Photo: Zarahn Southon
Photo: Zarahn Southon

SocietyApril 11, 2018

In pictures: the trampolines and pets of Auckland after the storm

Photo: Zarahn Southon
Photo: Zarahn Southon

We asked, you delivered: shocking photos of the destruction and trauma visited upon the cats, dogs and trampolines of Auckland overnight. 

A largely unheralded storm tore through Auckland last night, downing trees, power lines and much of the city’s electricity grid. Cats were scared, dogs were terrified, and many a trampoline was found up a tree. The Spinoff presents The Aftermath, a photo essay of the damage as submitted by you, our dear readers.

“The boys are a tiny bit scared of the storm.” Photo: Kanoa Lloyd
“Te Atatu South. RIP.” Photo: Rochelle Miskelly
Photo: Emily Writes
Photo: Laura Bell
“Little Frankie needed an umbrella to go to the toilet outside in Wellington last night.” Photo: Sam Duff
Photo: Anonymous ooo
Mad about loss of major fence-top cat superhighway. Photo: Jolisa Gracewood.
“The gang assess damaged trampoline in front yard, Titirangi” Photo: Zarahn Southon
Intrigued by possibilities of new bypass. Photo: Jolisa Gracewood.
“I saw it lift and it flew clean over our fence, which is chest/shoulder height, and then tumbled about 150m down the road until it collided with that tree. And that’s where it stayed until we bought it back this morning.” Photo: Chloe Irvine
Photo: Jolisa Gracewood.
Photo: Julia Harper-Hinton
“Went to the spare bed, tucked herself in.” Photo: Paul Brislen, a telecommunications expert
Photo: Chloe Irvine.
Freida. Photo: Millie Austin.
Photo: @11kstew70
“Foley does not enjoy storms.” Photo: Troy Rawhiti-Forbes
Photo: Katy Watabe
Photo: @WendyWings

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