
Pop CultureSeptember 21, 2018

I binged The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings films in one weekend


Alex Casey goes on a noble, stupid quest.

I’ll never forget the sunny afternoon that I spotted Andy Serkis on the imaginatively named “Main” street of “Grey” town during the height of The Lord of the Rings madness. I would’ve been about 11, and he was wandering quietly through the shops. It was him! Smeagol. Gollum. A man from the movies, plodding through my own little comfortable Shire where I had carefully mapped out the boundaries of my world from the town pools, to the school playground, to the chicken and chips shop.

The author’s recreation of Andy in Greytown

Try as I might, I can’t deny the impact that The Lord of the Rings had on my childhood spent in the South Wairarapa, the frequent stomping ground for Middle Earth’s finest celebrities. Andy Serkis was kind and obliging when I ran up to him, even recording the Voicemail message on my Nokia 3315 as Gollum. You’d constantly hear whisperings of Sean Astin and Elijah Wood hitchhiking in gumboots, or Orlando Bloom sipping coffee outside a dinky cafe. Every weekend, driving over the Rimutaka Hill to Mum’s house, I’d peep into the Hutt Valley and see glimpses of Isengard and Helm’s Deep.

I’ll be honest, it was all pretty bloody magical.

getting trolled

But then came age and cynicism and the big embarrassing statues at the airport and weird news stories about Andy Serkis being a sex demon. I coolly distanced myself, opting for the occasional drunken university LOTR marathon and trudging into the Hobbit films like it was out of national obligation rather than personal choice. I wasn’t a fan because I wasn’t a NERD. Sure, I did the Tongariro Crossing and posed like a hobbit next to Mount Doom, but wouldn’t you? Sure, I did a solo tour through Weta just last year, but haven’t you? Sure, I’m going to Hobbiton in two weeks time, but aren’t you?

With all this in mind I decided to dive right back in and rent every single movie from Peter Jackson’s Middle Earth.

Here’s my chronicled journey, there and back again.




SATURDAY MORNING: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (3hrs and 2mins)

Feeling positively precious

“And where sickness thrives, bad things will follow.” Aka, it’s Saturday morning and I’m, naturally, extremely hungover. I want to think I look like radiant Galadriel, but I truly, madly, deeply, look like the boil-covered Goblin King and there are no two ways about it. There’s mould on the ceiling and we have a house inspection on Monday, but I’m in denial about having to clean it. I put on the first Hobbit and get reacquainted with my old friends Oin, Gloin, Tenderloin and Bitcoin. And Smeagol! And the wizard with bird poo in his hair! 

More reasons to watch: Two rock monsters have a massive fight next to a treacherous cliff face. Bret MacKenzie returns as FIGWIT and it’s about as jarring as Ed Sheeran in Game of Thrones but it’s still good. The dwarves sing one song that is absolute tunage and one song which would get you kicked out of a dinner party. Lee Pace is extremely, extraordinarily attractive as a blonde elf. Bilbo’s kitchen looks like Amano decor and that’s just the cold hard trews.

Tell me thats not Amano in the middle

What to eat: Whatever it is, it can’t be green (I had a pie and a Fanta for breakfast)


SATURDAY AFTERNOON: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (3hrs and 7mins)


The mould isn’t entirely gone, but I’ve managed to find my extremely rare gold coin from Smaug’s actual lair and eaten a whole bag of chips. Look, this movie is all about Smaug. Gorgeous Smaug. Opulent Smaug. Smoking hot Smaug. As Bilbo darts around the golden lair trying not to get burned to a crisp, a fierce debate arises on our couch about how best to kill a dragon. I think I would look at Smaug and say “freeze” and then “blink if you love me.” Smaug would have to keep his eyes open and then I would spear him through the brain. If he blinks, then I guess we fall in love and it would be like the happy ending of Shrek. I’d be rich too. A win-win, really.

More reasons to watch: Benedict Cumberbatch doing the absolute most. The bit where the dwarves jump in barrels and go down lazy, orc-filled log flume. Evangeline Lilly being more beautiful than Cinderella. The first utterance of “man flesh”. Stephen Fry’s dramatic facial hair.

