The celebrities of Celebrity Bake Off NZ!
The celebrities of Celebrity Bake Off NZ!

Pop CultureDecember 23, 2019

Ranking the baking skills of the contestants on Celebrity Bake Off NZ

The celebrities of Celebrity Bake Off NZ!
The celebrities of Celebrity Bake Off NZ!

Just when you thought The Great Kiwi Bake Off was over, a bunch of celebrities took over the tent to raise money for charity. Tara Ward ranks their performance, poo biscuits and all.

Sound the klaxon, wrap yourself in puff pastry and dive into the jelly lake of your wildest dreams, because the best gift you’ll get this Christmas is Celebrity Bake Off NZ. It’s a claim I’ll fight to the death over (preferably while wrestling in Art Green’s jelly), because nothing sums up the festive spirit better than Paula Bennett checking her biscuits and uttering the immortal words: “They look like little poos”.

Baking poos.

Poo chef Paula joined Dave Fane, Toni Street, Jackie van Beek, Bree Tomasel and Art Green in the GKBO tent for a Christmas charity special, and together they sparked so much joy that I nearly combusted. First up was a $10,000 Technical Bake of 12 Ginger Kisses (“Cream it! Pipe high, not wide!” Sue Fleischl suggested, helpful advice for a variety of holiday activities), while the Showstopper Challenge (worth a snazzy $30,000) was a 3D biscuit scene of a fond Christmas memory.

Paula’s biscuit scene was a desert island hangover, Bree’s featured a pair of giant gingerbread boobs. “If that’s not my Aunty Julie with those great big knockers, I don’t know what is,” Bree said. The nation salutes you, Aunty Julie.

Aunty Julie and her gingerbread knockers.

The tone was set the moment Bree tripped walking up the steps into the tent, and it was merrily downhill from there. Dave Fane passed the time with a Rubik’s Cube, Toni Street stuck her arm inside a piping bag like she was inseminating a tall cow, and stunned Mum and Dad Fleischlschneider clung to any last crumbs of dignity. When Bree presented her ginger kisses plonked on a plastic tree, Lady Sue fretted over the number of cookies on the plate. Listen, a biscuit bush is a true Christmas miracle, let’s all eat a poo puff and chillax.

Jackie van Beek was crowned Star Baker, but everyone was the winner on the day. Six random celebrities had been thrown into the mixing bowl of life, and somehow, like Dave Fane’s pork flavoured biscuits, it turned out beautifully. “Kindness is the best present you can give this Christmas,” Dave reckoned. Kindness, or maybe a pair of gingerbread boobs. Up to you.

A veritable feast.

Sadly, like a piece of coal at the end of your stocking, we must rank these brave bakers for absolutely no good reason. But first, special mention must go to Hayley Sproull’s “I’m going to send these two National voters out of here” outing of the judges prior to the first challenge. Dean went on to eat Paula’s gingerbread head. Make of that what you will.

6) Dave Fane

Dave Fane and his pork-flavoured biscuits.

Best quote: “It was great coming last. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

Dave Fane should be outraged at how things turned out, because covering his plate with everything but the required baking was the work of a visionary. Dave’s bakes were post-modernist symphonies, multi-layered statements about our past, present and future. His work belongs in a museum, or at the very least, a temporary display in a suburban Countdown. “They don’t tell me what to do!” he shouted about the judges. “Don’t eat it! Save yourselves!” he later screamed. Give the man a Michelin star, ASAP.

5) Bree Tomasel

Big Bree, Bigger Mood.

Best quote:“I think I’m gonna get a haemorrhoid.”

Sweet, sweet Bree Tomasel. Light of my life, joy of my heart, maker of the finest gingerbread boobs you’ll see this side of anywhere. Once she worked out what a tablespoon was, Bree was off. Off like her dodgy cream, but as she said, “I’ve eaten off stuff before, and I’m okay”. You’re more than okay, Bree Tomasel, because what is living without taking even one slippery trip down the curdled highway of life?

