Members of The Real Pod Corner, aka the cornies: friends online and IRL (Photos: Supplied / Design: Tina Tiller)
Members of The Real Pod Corner, aka the cornies: friends online and IRL (Photos: Supplied / Design: Tina Tiller)

Pop CultureNovember 29, 2023

Farewell, The Real Pod: How a ‘silly little podcast’ helped me find my people

Members of The Real Pod Corner, aka the cornies: friends online and IRL (Photos: Supplied / Design: Tina Tiller)
Members of The Real Pod Corner, aka the cornies: friends online and IRL (Photos: Supplied / Design: Tina Tiller)

Day one ‘cornie’ Cat Fitzwater pays tribute to The Real Pod and the community that grew around it.

“”I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss the bride.”

“So how do you know Sophie?”

“Weeeell, funny story: we were actually online friends that became friends in real life. You see, there’s this podcast called The Real Pod…”

Let me take you back to the year 2001. I’m 14 and watching a pyjama-clad Australian called Sara Marie do the bum dance, and my life is forever changed. Big Brother Australia is the first reality TV show I’ve ever watched, and I am obsessed – every night I sit in front of the TV absolutely engrossed in the drama, silly challenges and showmances (this was the year of the infamous “dancing doona” incident). 

Big Brother Australia was the gateway drug that started my love affair with reality TV, an affair which is very much still going to this day. In the following years I devoured shows like Shipwrecked, Survivor, The Hills and America’s Next Top Model. I was an extremely awkward and geeky teenager, with glasses, braces and barely any social or love life to speak of. Getting to escape into a world of good-looking people hooking up, scheming and living their best lives was the saving grace of those formative years for me. 

More recently, my reality TV diet has included the likes of Love Island, 90 Day Fiancé, Celebrity Treasure Island and The Bachelor. Which is where The Real Pod enters the picture – or should I say The Fantasy Suite, which is what it was first called back in 2015, when a fresh-faced Art Green wooed Matilda Rice in a love story for the ages on The Bachelor NZ. Jane, Alex and Duncan were there to recap every moment of it on their “silly little podcast”, and I couldn’t get enough. Listening to their recap podcast truly felt like I was debriefing the show with friends, and wholeheartedly levelled up my TV viewing experience.

A very early Real Pod recorded at Duncan’s dining table.

Three years later, in April 2018, The Real Pod Corner Facebook group was born. I joined on the very first day, so I can quite literally call myself a “day one” cornie. Members of the corner came to be affectionately known as “corndogs”, or “cornies” for short, which has since spawned endless corn related content in the corner. How exciting it was to have a place to chat about the pod, reality TV and everything in between with like-minded people. For once in my life I felt like I was among “my people”.

When the pod finally managed to nab a sponsor, the one and only Nandos, it led to many a cornie meet-up over peri peri chips, and online friends started to become real life friends. Shout out Liz, Meg, Jewelia, Steph, Sam and Sam – my OG Wellington cornie gang. The highlight of the cornie calendar is without a doubt the Nandos Secret Santa dinner and gift exchange. I challenge you to find a more wholesome part of the internet than the thread of everyone showing off their thoughtful, unique and corn-themed gifts.

It’s hard making friends as an adult, and not having had many throughout my life I am eternally grateful for this rag-tag bunch of misfits I now get to call close personal friends. One cornie, the aforementioned Sophie, has even managed to usurp all others to claim the title of best friend. Our chats moved from the corner to Instagram DMs a few years ago, but our friendship really began to flourish when I went down to visit friends in Christchurch. Along with corner royalty Ollie, we met up for drinks at a rooftop bar and the rest is history. It was actually only mine and Sophie’s third time hanging out when I attended her wedding. 

People will always turn their noses up at reality TV, but I’ll proudly own my love for the genre – after all, it’s a love that led me to become part of the beloved Real Pod community. If you follow your passions in life, be unabashedly yourself and don’t let anyone yuck your yums, you might just find your own rag-tag bunch of misfits you can call “your people” too.

So, as we gear up to farewell The Real Pod, my ear holes may be lonely, but my heart won’t be. I’ll still be surrounded by my cornie pals, and we’ll still have endless hours of reality TV – and much more – to discuss.

Listen to The Real Pod on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

The Real Pod (Image: Tina Tiller)
The Real Pod (Image: Tina Tiller)

Pop CultureNovember 29, 2023

Join us for the final episode of The Real Pod

The Real Pod (Image: Tina Tiller)
The Real Pod (Image: Tina Tiller)

After eight years and hundreds of episodes, The Real Pod takes its final bow with a lunchtime livestream today. 

At midday today, Wednesday the 29th of November, you are cordially invited to join Jane Yee, Alex Casey and Duncan Greive as they gather in the studio one last time to farewell The Spinoff’s longest-running podcast. Our pop culture behemoth The Real Pod has been meeting weekly for over eight years to recap the biggest reality show of the moment, sift through local celebrity gossip and dissect some of the more challenging weird news from across the country. Now it’s time to say goodbye.

We’ve been there for Art and Matilda falling in love and forgetting the final rose, for Chris Parker’s triumphant Celebrity Treasure Island win, for our future deputy prime minister twerking in neon. We’ve been there for the big scandals that have plagued Married at First Sight NZ, The Real Housewives of Auckland and Below Deck Down Under. We’ve even recapped a whole season of New Zealand’s Next Top Model from the archives, just because we could. 

Host Jane Yee reflected on a glorious eight years in the last newsletter for our Substack. “Yes, we’ve enjoyed the opportunity to go to Anne Batley-Burton’s Pussy Party and The Apprentice Aotearoa unofficial finale screening at a go-kart track,” she wrote. “But were it not for The Real Pod Corner and the golden corn nuggets within, there’s no way this silly little podcast would have lasted this long.” 

“I don’t think I’ve ever had more powerfully mixed feelings about the end of something,” added Duncan Greive in the same obituary email. “The Real Pod has been around almost as long as The Spinoff itself, and I’m not gonna lie it has been stressful at times trying to build this weird media org from scratch. But being able to retreat into the goofy safety of The Real Pod every week and just have so many laughs with these two deadset legends saved my life and brain.” 

Alex Casey concluded that she never could have imagined the podcast would still be around 2023. “Thank you for being there with us through all the emotional dumps, big life changes, celebrity guests and endless non-sequiturs usually ending up in a toilet bowl,” she wrote. “But, most importantly, thank you for being a constant reminder that there’s a whole community of kind, funny, generous dorks out there who also love pop culture as much as we do.”

In this extra special one hour farewell, we’ll look back at the moments that gripped the nation during The Real Pod’s tenure, and a couple of things you might have forgotten about. We have also dug up our very first episode and will look back at our biggest celebrity guests to grace the pod. Who can forget when Jordan Mauger revealed he flipped a coin to decide the winner of The Bachelor NZ, or when Mike Puru talked about nearly crapping himself during the weather

We’ll also do a live tour of The Real Pod museum, a delightful collection of reality television artefacts that we’ve accumulated over the years. Will the popcorn from The Apprentice Aotearoa still be good two years later? How about Larissa’s fondant from The Great Kiwi Bake Off? And will Jane or Alex every accept Haydn from MAFSNZ’s proposal? All that, plus a live Q&A and many more surprises to come. See you there on The Spinoff YouTube at 12pm!

Can’t make the livestream? Catch the final episode of The Real Pod on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.