Nov 19 2023

Labour Party calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Source: Newshub

Labour leader Chris Hipkins has called for an immediate ceasefire between Gaza and Israel.

“We are urgently calling for a ceasefire. Israel and Hamas need to immediately ensure the conditions for a ceasefire are met and to commit to a lasting peace in the region,” he said, speaking at a press conference in Labour’s caucus room in parliament.

“All parties need to act in accordance with international law and protect civilians. While we recognise the right to self-defence, we are particularly concerned that the actions of the Israeli Defence Force are disproportionate and indiscriminate.

“We also urge Hamas to release all hostages immediately and without condition and to be part of the process to work towards peace.”

Hipkins made it clear he was speaking as the Labour leader and specifically not as the caretaker Prime Minister. He said National rebuffed his offer to make a bipartisan call for a ceasefire.

“The caretaker government did seek agreement from the National Party to call for a ceasefire, and we did not get that,” he said.

“I acknowledge that’s a distinction that a lot of the New Zealand public won’t fully appreciate and it’s something that the constitutional purists will also probably not necessarily welcome.”

Labour’s call for a ceasefire comes less than an hour after The Washington Post reported Israel, the United States and Hamas are close to an agreement to free dozens of women and children held hostage in Gaza, in exchange for a five-day pause in fighting.