A ‘Tomatina’ tomato fight festival in Colombia in 2016 (Photo: GUILLERMO LEGARIA/AFP via Getty Images)
A ‘Tomatina’ tomato fight festival in Colombia in 2016 (Photo: GUILLERMO LEGARIA/AFP via Getty Images)

KaiMarch 12, 2021

What to do with all those 8c-a-kilo tomatoes you bought

A ‘Tomatina’ tomato fight festival in Colombia in 2016 (Photo: GUILLERMO LEGARIA/AFP via Getty Images)
A ‘Tomatina’ tomato fight festival in Colombia in 2016 (Photo: GUILLERMO LEGARIA/AFP via Getty Images)

In light of tomato prices plummeting to new lows this week, Amanda Thompson asked a bunch of chefs how to make the most of those cheap as toms.

What can you buy for 8 cents? Nothing. If you ask a bunch of boomers they’ll go all dewy-eyed with recollections of a trip to the flicks and enough left over for an ice cream, but since the turn of the century, nothing. Unless you wanted a kilo of tomatoes, that is.

For one crazy, beautiful day this week if you zipped into Hastings Pak’n Save (Wednesday) or zapped into Royal Oak Pak’n Save (Thursday) with a 50 cent coin, you could have left the building with 3kg (10kg if you were in the Stings!) of perfectly good fresh tomatoes in your hand, AND a bunch of change to jingle in your pocket.

We’ve all seen supermarkets engaging in loss leader price wars before, but 8 or 9 cents a kilo – for anything – is diving to new depths. Apart from bragging rights at the end of the year Pak’n Save Christmas do, it seems the “warring” stores are just in it for the publicity. Tomatoes NZ general manager Helen Barnes answered the question on all our minds in Hawke’s Bay Today when she confirmed that supermarkets “wouldn’t be making any money at that price”. Poor supermarkets! 

Chef Kelda Hains from Wellington restaurant Rita is more concerned about the growers. “Not many things make me feel more despondent than the idea that we don’t value the labour of the people who grow and harvest our food. What have these growers given up to have these plants in their greenhouses or fields for no return?” Kelda admits that there is no right way to manage something as complex and personal as daily food choices, but her worries remain. “It’s just good to hold the workers and growers in your mind as you cook.”

And what are you going to do with three whole kilos of ripe tomatoes anyway? 

Cotto’s John Pountney, left, and Mayuresh Endal with some lovely toms (Photo: Supplied)

John Pountney from Auckland Italian restaurant Cotto is dubious that you would be getting the best-quality tomato at 9 cents a kilo. “I’ll be honest, they’ll be bog-standard supermarket tomatoes, and the goal will be to get as much flavour as humanly possible in there. A slow roast might be the way, then you can freeze them in small batches for use in soups and stews later.”

Cotto slow-roast tomatoes:

  • Cut the tomatoes in half and lay cut side up on an oven tray lined with baking paper.
  • Generously season with salt, as well as a pinch of sugar to bring out the sweetness.
  • Drizzle with olive oil (about 100ml) and then scatter over chopped garlic cloves (about 4-6).
  • Preheat the oven to about 160°C and bake for about 40 minutes or until nicely roasted and caramelised.
  • Add fresh chopped basil after cooking for extra flavour.

I love this idea. If you were to be frying, say, a handful each of finely chopped olives and bacon in olive oil, or maybe anchovies, and then you were to add some dried chilli, maybe oregano or parsley, and if you were to then mix it all together with John’s slow roast tomatoes and lavishly coat it over some pasta with a metric shit tonne of grated parmesan – boom, baby. I’d definitely be your best friend.

You could actually just throw your bulk tomatoes, bagged, straight into the freezer if you’re using them for soups and stews later. That’s how my mother handled it. Her philosophy was that if you perhaps ended up with eleventeen million freezer burnt blobs iced on to the bottom of the Kelvinator two years later, so be it. Back in the day my grandmother dealt with a seasonal glut by boiling the painstakingly skinned tomatoes up with a lot of sugar and turn them into Mock Raspberry Jam, the raspberry flavour coming from a bottle of cordial syrup and some jelly crystals. You can still find this recipe on Pinterest or the odd budget cookery blog, but please don’t. Even in the 1970s it felt (and tasted) deeply wrong.

If you’re so bougie you can’t eat the skins either, blanch the fruit (dipping them in boiling water for about a minute, then running under cold water) should make it easier. Although not so easy that, honestly, I think you should bother. 

Yael Shochat from Ima Cuisine in Auckland agrees with me that blanching mass tomatoes is “a pain”, but, unlike me, has come up with a clever alternative: “Put a cross in them with a knife, then cram as many as you can in an oven tray and roast them until the skins separate. Then you can peel them when they are cool.”

Shochat suggests we then use those smoothly skinless toms for making shakshuka, a recipe from her book 2016 cookbook Ima Cuisine. When Shochat serves this in the restaurant, she adds home-made merguez sausage, but you can substitute with a good chorizo. 

Yael Shochat outside Ima Cuisine with some of her staff (Photo: Supplied)

Ima shakshuka

  • 8-10 medium-sized ripe tomatoes, quartered
  • 1 medium onion
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 1 small red chilli (to taste)
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon flaky salt (or ½ teaspoon table salt)
  • 8 eggs
  • at least one slice of fresh soft bread, such as challah or pita, per person

Preheat your oven to 180ºC. 