Trio of icons

What to eat: A bag of chocolate coins and a barrel of wine.

SATURDAY EVENING: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2hrs and 24mins) 


If you like battles, this film has heaps of them. If you like armies, this one has at least five. At a positively balmy two and a half hours, this is a beautiful digestif to finish off the first day of your marathon. “And if we die tonight, we’ll all die together,” I whisper to my beloved, as we press play on the third instalment. I’m particularly charmed by the dark twist on Disney on Ice, aka Thorin Fights Azog to the Death on Ice. A great, scary, chilly fight scene. 

More reasons to watch: Billy Connolly is my dad and it’s rude to my family if you don’t acknowledge that. Christopher Lee (RIP) has very long fingernails in one scene and it’s disrespectful to his memory if you don’t. It’s the first time we see Mithril (must be said with a whisper) in the franchise and it’s disrespectful to all the mithril artisans of Middle Earth if you don’t.

Show some respect

What to eat: Shaved ice for hydration. Then sleep.




SUNDAY MORNING: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (3hrs, 28mins)

Feeling on the edge of madness just like Bilbo

I feel like The Hobbit trilogy was the meat and potatoes part of the binge and LOTR is delicious dessert all the way down. Every time I watch The Fellowship, I see something new. Sure, it’s extremely hilarious when Gandalf hits his head on the ceiling of the small hobbit house, but have you ever noticed how cool he looks with half his hair tied up and half his hair down? Ever noticed how The Ring is like the goddamn size of a bangle at the start? Ever realised that the stone trolls the hobbits bump into were the LIVE trolls in The Hobbit???

More reasons to watch: Frodo’s face every time he nearly slips over to the shadow realm. Arwen and Aragorn being the love story of our times. The terrifying might of Lurtz and the endless wonder of this photo. “If you want him, come and claim him.” Boromir getting nailed with a bow and arrow 400 times. “Fly you fools.” Second breakfasts. Elevensies. “Fool of a took.” God, it’s good.

Sooooo gooooood

What to eat: An apple, thrown over a hedge by Aragorn, for second breakfast.

SUNDAY AFTERNOON: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (3hrs, 44mins) 

Gandalf the white in the house

I think this one might be the actual best of the franchise and it’s all because of the Ents. The enormous, magical, kinda pissed off trees are a glorious addition, least of which because I’ve written an entire, never-to-be-performed comedy special about them. What’s an Ent’s favourite sunglass brand? Oakleys. Why did the Ent get kicked out of the magic show? He was a plant. What did one Ent say to the other Ent? Stop throwing shade. If you don’t think any of that is funny, then you’ll at least get a kick out of the Rasta Ent who dips his flaming dreads in the burst dam.

More reasons to watch: Robyn Malcolm is back, baby. “Man flesh” pt. deux. Legolas skateboarding down the stairs on his shield. Seeing Smeagol properly for the first (in terms of release) time ever. Gandalf’s extreme glow-up. When Gimli gets Aragorn to toss him (problematic?). The unbridled joy of Merry and Pippin. The beautiful white horse. The bloody Oliphaunt.

All I want is to glow like Gandalf

What to eat: Potatoes: boil em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew. 

SUNDAY EVENING: The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (4hrs and 20mins) 

Feeling triumphant

I’ll admit that around the one hour mark of ROTK, I turned to my beloved and I said: “who is the king?” Partially, my brain was cooked because I’d been inside all weekend. Partially, I’d bleached my remaining brain cells cleaning the last of the mould. But mostly, I firmly believed that Éowyn is the real king. A feminist hero. A Joan of Arc. An Amanda Bynes in She’s the Man. At a whopping, hilarious, 4.20 duration for the extended version, Return of the King is the Oscar-winning, magnum opus of the franchise.

If you’ve ever drunkenly held up a lighter while slurring “Gondor calls for aid,” this film is like coming home. If you are yet to do that classic gag, you are very, very, welcome to use it. Nobody laughs and you singe your hair.

