tiktok icon with cool shades watching a video while youtube and instagram icons look on in ENVY
TikTok is significantly more popular than traditional search engines and media channels among 15-24 year-olds.

OPINIONInternetJuly 19, 2022

Why are Instagram and YouTube so bad at copying TikTok?

tiktok icon with cool shades watching a video while youtube and instagram icons look on in ENVY
TikTok is significantly more popular than traditional search engines and media channels among 15-24 year-olds.

Are Reels and Shorts the future of social media? Or are they just distracting from what these apps are actually good at? For IRL, Shanti Mathias gets lost in the short-form video churn.

First, a confession: I am someone who spends a lot of time on the internet, probably more than I should, and I do not have a TikTok account.

This doesn’t mean that I don’t watch a lot of TikToks, however, because the short video form has infested all my other social media apps. Reposted videos are everywhere on Twitter, but it’s Instagram and YouTube that have really committed to it: Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are essentially wholesale rip-offs of TikTok. 

Copying a competitor’s strategy when its popularity threatens your product is the oldest business trick in the book. It’s not even the first time we’ve seen this happen: Instagram duplicated the story function from Snapchat, and before long, the other social media giants tried to do the same. (They didn’t always succeed.) 

The issue with Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts isn’t that they’re copying TikTok – it’s that they’re extraordinarily bad at doing so. In the early hype around TikTok, as the app and format began its rise to ubiquity, journalists compelled to try the app would write articles listing what they had seen within it. To emphasise how useless Google and Meta have been at algorithmically-recommended short-form video, I attempted to do the same. 

YouTube and Instagram are much worse at delivering short videos to watchers than TikTok (Photo: Getty Images)

In the YouTube Shorts tab, I’ve seen a husband lie to his wife about seeing Harry Styles, just to get her reaction; a dude with a microphone trying to high five people and give them chocolate; a team of pressure washers rescuing a baby bird; some trampolinists performing tricks off a wall; a self-proclaimed “vocal coach” reacting to a video of Will Ferrell. Most of these videos are reposts from TikTok. Because the algorithm, which is created by Google, one of the biggest and wealthiest companies in the world, apparently has no ability to remember what I’ve watched before, I’ve seen each of these videos at least five times over multiple days. 

Instagram Reels is marginally better. It’s still populated mainly by TikTok reposts, but also has a lot of people setting their lives to music. Since reels are mixed in with photo-only posts in a feed, as well as existing in their own tab – Instagram’s way to make the feature ubiquitous – they’re difficult to escape. The soothing, stupefying experience of scrolling through pictures of people you know and/or love has been replaced by the noisy, stupefying experience of seeing those same people romanticise their lives in short videos.

For creators, who need people to see and follow them to make money, the prioritising of video on Instagram means they’re compelled to make videos – even if their followers aren’t interested. It’s a reminder of the bad days of Facebook’s pivot to video in 2015, when organisations using the platform – including this one – had to make videos to be seen in newsfeeds, even though the metrics Facebook based this on were a lie.

I avoided TikTok because, frankly, I was worried about the algorithm, worried that I could stare at a small screen for hours being diagnosed in hyperspecific ways by another corporation that knew too much about me. “I don’t need a ‘For You’ page,” I thought. “I’m already extremely maybe terminally – online.” 

the instagram logo pixelated and blurred, like something is wrong
Prioritising Instagram Reels has made the app less effective at showing people pictures of people they follow (Image: Tina Tiller)

The past few weeks of using YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels for about 20 minutes each day, masochistically flipping through content that is confusing, deranged, or (sometimes, admittedly) quite fun, has shown me that the world’s biggest tech companies may have access to unparalleled quantities of data about millions of people, but they can still be wrong. 

Google and Meta are presumably throwing millions of dollars and hundreds of well-paid developers, engineers and data scientists at their short video products, but at best, they’re currently worse versions of TikTok with a less-targeted algorithm. In this humble internet journalist’s opinion, it’s inexplicable that YouTube is able to ignore the decade of data it has on what I watch (a lot of videos of the Mamma Mia cast, impressive cosplay content and video essays about books) and completely neglect to serve me anything I’m interested in on its shorts channels. While I use Instagram much less – mainly for work and keeping tabs on my younger siblings – the Reels algorithm is also bad at showing me videos I might like. Given that engagement, especially on Instagram, is down, the pursuit of short video seems like a bad business call. Did we not learn anything from Quibi?

