest to put it in the bin. Five chaotic approaches, one classic Hayley Sproull result. / TW
59. Control a blindfolded teammate through the maze without touching the rope. You may not repeat any words in your directions. (S04E06)
I was lucky enough to see this being filmed live and it was one of the most excruciating AND exhilarating moments of my career (life?). After Dai, Karen and Bubbah took almost an hour to complete the task, a crew member leaned over to me and said, “yeah, that’s definitely going to make the show.” / SSL
58. Throw a dart at the map and hit a country, then write the national anthem (S01E02)
Taskmaster musical tasks can be a bit hit or miss but seeing Brynley Stent, in full scout uniform, singing about the child soldiers of the Congo will stay with me for years to come. “We have a national park, it’s full of boulders. But please don’t talk about the wars or the child soldiers.” / SSL
57. Knock over all the pins on the other side of the field (S02E01)
As Jeremy Wells said himself, this task felt a little bit like watching The Dog Show. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? My take: things could be a lot, lot worse than this. / AC
56. Build the tallest tower of toilet rolls then throw one of your shoes at one tower of your choosing. (S02E01)
A live task so powerful that it was replicated in Taskmaster UK. “It’s a huge honour,” task creator Sam Smith told The Spinoff at the time. “It’s pretty great when the creator of the whole show that I love so much uses an idea we came up with.” Go Kiwi. / AC
Taskmaster UK uses a made-in-NZ task (Image / Screenshot)
55. Be as unhealthy as possible (S01E05)
All at once Brynley Stent booty called her ex-boyfriend, smoked her very first cigarette and ate a donut even though it inflames her polycystic ovaries. We stan. / AC
54. Live: Select a trophy and make an acceptance speech using the word on that trophy (S04E07)
The live tasks sometimes feel like afterthoughts, but this one made me laugh out loud. I particularly enjoyed Bubbah’s nonsensical acceptance speech that concluded with the wise old adage: “don’t become a calamari, you scallop”. Truer words were never spoken. /SSL
53. Turn this dummy into your best friend (S03E08)
Chris’s journey with Sackie was emotional. I can only aspire to have a friendship like it. / SSL
52. Create a 90 second one-shot film (S01E04)
This task required all team members to appear in the film while one team member held the camera at all times. Oh, and it must also include three speaking characters, an “impressive” stunt and end credits. Oh, and it has to all be done in one take. She couldn’t be reached for comment, but The Spinoff understands that Jane Campion is “proud”. / AC
51. Live: Listen for your note and move forward when you hear it (S05E06)
Could have been a really fun one to play along with, but was sadly also the moment I found out I am tone deaf. At least it seemed all the comedians were too. / AC
50. Build a castle out of wheat biscuits. For every dry wheat biscuit you eat, you will be given additional wheat biscuits (S02E03)
The only thing I love more than seeing someone nosh down on a wheat biscuit is seeing TV productions trying not to say Weet-Bix (see also: “breakfast brick” on Celebrity Treasure Island). / AC
49. Put the bowl of glitter in the fridge (S04E02)
Bubbah wandering aimlessly around the Taskmaster house while Paul casts sly glances at a very obvious bowl of purple glitter will go down in Taskmaster history. “Is it in the fridge?” No Bubbah, it’s right there on the bench. / SSL
48. Hide one of these vegetables completely inside another (S01E04)
My life exists in two halves – before I saw Guy Williams chewing up various vegetables and regurgitating them like a bird feeding its young and after I saw Guy Williams chewing up various vegetables and regurgitating them like a bird feeding its young. / AC
47. Bring a classic artwork to life. Best living artwork wins. (S05E09)
Never going to put baby (Tofiga in a wig) in a corner, and never going to look a gift horse (Ben Hurley with a soccer ball on his head) in the mouth. Which is to say, this task was baby, and this task was a gift. / AC
46. Drive 11 complete laps without leaving the cart. Every lap, a rule will be added (S03E04)
This is, almost certainly, the most complicated Taskmaster task ever. But it sure was fun watching contestants stuck in a golf cart get flummoxed by Paul adding extra tasks on with every lap. / CS
45. Build a big flag of the country written on your card (S03E03)
I love it when contestants don’t realise how wrong they’ve done things until they’re sitting in front of a live studio audience and it’s about to play out in full. Justine Smith’s face when she realised she’d created the wrong flag here is priceless. / CS
44. Construct the least appropriate wedding cake (S02E07)
Don’t do this to cake ever again, please. / CS
