Donald Trump in front of a New Zealand flag

PoliticsNovember 6, 2020

What we know about Donald Trump’s supporters in New Zealand

Donald Trump in front of a New Zealand flag

With around 1 in 10 New Zealanders declaring themselves supporters of Donald Trump, a hypothetical Trump Party would be a shoo-in for parliament, writes Massey University’s Grant Duncan.

The US presidential election may still be extremely close, but one thing is clear: those pundits and pollsters who predicted Trump was in no position to win will be going back to the drawing board.

In any case, “Trumpism” is unlikely to disappear even after he’s gone — including in New Zealand.

Hardcore Trump supporters in the US may make up as few as 12% of America’s registered voters. But polls have consistently underestimated Trump’s numbers compared with actual election results.

The Real Clear Politics pre-election poll average had Joe Biden up by 7.2 points nationally, but as of November 5 he led by only 2.1 points. Perhaps there really is a “hidden Trump vote”.

Meanwhile in New Zealand, with Jacinda Ardern in charge of the country’s most diverse cabinet ever, the prospect of a Trump-like leader might seem remote. However, in online surveys conducted by Stuff.co.nz and Massey University in 2017 and 2020, we found a significant minority in support of Trump.

Kiwis for Trump

In mid-2017, 13% of respondents said they would have voted for Trump had they been able to, compared to a scientifically sampled poll in mid-2016 that found 9% support for Trump.

How to explain the difference? Trump’s victory in November 2016 may have boosted that support slightly. The Stuff/Massey survey is reader-initiated and non-representative, and may have over-represented disaffected conservatives. Or people may be more willing to indicate support for Trump online than by phone.

Nonetheless, there was a measurable level of support for Trump in New Zealand.

In the mid-2020 survey, we asked respondents if they hoped Trump would win or lose in the November election. This time, 11% said they hoped he would win (after weighting for gender due to the sample having a male bias of 61.2%).

The Stuff/Massey survey sample also had a conservative bias, as 36.8% said they supported National — above where the party was polling at the time, and well above its election night result of 26.8%.

But let’s say roughly one in ten New Zealanders is a Trump supporter. Under New Zealand’s electoral system, that’s well above the threshold of 5% for a party to win parliamentary seats.

Of the 55,147 who answered the question in the mid-2020 survey, 6,833 said they hoped Trump would win. So, who are these Kiwi Trumpers? And what do they really think?

Even demographic spread

They are evenly spread across age-groups, but slightly higher (15.4%) in the 18-24 range. This may reflect a known phenomenon in which populist leaders boost young people’s satisfaction with democracy — or, to put it another way, help to reverse the trend towards political disengagement in democracies.

Kiwi men are more than twice as likely to support Trump than women — a much wider gender gap than was found in the US after the 2016 election.

Kiwi Trumpers are distributed evenly across lower and middle income brackets, and support declines only slightly in the upper income brackets.

Perhaps surprisingly, 15.6% of Pasifika respondents and 20% of those who ticked the “gender-diverse” box hoped Trump would win — above the overall 11% result.

A whopping 92% of the Kiwi Trumpers said we should leave statues of figures from our colonial past where they are, compared to the 49.8% of those who hoped Trump would lose.

Preferred party of Trump supporters: National Party leader Judith Collins with MPs after the 2020 election. (Photo : Stewart Sowman-Lund)

National is the preferred party

Very few Kiwi Trumpers identified with arch-populist Winston Peters, however. Only 4.9% of them said he is the party leader they felt closest to, perhaps because of his coalition with Labour after the 2017 election. They were more attached to National’s Judith Collins (46.6%) and ACT Party leader David Seymour (30.2%).

Only 20% of National supporters overall said they hoped Trump would win. But this sub-group of National supporters made up 56% of the entire cohort of Kiwi Trumpers. A further 23% of Kiwi Trumpers supported ACT. So, the National Party is the preferred party of the Kiwi Trumper.

The far-right New Conservative Party’s supporters were only 1.2% of our sample, and that party won only 1.5% of the vote at the October election. But a clear majority of them (69%) supported Trump.

In general, Kiwi Trumpers see society as more discontented, and politicians as less trustworthy, than the average New Zealander.

Some 47.5% of the Trump supporters endorsed conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 virus. For them, it was either “an invention of shadowy forces that want to control us” (11%) or “a biological weapon created by one of the world’s super-powers” (35.5%).

Only 7.7% of Trump opponents ticked either of those statements. And, overall, 85.8% of the sample agreed that the virus came from a natural source.

Moreover, only 11.7% of Trump supporters agreed the New Zealand government was taking the right approach to dealing with the economic impact of COVID-19, while
62% of Trump opponents agreed.

And 84% of the Kiwi Trumpers preferred the government take a “cautious and sceptical” approach to climate change, compared with 23.8% of opponents.

Winston Peters at the 2017 New Zealand First Conve Populist but not preferred: Trump fans were not drawn to NZ First leader Winston Peters. (Photo: Phil Walter/Getty Images)

Could a Trump emerge in NZ?

Unsurprisingly, 54.6% of Kiwi Trumpers were in favour of New Zealand developing a closer alignment with the USA, compared with only 6.2% of Trump opponents. The vast majority (80.9%) of survey respondents preferred that New Zealand aim for greater independence from both the USA and China.