More reasons to watch: Sheelob is the most disgusting big spider I have ever seen with my own two eyes. The stink army of green ghouls is iconic. The avalanche of skulls gave me a nightmare immediately afterwards. Minas Tirith looks like a pure Melancholia pristine lawn perfection.

Little green ghouls buddy

What to eat: A roast chicken with your bare hands in the style of Denethor. You’ve earned it. 


Keep going!
Bert and Ernie. Totally gay for and with each other, and also in general.
Bert and Ernie. Totally gay for and with each other, and also in general.

Pop CultureSeptember 20, 2018

Bert and Ernie are gay and I will fight you if you say otherwise

Bert and Ernie. Totally gay for and with each other, and also in general.
Bert and Ernie. Totally gay for and with each other, and also in general.

Recently, the creator of Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street came out and said what we already all knew: Bert and Ernie are a lovable gay couple. But still some people deny it. Emily Writes – who watches a lot of Sesame Street – says those people are making her lose her mind.  

For reasons that will never be known to us, Sesame Street has always denied the fact that Bert and Ernie are gay. But on Sunday, Mark Saltzman – who won seven Daytime Emmys for his work as a writer on Sesame Street – said in an interview in Queerty that our favourite puppet gay icons are in fact, gay. He talked about how Bert and Ernie are modelled on himself and his longtime late partner, Arnold Glassman. Then the Sesame Workshop put out a shitty statement that erased queer Bert and Ernie, wrongly stating that muppets “do not have a sexual orientation”.

The internet exploded. Many people felt the need to argue that the man who made Bert and Ernie was wrong. But he’s not wrong. Here’s a take-down of all the dumb arguments.

But none of the puppet characters in the show are in relationships!

WRONG JEFF. Almost all the adult Jim Henson puppets – which for the sake of my argument will include Muppets  – are in relationships. On Sesame Street: The Count has a wife, Oscar has a girlfriend (her name is Grundgetta). On The Muppets: Kermit/Piggy Floyd/Janis Gonzo/Camilla, Rizzo/Yolanda and even Waldorf and Statler’s wives are on the show. All of the adult non-puppet humans have partners. Mr Robinson, the property magnate who owns most of Sesame Street (and who sometimes I imagine is on acid and has just dreamed up the entire area complete with terrible puppets), is married. I can’t actually think of any adult characters who aren’t coupled up.

In all the Muppet movies there are couples, including cross-species couples like Fozzie and Becky, and Beaker and his many girlfriends. Who could forget Mary and Gary? Walter even had a date to prom – a human woman who clearly brought down her standards for the night.

I mean, Mr Noodle is an adult man who lives in a child’s closet and he still has a Miss Noodle and Ms Noodle. They’re siblings, but they could also be a polyamorous triad. So instead of arguing on the internet about whether Bert and Ernie are gay, why don’t you consider why a single and a grown man needs to be taught how to throw a ball and is always alone with a non-related three-year-old red thing?

What about Elmo? He doesn’t have a partner. Abby? Big Bird?

Elmo doesn’t have a partner for two reasons: 1) He’s three years old. 2) He’s an insufferable dick who’s going to die alone in his apartment surrounded by Sesame Street memorabilia desperately trying to get back to the glory days now that he’s no longer cute and is just a red furry creep who nobody wants around.

Abby and Big Bird are children. What is wrong with you? Also, they’re cross-species. You can’t fuck a bird if you’re a whatever the fuck Abby is (other than irritating).

Only children aren’t coupled up on Sesame Street and The Muppets. In contrast, Bert and Ernie aren’t children. They’re adults, albeit not particularly high-functioning ones.

But puppets don’t have a sexuality!


Piggy and Kermit are a love story for the ages and you didn’t have a problem with that did you, Karen? You closet homophobe. You can’t not have a sexuality and be in a relationship. Even the LETTERS on the show have sexualities. The Letter A and the Letter Z are always horning all over each other.

Aside from that, no other show has taught us how important representation is than Sesame Street. Only showing kids straight couples means they think there are only straight couples in the world. We’re coding everything as straight which isn’t just unhealthy – it’s wrong.