Cross the tomatoes’ skin and put in an oven tray. Roast for 8 minutes then remove from the oven, cool and remove the skin. Halve and peel the onion, then thinly slice into half-moons. Finely chop the garlic and chilli. Quarter the tomatoes. 

Heat the oil in a large oven-proof pan for which you have a lid. Fry the onion on medium heat for 10 minutes, until soft and lightly golden. Add the garlic and chilli and sauté for another minute. Add the tomatoes and cook for a further 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Sprinkle with salt and put the pan in the oven for 10 minutes to reduce the liquid.

Return the pan to the hob and set the heat to a simmer. Taste the sauce, and season if needed. Make eight wells in the mixture with the back of a tablespoon (don’t make the wells at the edge of the pan, or the egg inside will cook too quickly). Crack an egg into each well. Place the lid on the pan and simmer on low heat until the whites are set but the yolks are still runny. 

Transfer a quarter of the sauce plus two eggs carefully into four wide shallow bowls. Sprinkle each egg with a little salt and serve with the bread on the side.

Moa moa… burger? What the heck? (Image: Tina Tiller)
Moa moa… burger? What the heck? (Image: Tina Tiller)

KaiMarch 9, 2021

Why do ‘moa-flavoured’ chips exist, and what do they taste like?

Moa moa… burger? What the heck? (Image: Tina Tiller)
Moa moa… burger? What the heck? (Image: Tina Tiller)

Is nothing sacred? Apparently not. Sam Brooks explains the ‘Wavy Moa Burger’ flavoured Pringle.

The video game promotional tie-in is nothing new. Since Pac-Man was eating ghosts, video game developers have found ways to make their players eat food that has their branding plastered all over it. There have been Dragon Quest Slime Pork Buns, Pac-Man Pasta and even Pokemon Curries. (These tie-ins also go the other way, with KFC releasing a bizarre dating sim video game in 2019.)

However, there’s not a particularly long history of video game companies collaborating with food companies to make a new chip flavour very loosely based on an extinct bird native to New Zealand.

Confused? You should be, but don’t worry, here’s the deal:

What are Moa Burger Wavy Pringles?

It’s a joint promotion from Pringles and Microsoft, the company that publishes the Halo video game franchise. It’s not the first consumable Halo tie-in – there’s currently a Monster Energy Halo promotion as well. Pringles is, of course, a chip brand.

But why are they making Moa Burger-flavoured Pringles?

In their mustachioed history, Pringles have had well over 100 flavours, most of which didn’t make it to New Zealand, including loaded baked potato, soft shell crab, mozzarella sticks and marinara, screamin’ dill pickle and “night club”. Moa burger is one of the weirder flavours.

In the Halo canon (a truly cursed phrase), moa are a source of food consumed by humans on the planet Reach, served in wing, nugget and burger form. These incredibly expensive delicacies are sold at the petting zoo and restaurant “Have S’moa”. They later became endangered, due to reasons that are too stupid for anybody who isn’t a Halo player to put into their brain. 

Moa are also encountered in the game itself, which includes an achievement for killing seven of them called “Keep it Clean”. Classy!

They look like this:

The moa from Halo!
The moa from Halo!

In the real world, the moa was a flightless bird that reached nearly four metres in height. They roamed New Zealand for millions of years, but became extinct 500-600 years ago after the arrival of human settlers, who hunted them for food.

They looked like this:

What’s an extinct New Zealand bird doing in the Halo series?

I have no idea. Video games might be art, but they can also be dumb as all hell. My guess is they wanted a bird that was big enough for players to shoot, and “moa” sounds cooler than “ostrich” and slightly easier to pronounce than “emu”.

OK, weird. What do they taste like?

According to the Pringles website, the chips feature a blend of flavours including “garlic, sweet ginger and savoury beef”. They also have a “crave-able slight heat” from chilli pepper and red pepper. However, according to Gareth Maguire, senior director of marketing for Pringles, the company “prides [themselves] in creating insanely accurate flavour combinations”. 

I guess it’s pretty easy to claim your chip flavour is insanely accurate if it’s based on a fictional bird.

There’s not a lot of information on what the real moa tasted like. However, they’re closely related to the kiwi. No one’s quite sure what kiwi taste like either but Canterbury Museum curator of natural history Dr Paul Scofield, who has prepared a number of kiwi for taxidermy, told Newshub he reckoned they’d be “a very unpleasant meat”. They’re also closely related to the emu, which famously tastes like beef

My scientific opinion is that the moa tasted a lot like a bird, and not very much like a chip.

Why now?

There doesn’t seem to be a timely reason, although the press release claims the gaming community is “continually curious about what the Moa tastes like in burger form”. Pringles is, once more, a chip brand, not a burger company, so the gaming community’s curiosity will continue.

Halo: Reach was released 10 years ago and although it’s one of the most popular games in the franchise, it’s not quite “release a tie-in product a decade later” popular. There’s a chance this collaboration was meant to come out around the same time as the intended release date of the latest game in the series, Halo: Infinite, which was initially supposed to be in 2020 but has been pushed back to later this year. 

I’d argue there’s never a good time for a video game tie-in for a chip flavour based on a fictional bird based on a real extinct bird, but that’s just me.

Where can I get them?

Nowhere in New Zealand, ironically. They’re only available at Walmart in the US and, much like the real moa, they’re only available for a limited time.