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It is possible, to a lesser or greater extent, to avoid Reels and Shorts while using Instagram and YouTube. If I were their parent company, I’d be concerned that the focus on capitalising on the TikTok vogue means that these platforms are doing less of what they’re good at: being an extraordinarily informative place to find videos of nearly anything, and hosting nice pictures of people you know socially or parasocially. Maybe in a year or two, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts will be as good as TikTok already is – just like Instagram Stories largely overwhelmed Snapchat. For now though, I’m done worrying about algorithms: it’s time to go straight to the source, and actually join TikTok

a plant in soil, the roots are shopify, strpe clouflare, and the tree above the ground is netflix, amazon, nike
Beneath the surface of the internet are services that keep the whole thing alive (Image: Archi Banal)

InternetJuly 14, 2022

The invisible infrastructure of the internet

a plant in soil, the roots are shopify, strpe clouflare, and the tree above the ground is netflix, amazon, nike
Beneath the surface of the internet are services that keep the whole thing alive (Image: Archi Banal)

Everybody online uses these services, even if most can’t name them or explain what they do exactly. For IRL, Shanti Mathias explores the internet’s second layer.

It’s another bright sunny day, and you’re logging on to the internet. A distant acquaintance has started a shop to sell candle-making kits; you tap the link in their bio, and purchase one. You’re trying to figure out why your washing machine is making a weird sound, so you read some help forums. You need to find a PDF of a form from years ago; your old laptop is long gone, but you can easily dig out a copy on Dropbox. You search for a recipe to use the halloumi and broccoli at the back of your fridge and refer to it as you cook. You watch some Netflix while messaging people before going to bed. 

In the course of this ordinary day’s internet use, you haven’t just used Facebook, Google, Netflix, goodrecipes.com, Dropbox, and iheartcandles.co.nz – you’ve also used Amazon Web Services (AWS), Stripe, Shopify, and Cloudflare. “You have layers of services that sit behind each other; Facebook or Twitter is the first layer, and Shopify and Cloudflare and the rest of them are the second layer,” says Andrew Chen, research fellow at Auckland University’s Centre for Informed Futures, who studies digital ethics. Picture the internet like other kinds of infrastructure: for most people, it’s enough to trust that water flows through pipes and electricity sizzles through wires, without needing to know the mechanics of water pressure and ions. Services to make websites load fast, hold data remotely, and manage the financial transactions of an online business can be useful without being visible from the outside. Ordinary internet users can effectively use the outer, visible layer of the internet – website interfaces – without comprehending the technical and financial complexities of their inner workings. 

Widespread understanding of how a service works isn’t essential for it to be big business. Take AWS, for example: the cloud provider, which offers digital storage for companies from Netflix to Kiwibank to Pfizer, generates twice as much profit as Amazon’s retail arm, amazon.com. AWS is so widespread that it’s nearly impossible to use the internet without it; your device probably accesses information stored in AWS servers dozens of times a day. 

Behind the curtain of the internet, there’s a lot happening that most users don’t see (Photo: Simon Day)

Meanwhile, online store builder Shopify, probably used by any small business with products available online, is worth nearly $40b; Stripe, a secure payments service that allows websites to process customer’s money, was valued at $95b in April; and Cloudflare, a content delivery network that distributes websites to servers across the world to improve load times and protect from DDOS attacks, has a market cap of $16b. 

“It’s probably a good sign that there isn’t much public awareness of these services,” says Chen. “If something bad happened, people would probably know about it.” When these services don’t work – Cloudflare going down damages Discord, for instance, and an AWS outage will hurt Netflix – users will hear about it, even if they don’t understand the technical reasons for the disruption. 

Despite their low profile, Chen says that these digital services are mostly good for consumers. Using digital infrastructure services means that developers don’t have to build their products from scratch “which means that services and products get developed faster, [and] businesses and consumers have more choice”. If a website you use every day uses Cloudflare so that its website takes two seconds less to load, that can reduce a flare of impatience each time you open it. Small businesses using Shopify to easily sell things online means more consumer alternatives from mainstream retail stores. 

These secondary services also hold data about millions of users, but Chen says it’s important not to let “tinfoil hat thinking” go too far. Most internet users are at least vaguely aware that the utility of the internet is funded by user data that can be sold to advertisers. If the terms and conditions allow it, both primary services – the website you’re accessing – and secondary services – the features built by other companies which that website uses – will hold some data that will help advertisers target you. 

Services like Shopify and Stripe help to monetise the internet, making it profitable for businesses to work online. Photo: The Spinoff/Getty Images

For the most part, infrastructure providers want to stay out of the headlines, so they won’t do anything egregious with user information. “All of these companies are still subject to laws and regulations, as well as the court of public opinion,” Chen says. There are competitors that would be more widely used if any of these services committed egregious data breaches; for the most part, the infrastructure providers are used because they’re effective at providing a service at an affordable price, and they want to keep it that way.

It’s also difficult to know how applicable concerns about data are in Aotearoa. After all, the internet is a global thing; many technology companies based here will be using overseas-based services like AWS and Shopify. While any technology company with New Zealand operations is subject to the Privacy Act 2020, a lot of the reporting on these services is not based in the local context. “A lot of concerns about data come from the US,” Chen says. “We’re a small market – it doesn’t necessarily translate to what’s happening here.”

While awareness of the commercial and technical complexities of the internet is a positive development, it’s good that technical knowledge is largely not a barrier to internet access, Chen says. “If we required that everyone understood how it works, there would be fewer people using the internet.”