4) Paula Bennett

Paula Bennett and her green.

Best quote:“Are we actually baking today?”

Oh my sweet and savory scones, does Paula Bennett ask “are we actually beehiving today?” whenever she enters Parliament? Jury’s still out, but Paula’s cunning plan to cream the competition by doubling the recipe backfired when she realised she didn’t have enough ingredients. “Typical National Party, promising everything and under delivering,” Dave Fane heckled, but Paula moved on to build an impressive 3D biscuit scene that Sue called “a masterpiece”. Send it straight to the poo(l) room.

3) Art Green

This’ll set you back about $700K easy.

Best quote:“Is this how it’s supposed to be?”

Please invite me to your lake house. I love jelly too.

2) Toni Street

Took me too long to realise those weren’t gloves.

Best quote: “Great technique: it’s called chuck and dump.”

Some might say Toni Street was robbed, having won the Technical Challenge and then baking a biscuit Christmas tree that actually looked like a tree. Others might say only a fool would think a fondant Santa Bear could win over two ardent National voters. The truth is out there, and it’s probably hiding behind Aunty Julie’s gingerbread knockers.

Winner: Jackie van Beek

The face of a joyful winner.

Best quote: “Turn the focker up”.

Jackie came into the GKBO kitchen wanting to make good choices, and her best one was throwing her entire cream mix in the bin, wooden spoon and all. Jackie’s Arthur’s Pass biscuit mountain was tall and her tent triangular, and the judges were sold. Our star biscuit whisperer might have smelled her baking and said “oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no,”, but we say, oh yes, Jackie van Beek. OH, YES.

Look at how happy this couple is, watching the TV and not talking to each other! (Photo: Getty)
Look at how happy this couple is, watching the TV and not talking to each other! (Photo: Getty)

Pop CultureDecember 23, 2019

The definitive guide to what to watch on telly this Christmas

Look at how happy this couple is, watching the TV and not talking to each other! (Photo: Getty)
Look at how happy this couple is, watching the TV and not talking to each other! (Photo: Getty)

Stuck for something good to watch this Christmas? We’ve picked the television highlights (and lowlights, depending on your love of talking dogs) for everyone this festive period.

Nothing says ‘summer’ and ‘Christmas’ like barricading yourself in a dark room and watching a bunch of strangers do made-up things on a screen. But what are the must-see shows these holidays, and what isn’t must-see, but will keep everyone happy during the festive season? I’ve stuck my hand deep into New Zealand’s telly stocking and pulled out some of the best TV treats, and like a fresh tray of Sampler biscuits, there’s something for everyone, even you. You! You deserve it the most.

For your cousins who think bootleg jeans should have never gone out of fashion: Gavin and Stacey: A Christmas Special (Boxing Day, TVNZ2 7pm)

Oh my Christ, as Three Steaks Pam would say. It’s been ten long years since British comedy Gavin and Stacey ended, but the stars have finally aligned and James Corden and Ruth Jones have reunited the Wests and the Shipmans for a special Christmas dinner. Make yourself an cheese omelette and settle in, this is going to be lush.

 For anyone named Carol: A Christmas Carol (Neon, 23/12 – 25/12)

Listen up, Carols. Neon have a new three-part costume drama starring Mike from Neighbours and the bloke who played Gollum, and they’ve named it after you. Yes, you, Carol! You’re special to us. We’d wrap you in tinsel if we could.

For your drunk aunt who already finished the box wine: Corries of Christmas Past (Christmas Eve, TVNZ1, 9.25pm)

Yes, I might be that drunk aunt, and yes, I might spend my nights trawling through vintage episodes of Coronation Street in the dark corners of the interweb, because Coro is ageless, timeless, eternal and everlasting. They love Christmas in Weatherfield, and those cobbles have seen some shit go down in the past 60 years. Remember when Les drove over the Christmas turkey? I’m feeling teary already.

