Today, the board of the Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand made a statement apologising for “failing to respond immediately and robustly” to condemn the “racist vitriol related to [its] recent funding issue”.
The apology follows a flurry of reporting and opinion in October related to not receiving $31,000 from Creative New Zealand’s Kahikatea funding stream, which resulted in comment from the prime minister and intervention so that the funding would be provided instead through the Ministry of Education. Most recently, a piece this past weekend written by James Nokise at E-Tangata highlighted the harm caused to the four new organisations who were funded in that same round and the lack of a proper apology.
The centre had previously “expressed regret” on their Facebook page about hurt caused by an open letter by Terry Sheat, “parts of which had been construed to have negative overtones”. This open letter was covered by the media, specifically naming and targeting the four Māori and Pasifika organisations who received funding from CNZ, and highlighting assessor feedback that called question the place of Shakespeare in Aotearoa.
In today’s statement, former National MP Paul Foster-Bell writes, “By our delay, we contributed to and exacerbated a feeling that SGCNZ supported views which were critical of Kahikatea grant recipients on the grounds of race. As a Board, we have been alerted to the need to be more responsive thanks to articles by commentators, as well as direct feedback from our own supporters and the broader arts community.”
The statement goes on to express regret that ensuing “media interactions” left very little space for the four organisations to celebrate their well-deserved achievement, and apologises that “our drama eclipsed their success”.
The statement can be read in full here.