The point of Bert and Ernie is to teach kids about friendship, not to display sexuality

Hold up mate, nobody suggests Miss Piggy and Kermit are displaying sexuality by being straight (passing) all over Muppet Land. Nobody suggests Luis and Maria are forcing their sexuality onto anyone.

But you can’t change history! Canonically they’re straight.

THEY ARE GAY AS THE DAY IS LONG. You know it. I know it. This has only confirmed it. I mean, Bert watches Ernie have baths. They’ve lived together in a cabinet since 1969. They literally live in a closet. They’ve never had girlfriends. Ernie sits on Bert’s lap all the time and they love each other. They give each other gifts all the time. In the mornings, Bert tries to read his paper and Ernie tries to talk to him. This is a married couple.

What about that song Bert sang to that girl puppet?

Bisexuals exist, Jeff.

But Sesame Workshop said…

They deleted their tweet because they knew it was a bad tweet.

But but but…

Is this really a high you want to die on Broseph? Sesame Street has always been the place that shattered shitty stereotypes. It was the street that was safe, even from when we were kids. Remember Linda the librarian? That’s how you learned how to sign ‘good morning’. Rosita La Monstrua de las Cuevas taught you how to say ‘hello’ in Spanish. Tarah was the first child in a wheelchair many children ever saw – many disabled characters were on TV at a time when mainstreaming for school wasn’t even happening for high health needs and additional needs children.

All this wasn’t just a window into another world for children – it was important for representation. Children could finally see themselves on TV when the only other high-rating show was a bunch of irritating men singing annoying songs.

Julia, the first character with autism, is one of my son’s favourite characters, and it helps him to understand and support his friends who are ASD. They’ve had an HIV+ muppet, Takalani Sesame. Jason Kingsley starred in 55 episodes of Sesame Street in the 70s and he has Down Syndrome. Since then, many kids with disabilities have been on the show. A puppet called Alex had a dad who was in jail. My son knows all of the parts to a wheelchair because of the show’s ‘Wheels on the Chair’ song. In one of my favourite old episodes, First Nations actress Buffy Sainte-Marie tells Big Bird while breastfeeding her son onscreen that “lots of mothers feed their babies this way. Not all mothers, but lots of mothers do.” They have a bunch of adopted children and single parents on the show too.

So why wouldn’t Bert and Ernie be gay? And really, the better question is: why shouldn’t they?

Since 1969 The Street has been the place for children. So really it should be those children who get to decide who is who on the show. And they’ll be wanting to see their two dads, their two mums, their uncles, and aunties – all of the couples in their lives that they know and love who are LGBT.

Around the world, Sesame Street is shown. The main characters are different everywhere – a giant French-speaking polar bear named Basil, a pink turtle named Pong Pagong, Kippi Kippod the hedgehog, No’Man the Kuwaiti camel. Everywhere children need to see themselves, there’s Sesame Street.

So do we need Bert and Ernie to be gay? Well, it doesn’t matter, they’re gay – but in short, yes. Children should be able to see that love is love is love and Bert and Ernie are as happy together as Mr and Mrs Robinson, as Floyd and Janis, as Gonzo and Camilla, as those two rats who are always singing love songs to each other, as Mary and Gary, as their mum and dad. If they’re gay, they need to know that happiness isn’t unobtainable. Despite what other media says. Despite what their church says. Despite what their horrible uncle says.

What if late at night, when all those horrible thoughts are running through their head, they think of Bert and Ernie. Just a sweet old couple, living happily at 123 Sesame Street, in love since 1969.

What a difference it might’ve made for me to see some happy gay muppets on TV to balance out the church’s teachings that I was going to Hell. I might not have begun to hate myself so early for being just as hot for Buffy as I was for Angel.

Ultimately, does it matter what we think? Probably not. But it should.

Wherever possible we should fight for representation for children because it really matters. When Julia, an autistic character, joined The Street, Twitter user @shiphitsthefan wrote about the following interaction with their child:

The suicide rate and attempted suicide rate of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender children and youth is devastatingly high. Much higher than the general population. The difference representation makes matters so much. If only more internet debates were focused on that issue. If only more people were furious about that toll.

Imagine what we could achieve if hundreds of thousands of adults were focused on that?