For everyone who burned the fucking pavlova, again: Celebrity Bake Off NZ (23 December, TVNZ2, 7pm)

If you’re going to watch one episode of a reality TV show this decade, please, please make it this one. Six Kiwi identities (Toni Street, Dave Fane, Bree Tomasel, Art Green, Paula Bennett and Jackie van Beek) enter the Great Kiwi Bake Off tent to raise money for charity, and it’s bloody chaos. Anarchy in the kitchen, mayhem in the streets, funnier than a cow cake made of jelly teats.

For anyone who missed it the first time around: Succession (Neon)

The cast of Succession, the second season is currently streaming on NEON right now.

One of the sharpest shows on television, Succession is a dark comedy-drama about the Roys, a dysfunctional family of power hungry spoiled brats who each want control of their global media empire. Who knew watching people behave so badly could be so entertaining?

For people who like animals more than people: A Dog’s Purpose (22 December, Choice, 8:30pm)

This movie stars KJ Apa and a talking dog who keeps being reincarnated until he finds his purpose. I’m sorry, what? WHAT?!

For the surly teenager who hates everyone and everything: John Mulaney and the Sack Lunch Bunch (Christmas Eve, Netflix)

Even the hottest pocket of hormonal angst should be won over by this wacky Netflix variety special, which sees comedian John Mulaney team up with a bunch of kids (the Sack Lunch Bunch) to “tackle existential topics” through annoyingly catchy songs and comedy sketches, with guest stars like Natasha Lyonne and Jake Gyllenhaal.

For the Christmas grinch: Go South (Christmas Day, Prime, from 5:30am)

Prime’s new slow TV show, Go South.

Wave goodbye to all the Christmas bullshit and jump aboard Go South, an epic 12 hour journey from Auckland to Milford Sound by rail, ferry and car. It’s a bit weird and hypnotic but you get to travel the length and breadth of this fine country without putting your pants on, and that, my friends, is a gift.

For the friend who wants to lie on the couch on Christmas Eve and not get up again until Boxing Day: Friends (TVNZ OnDemand)

The cast of Friends
The cast of Friends, obviously.

236 episodes across 10 seasons equals over 5000 minutes of classic comedy hijinks which gives you three and a half days of non-stop television to get you through the silly season. You’re welcome.

For anyone who loves a miserable Christmas: Chernobyl (Neon)

Yes, it’s bleak, dour, and depressing, but Chernobyl is a masterpiece, which is a lot more than I can say about the bleak, dour and depressing chicken I undercooked for Christmas last year. Chernobyl will break your heart and stay with you for days, which is also what raw chicken will do, but not in the same way. Look, I’m not allowed to cook Christmas dinner this year and I’m fine about it, honestly.

For your great-uncle who thinks the weather’s fine, summer’s supposed to be this hot: The Castle (22 December, TVNZ1, 9.25pm)

Because sometimes you just need to laugh like a drain about a nice family with a lot of holes in their back yard.

For your fun neighbour who writes letters to the TV Guide complaining that there’s nothing good on the telly and could Hilary Barry please cover her boobs up: Kylie’s Secret Night (Boxing Day, TVNZ1, 7pm)

Yes, you should be so lucky. Pop goddess Kylie Minogue and comedian Alan Carr team up in this celebration of all things Kylie, with performances of her greatest hits and surprises for some of her biggest fans. Now we know what happens, maybe they should call it Kylie’s Not So Secret Night. Just a suggestion.

For someone who wants to watch the perfect episode of television: Fleabag (Amazon Prime Video)

FYI it’s season two, episode one. Just watch it, I beg of thee.

For everybody: The Chase Christmas Special (23/12, TVNZ1, 8pm)

We saved the best ’til last, so get amongst it, you filthy animals. Merry Christmas, one and all.