43. Space these objects out in the right order (S05E04)
A wonderful task which seems nonsensical at first, until the galactic brains of the competition cracked the secret wide open. The objects all represented planets! Mars Bar! Mercury thermometer! Something about a fork I still can’t figure out. Also, it is only right now, in this very moment, that I am realising the word “space” was right there in the task all along. Genius! / AC
42. Live: Cross behind the screen and disguise your silhouette (S04E10)
I saw this recorded live and can confidently say it was 10x funnier and 10x longer in the flesh. I was in hysterics watching the cast try to hide themselves behind strange objects or in fancy dress. No notes, everyone did incredibly – and what a perfect way to cap off Taskmaster season four. / SSL
41. Write and perform a rap advocating for while your food group is best (S05E10)
Any Taskmaster-based rap must instantly be compared with David Correos’ brutal and very highly ranked performance from season two. Unfortunately there is no way these food-based raps can compete, though Hayley Sproull’s immortal lyric will stay with me forever: “Come on all you pervies, don’t get scurvy”. A message for our time. / SSL
40. Retrieve the eggs from the top of the pole (S03E01)
Seeing eggs rain down on beloved comedians will never get old. / SSL
39. Blow this egg the furthest from the table (S01E05)
The tension of watching the potential breaking of an egg is always palpable. An eggcellent challenge (sorry). / CS
38. Scare Paul at bedtime. Scariest bedtime wins. (S05E09)
Between Abby Howells “working out her schedule” and Tofiga Fepulea’i smashing a wardrobe to the floor, Paul Williams may never sleep again. / TW
37. Roll an egg from one place to another without breaking it (S04E10)
Here lies a great run of interseason egg tasks, and this one really allowed each contestant to reveal their true characters – Mel went for a meticulous tennis ball apparatus and leaf blower technical, Dai broke three eggs being impulsive and Bubbah grinned her way through a mega-cheat. A very good task. / AC
36. Wear the most outlandish costume under your studio outfit (S01E08)
Am frankly appalled that Brynley Stent did not get cast in the Rings of Power after pulling together this transformative Middle Earth cossie. Loved the long-game wig-wearing in the previous episodes, love how Leigh Hart wore the exact same outfit under his other outfit. / AC
35. Carry a briefcase of either nothing or onions across the stage (S02E04)
Most of the live tasks are a drag, but the phrase “nothing or onions” stirred something deep within my soul and I have never been quite the same since. / AC
34. Make this mum proud (S01E04)
Any tasks that involves any kind of mum is in the upper ranks. / AC
33. Brush Paul’s teeth from the furthest distance (S02E01)
Any task that involves Paul getting unintentionally dirty makes me laugh. A lot. / SSL
32. Make this teenager think you’re cool (S04E07)
It’s always a thrill when a regular person invades the Taskmaster universe (other local examples include “Make this mum proud” and internationally “Make this Swede blush”). In this task, the S04 cast had to knee slide, lecture and smoke their way to approval with a surly teen guest, and they basically all crumbled under her steely, unflinching gaze. Still can’t believe Ray O’Leary smoked a whole sheet of A4 paper. / AC
31. Pull the rope to drop the duck. You cannot enter the house (S03E04)
Taskmaster season three needed more of these tasks! I love the tasks that seem to have absolutely no pattern but turn out to be intricately planned out. / SSL
30. Find your doppelganger and bring them to the studio record (S03E08)
Aka the moment that Josh Thomson and Ray O’Leary become our Mary Kate and Ashley. / AC
29. Evacuate the items from the parachute while sitting in the rocking chair (S02E05)
I felt like I needed a physio appointment just watching Laura Daniel and Guy Montgomery huff and puff around in that rocking chair. / AC
28. Ruin this office leaving party (S04E10)
What an absolute dream to let your freak flag fly in a workplace setting. This could be a legit business idea like those places where you pay to throw an axe at the wall, and our comedians really let out their rage (mostly on poor Paul). Shout out to Dai Henwood for coming back in and resetting the room after unleashing hell, what a hero. / AC
27. Star in a multi-character film. Most characters wins (S02E03)
It was quantity over quality for these minute-long short films, but there was no shortage of impactful messages. We had a powerful anti-drink driving message, a shocking weed-based revenge story and a murder mystery. And, of course, Sherryl the hairdresser. / AC
26. Get the most footage of Paul on this camcorder (S02E10)
“Oh my god, you’re not Paul at all! You’re a fake Paul!!”
