OpinionThe Clare Curran story reveals a political culture that makes NZ meaner, smallerNo mistakes made by the former Labour minister could make the treatment of her acceptable. Ever.By Jess Berentson-Shaw | 7th July, 2020Contributing writer
The problem with false balance reporting on vaccinationScience is good, but that doesn't have the same opportunity to penetrate as fear-based storytelling.By Jess Berentson-Shaw | 12th March, 2019Contributing writer
Strategies for actually doing something about the climate change shitstormDespair is understandable. So is shouting about the facts. But to effect real change we need to look to psychological techniquesBy Jess Berentson-Shaw | 9th October, 2018Contributing writer
Misinformation is riding a digital wave. Here’s how we can counter itMisinformation will always be with us. If we use innovative tools smartly, we can ensure it stays on the edges of our democratic processBy Jess Berentson-Shaw | 13th August, 2018Contributing writer
How to have a sensible discussion about early childhood educationThere's been a lot of talk about the state of early childhood education in New Zealand over the last few days. Most of it has been shit. Here's Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw doing what she does best - cutting through the crap so we can have a rational conversation.By Jess Berentson-Shaw | 8th August, 2018Contributing writer
An HPV-free world is possible – but we won’t get it through threats and insultsThreatening people who don't vaccinate for HPV does more harm than good, writes Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw.dBy Jess Berentson-Shaw | 7th July, 2018Contributing writer
How we talk about early childhood education mattersCan we change the ECE story in New Zealand?By Jess Berentson-Shaw | 12th June, 2018Contributing writer
The parent pay chasm: how the gender pay gap widens among those with kidsNew research reveals the penalty women pay after becoming mothers.By Jess Berentson-Shaw | 29th May, 2018Contributing writer
Mark Richardson says being a parent is ‘not a job’. But why not?The AM Show host this week claimed this week that while it is 'hard work' being a mum, 'you can't call it a job'. But should payment be the yardstick by which we measure work?By Jess Berentson-Shaw | 21st March, 2018Contributing writer
About that ‘paracetamol in pregnancy’ study: don’t panicYou might have seen headlines claiming paracetamol in pregnancy could reduce your daughter's future fertility. We asked no-bullshit Spinoff Parents scientist Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw to tell us what it all really means.By Jess Berentson-Shaw | 10th January, 2018Contributing writer