National’s Judith Collins made favourable comments about Trump during a pre-election debate, perhaps aware of support for him within her base.

Suppose, then, that the National Party chose as leader a Trump-like conservative “non-politician” — someone who divided rather than united, and who put economic liberty ahead of health and human lives.

Bearing in mind that this inference is based on a non-scientific survey, he or she could energise perhaps an existing base of one-fifth of National’s supporters, while winning over others from parties further to the right.

Traditional conservatives and centre-right liberals within National would be aghast. But, desperate to change the government, they may have nowhere else to turn.

Then again, it could all end badly. Those voters who switched from National to Labour in 2020 may not want to switch back. And in New Zealand politics, the winning party is the one that wins those centrist voters.The Conversation

Grant Duncan is associate professor at the School of People, Environment and Planning at Massey University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Grant Robertson speaks to media shortly after the cabinet was announced by Jacinda Ardern earlier this week.  (Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images)
Grant Robertson speaks to media shortly after the cabinet was announced by Jacinda Ardern earlier this week. (Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images)

OPINIONPoliticsNovember 6, 2020

Insider tips for lobbying each member of Ardern’s new NZ cabinet

Grant Robertson speaks to media shortly after the cabinet was announced by Jacinda Ardern earlier this week.  (Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images)
Grant Robertson speaks to media shortly after the cabinet was announced by Jacinda Ardern earlier this week. (Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images)

It is swearing-in day for the new cabinet. Sarah Austen-Smith, a former press secretary to prime minister Jacinda Ardern, has some advice for anyone looking to win sway with the top table team.

Businesses, activists, organisations and public servants spend a huge amount of time (and money) trying to communicate effectively with ministers. In an effort to democratise what I’ve learned after a decade in parliament, here are some reckons on how best to communicate with our newly appointed cabinet.

Jacinda Ardern

If you have the opportunity to brief the prime minister, don’t expect her to be well-versed in the thing that is most important to you, but do expect she will grasp the salient points immediately, and ask all of the questions you haven’t prepared for.

Grant Robertson

In a past life, Deputy Prime Minister Robertson was a communicator himself (in Helen Clark’s Office). It pays to remember that you can’t spin a spinner. Serve your briefings neat. 

Kelvin Davis

Don’t mistake kindness for a lack of steel. There’s power behind this throne: Minister Davis’ team will see that if he doesn’t get what he needs, you’ll know about it.

Megan Woods

Go in there with your big girl boots on – because you’ll need them. Minister Woods is a woman who knows her mind, and she’ll test yours, too.

Chris Hipkins

Outside of the Wellington Beltway Minister Hipkins’ role as leader of the house might seem insignificant. It is not. He was trained in the Trevor Mallard school of politics. He does not suffer fools. 

Carmel Sepuloni

Fierce, grounded and compassionate. She likes to have fun so don’t bore her. Bring your personality.

Andrew Little

Minister Little has carved a career out of giving people a fair go, so in that respect you’re in luck. He’s a deep thinker so know what you mean to say, say it, and stand by it.

David Parker

Minister Parker will read everything you give him, as well as everything you give anyone in a 15-metre radius of him. Your work will not escape his gaze and heaven forbid there are typos in it. 

Nanaia Mahuta

Minister Mahuta’s relationships run deep. She has a super familiar tone with people. That’s because she knows everyone. Mind your macrons, mind your manners and listen.

Poto Williams

Minister Williams is unassuming, honest and deeply rooted in community. You can expect her to grasp and value those perspectives.  

Damien O’Connor

Don’t bullshit him. School yourself up on his positions on things because he will have a view and it won’t shift without good reason. 

Stuart Nash

This is a minister used to photo-ops with police puppies. Bring your best digital and visual storytelling opportunities. He’s not all teeth and hair, but he knows how to play to his strengths and he has heaps.

Kris Faafoi

He’s chill. He’s chill because he’s smart and hard-working and if there is a hard question to ask he will ask it. He will get a clear answer because he knows how to ask good questions. He is surrounded by people who work for him because they love him. 

Peeni Henare

Humble and unassuming. He conducts himself (particularly in the media) with mana. A man of integrity. No gotcha politics.

Willie Jackson

Loyal with a long memory and a lot of institutional knowledge. Follow him on Facebook. He speaks his mind. 

Jan Tinetti

Sharpen your pencils. Unlike a lot of MPs, Minister Tinetti has management experience. Expect her office to be a well-oiled machine. 

Michael Wood

FFS can someone write an agenda please. Minister Wood will come to his meetings prepared, well-read and will be a diligent time-keeper. No time for messing.

Kiri Allan

Minister Allan will be honest and upfront. She knows how to take a joke, and she knows when to be serious. Make sure you learn which is which.

David Clark

This term Minister Clark will want to make up for lost time. That’s a plus for your newly minted project or idea. Expect big things.

Ayesha Verrall

I’ve not met Minister Verrall, but I understand she’s of the same school of pragmatism and compassion as the PM. If she’s anything like her colleagues who came into parliament from an area of expertise she will want depth in her briefings and will take the measure of her advisors.

Our ministers in New Zealand are so approachable. We are lucky.

Go forth and lobby.