25. Guess the stranger’s age (S05E10)
Tasking the comedians to text a stranger and ascertain their age without using any numbers provided so many great moments. There was Tom Sainsbury’s sassy and bizarrely anachronistic 53 year-old (txt: “do you know who Hilary Duff is?” reply: “duh”), Abby Howells’ ancient Samsung mariner, but the very best was Tofiga scrapping with Bubbah, but then also guessing her age exactly. One of the great tasks of the season. / AC
How old is this man?
24. Become another contestant (S04E05)
Reminded me of the Taskmaster UK S016 challenge where everyone ended up evoking the distinct walk of Jenny Eclair, except this time it was everyone trying to do their best Dai Henwood impression. Bubbah nailed it with Robert De Niro-inspired performance, Ray O’Leary looked like a used car salesman, and it was endlessly funny that they all immediately took to their knees. / AC
23. Do something that will frighten the Taskmaster (S03E03)
Josh Thomson is a master of improv and as he tapped in Jeremy Wells’ digits and began leaving voicemail messages from a cast of creepy characters, hilarity ensued. He pretended to be “Brian from the IRD,” then tried to sack Wells from two of his jobs, before growling, “I’m coming for you, daddy” like a bush goblin. Quick, somebody pitch Thomson’s voicemails as a standalone TV show. / CS
22. Make the most extreme cup of tea and serve it to Paul (S02E07)
Matt Heath repeatedly shouting “BUNGY” at a tea bag was one of approximately two times I laughed out loud during the lockdown of 2021. Amazing and appalling that AJ Hackett has not collaborated with Chanui as a direct result of this episode. / AC
21. Choose a topic that vaguely interests your team, start a podcast about that topic (S04E08)
I somehow remember listening to a few minutes of Melanie Bracewell and Ray O’Leary’s banana podcast a few months ago and thinking it was a wacky new direction for the comedians. Alas, all was revealed on Taskmaster – it was a multimedia, cross-platform task where they had to record a brand new podcast on the spot and release it to the public that day. Who can forget Karen, Dai and Bubbah’s moisturiser podcast getting a whopping nine listens, two of which were Mel and Ray. / AC
20. Perform an educational puppet show (S02E10)
Possibly the crudest Taskmaster task ever? The team of three – David, Guy and Laura – went for a very body fluids-heavy puppet show that I would never want to see used as educational material. Urzila and Matt focused on another fluid: peanut butter. / SSL
19. Be British (S04E01)
Most of the comics handled this exactly as I expected: by cramming in as many stereotypes as possible. For that reason, Dai was the stand out, though Bubbah’s Love Island pastiche was uncannily accurate. I wonder if I would have found this so much fun if it was British Taskmaster contestants openly mocking New Zealand? Probably. / SSL
18. Perform an original Christmas song referencing your chosen present (S02E04)
I’m not a huge fan of Christmas tunes but if I could get a copy of Guy Montgomery’s weirdly specific tune about a festive fox on CD it would be on rotate for the whole silly season. / SSL
Guy Montgomery and the festive fox
17. Find out who stole the cookie from the cookie jar (S04E10)
Any task where people have to yell “J’accuse” is already in the upper quadrant, but this one excelled in constructing an elaborate escape room filled with even more French (“poisson rouge”), lockboxes and dead ends. That is, unless you are Dai, Bubbah and Karen, who chose to circumvent the entire task and just yell “J’accuse!” at Paul within mere moments. / AC
16. Pat Paul on the back (S03E06)
But of course, it is not that simple. “If Paul films you on his all-the-way zoomed-in camera, he will yell your name and you must return to the mat and start again. Every eight seconds, music will play for four seconds. When the music plays, Paul must film his feet.” I hope there is a “Paul does something elaborate with a camcorder” task in every season until the end of time. / AC
15. Remove the blocks from the tower and place them back on top. You must follow the instructions written on every block you remove. (S05E02)
14. Squirt the sunscreen the furthest. You have one attempt (S02E02)
We already knew Correos was a wildcard, but this task involved him guzzling sunscreen like it was nobody’s business. Slip, slop, slap and… skull? / SSL
13. Create a 30-second scene from a blockbuster. You must play the President (S03E07)
I loved this. Just something you would never be able to see on any other show on television and a task that perfectly utilised the unique visual and editing style of Taskmaster. Also watching Chris Parker interpret this so wildly differently from every other contestant was a joy. / SSL
12. Write down the 20 public figures you know the most about. Create a short biopic based on the life of your twentieth public figure. (S05E06)
Despite the dead serious nature of these rankings, Taskmaster is a comedy series first and foremost, And Tofiga’s biopic about young soap baron Christopher Luxon is possibly the hardest I have laughed at anything on television this year. / AC
11. Eat the grape. You cannot damage the caravan. Fastest wins. (S02E07)
The contestants were locked inside the caravan. The grape was outside the caravan. A caravan cannot contain the sheer force of energy of David Correos in full flight, and watching him implode in such a small space over more than an hour was what turned this task into the stuff of Taskmaster legend. / CS
10. Prize: Most impressive stolen item (S02E04)
The most impressive prize task in Taskmaster NZ history. Laura Daniel manages to “steal” the hearts of everyone’s partner (and Matt Heath’s blow-up doll). The moment the other contestant realise that Laura has successfully penetrated their private lives is truly incredible television. Also knowing that Laura went on a “date” with David Correos’ girlfriend at the Royal Oak Pak’nSave is oddly romantic. / SSL
9. During the studio record, say [XYZ weird thing]. Nobody can know it is a task. (S05E09)
I loved this series-long swindling, where all the contestants revealed they were each tasked with saying something bizarre in their studio records. Abby effortlessly promoted her fake ghost gun, Hayley pronounced Catan like it was Eleanor Catton’s last name, Tom made us weep with a fake story about a big head, Tofiga’s stand-ins made covert skincare inquiries and Ben Hurley coined the insult “mustard hands”. / AC
8. Float this Brussels sprout down from the balcony (S02E02)
A truly incredible task from the helium balloons escaping while David Correos screamed to Urzila Carlson’s sad, sad parachute. But the pièce de résistance of this task was Guy Montgomery and Laura Daniel’s ingenious swimming sprouts, which remained floating for the duration of the Taskmaster shoot. Some say they are still floating, even today. / AC
7. Hide this body and Best baffling mystery (S03E09)
Chris Parker driving off set with his dead body and then revealing it months later as his “baffling mystery” prize in the studio was one of the greatest reveals in Taskmaster history and maybe my life. Is that sad? It’s simply not for me to say. / AC
6. Most inflated objects packed into Paul’s car wins (S02E08)
Already a great task – and then the slam dunk. “During the next task, stealthily sabotage your team. If your team loses, you win. If your team wins, you get no points. If your team accuses you of sabotage, you get no points.” An all-time classic. / SSL
5. Prize: Most unbelievable thing (S04E02)
I feel we, as a nation, are still grappling with the fact that Bubbah got her fellow season four contestants tattooed on her arm during a prize task. She didn’t even win the episode but, in that moment, she won our hearts. An unassuming task taken to astounding new heights. / AC
Bubbah’s tattoo in S4
4. Spill the beans. Fastest to open the can of beans wins (S02E05)
The best Taskmaster challenges leave contestants flummoxed. That’s exactly what happened when they were presented with a seemingly simple challenge – to open a tin of beans – only to suddenly find it’s incredibly complicated because 140 tins of tomatoes were sitting on the table in front of them. Why did David Correos taste them all? This still blows my mind. / CS
3. Follow these shoelaces. And, for David Correos only, untie these shoelaces (S02E10)
This task aired right at the moment when lockdown 2021 was starting to destroy me. I owe a lot of my post-Covid wellbeing to watching David Correos mentally unravel while filming Taskmaster. So thank you, David, for saving me. / SSL
2. Join this video chat. You must be dressed as Abraham Lincoln (S02E06)
This episode aired in the middle of Auckland’s hell lockdown when we were all sick to death of video calls. And yet, as Laura Daniel, Guy Montgomery, David Correos, Urzila Carlson and a drunken Matt Heath entered the call in various states of Abe costumery, there was suddenly nothing funnier than a Zoom call. A reinvigoration of a genre, a paradigm shift, and a rare task where all contestants were allowed to shine in their weird and wonderful ways. / AC
1. Create a diss track about the members of the other team (S02E06)
You yelled at us for not putting this first, and we listened. Only one person was ever in the running to win the most memorable Taskmaster musical performance, and task, ever. “Imma drown you, in your own blood,” rapped David Correos, balancing a bowl of spaghetti in one hand. “Face down in your own blood now.” His teammates Guy Montgomery and Laura Daniel lost it and stifled laughs as they got out of the way and let the mayhem continue. Afterwards, Guy described David’s performance as “close to the funniest I’ve ever seen a person be”. He’s right. Fun fact: Correos did it all with a prolapsed disc that would soon require surgery. / CS