What are these stock image kids watching? The answer may surprise you! Photo: Getty.
What are these stock image kids watching? The answer may surprise you! Photo: Getty.

Pop CultureApril 15, 2020

What is New Zealand actually watching in lockdown?

What are these stock image kids watching? The answer may surprise you! Photo: Getty.
What are these stock image kids watching? The answer may surprise you! Photo: Getty.

We all know we’re spending even more time than usual in front of the TV screen, but what free-to-air shows have New Zealanders turned to during these troubled times?

With most New Zealanders stuck at home all day during the lockdown, it makes sense that we’ve turned to ye olde gogglebox in record numbers. The past two weeks have seen a massive increase in broadcast television viewing, with TVNZ reporting a 23% increase in all-day audience numbers during the first week of lockdown. Whether we’re looking for information, inspiration or escape, television has become an important part of our bubble.

But in years to come, when historians look back on this time to find out how New Zealanders responded to the crisis, what will our broadcast TV viewing trends tell them? What are the most popular free-to-air shows that we’ve turned to during our hours of need, and do you know anyone who actually watches Booze Patrol Australia? It’s you, isn’t it? We need to talk.

We bloody love the news

We’ve been swamped with a tsunami of Covid-19 information during the past few weeks, and we’ve soaked it up like a nation of worried sponges. 1 News at 6, 1 Breaking News, 1 News Midday, 1 News Special, Newshub Live at 6pm and Seven Sharp all featured in the top 20 over the past two weeks, with 1 News at 6 ruling supreme. The nightly news bulletin pulled in an average audience of over 930,500 during the first week of lockdown, which is a lot of people staring into Simon Dallow’s eyes, all at once.

Two metres apart, ladies.

Hold the phone, it’s Call the Midwife

The British drama about a team of 1950s midwives was the only scripted drama in the top 20 during the first week of lockdown. Essential workers for the win.

We can’t get enough of factual TV shows

Turns out we bloody love shows that promise to make us better people. Wholesome, easy to watch programmes like The Repair Shop, Eat Well for Less? and Easy Ways to Live Well all landed in the top 20 during the first week of lockdown, and the fact that Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it UK pulled in around 367,000 viewers in week one proves we can’t get enough of looking at the insides of houses, even during a national lockdown.

Locally, two iconic shows continued to pull in the big numbers, with Fair Go and Hyundai Country Calendar both sitting comfortably in the top 10 each week.

If we can’t get it in real life, we’ll get it through the screen.

Whatever it is, it’s probably on TVNZ1

Do some TVs only have one channel? TVNZ1 primetime shows dominate the rankings, taking out 18 of the top 20 programmes during week one of lockdown.

We love a stranger in uniform

In times of crisis, we can’t get enough of real-life shows about police, puppies, or police puppies. Around half a million of us tuned into Highway Cops, Dog Squad Puppy School, Surveillance Oz and Border Security during the first week, and even Booze Patrol Australia made it into the top 20. Do we have a secret love affair with authority, or are we hoping to see someone we know arrested on a back country road for having an unroadworthy vehicle?

We can’t go past Lego Masters USA

This family friendly series rated at #7 during the second week of lockdown, and we salute this TV gem for inspiring kids around the nation during these tricky times.

We can’t see our friends, so we’re watching them on the telly

TVNZ OnDemand reported a huge spike in viewing numbers, with 6.7 million streams during the first week of lockdown and 21,000 new user registrations. Friends topped TVNZ OnDemand’s streams during the second week, while the Les Mills: Born to Move exercise shows were the second most watched shows for new subscribers.

Let’s say it again: Booze Patrol Australia


Paul Henry (photo: supplied)
Paul Henry (photo: supplied)

Pop CultureApril 15, 2020

Paul Henry is returning to TV, and is basically woke now

Paul Henry (photo: supplied)
Paul Henry (photo: supplied)

Worrying about inequality. Excited about electric planes. A huge Jacinda fan. Duncan Greive talks to a rebooted Paul Henry. 

Rumours have circulated for more than a year that Paul Henry was mulling a return to TV. He left the medium in a huff after his comments were accurately reported in a still-astounding Canvas profile by Greg Bruce. Henry said ‘titties’ 12 times in the space of a minute, along with many other things, and decided the hell with it when a predictable and essentially engineered uproar ensued. That left The Paul Henry Show – an expensive multimedia production they’d built around him as a personality, as a force-of-broadcasting-nature – with a big hole in the middle.

Mostly, when you leave like that, you don’t get to come back. Yet he has left in some kind of disgrace before and returned every time – his hot mic talent is so undeniable that he has an essentially infinite supply of second chances. The last time I saw him he was hosting Three’s upfronts at the Northern Club, back when Three had upfronts, back when a media company could plausibly host an event at the Northern Club. It was a bit over three years ago. He was having the time of his life, electric, making even those who deeply loathed him shudder with laughter. Then he was gone, living in Palm Springs, getting married, being rich. 

Now he’s back. It doesn’t feel like many were asking for him, but he’s here all the same. Here to talk about what comes after the lockdown on a hastily-conceived new show called Rebuilding Paradise with Paul Henry. Despite what happened last time, his name’s in the title again, a privilege reserved for only the biggest stars – him and, like, Anika Moa. He’s talking about a reset, a new nation birthed from a crisis. To many, Henry is precisely the kind of person who should be left in the old world, with his longtime habit of joking about people’s names, appearance, and worse. Yet he appears quite markedly changed by the crisis, as so many of us have been. And relishing the opportunity to talk about how this country might change too.

The following interview has been condensed and edited for clarity and brevity

Duncan Greive: Where are you right now, and who’s in your bubble?

Paul Henry: I’m actually at Three at the moment. So now I get to leave my bubble to come to work.

To what extent was that a motivating factor? Just the sheer boredom of lockdown?

Do you know if I’m entirely honest, it probably was a very small motivating factor.

Let’s flip that around. What were the rest of your motivating factors?

OK. The fact that I actually think this is the most important topic and I’ve seen a lot of, obviously there’s been wall-to-wall coverage of a pandemic and you know, thank god for it, but some of it is I think excessively negative. 

I think we have an extraordinary opportunity on which to build our future. Based on the fact that actually this pandemic is going to come to an end. What are we going to have when we get there? How are we going to pay for that future – and how are we gonna make our future better? Too many people are focused on getting back to what we had before.

What are some of the exact examples of what you see as the sunny side of what comes after this?

Well, I just think that we’re going to have to get used to the fact that, at least for the medium term, we are going to have to focus on a vibrant domestic economy. Certainly more vibrant than it has been in the past. So how do we achieve that and what do we make our new speciality? 

If we consider that tourism has to take a back seat for a while, which is a pretty safe bet, how do we make sure that the tourism that we offer the world in the future is better than it was? How do we create another niche – something else that we can lead the globe in? What reasonably might that be?

I know some people have suggested that we could be looking at exploiting renewable energy to a much greater extent. We are so incredibly positioned to become world leaders in renewable energy. Or in electric travel, not electric cars, electric travel. It just is one example, but there must be so many. And so what I want to do is get people on and not just in soundbites, really explore the possibilities. Because we have an extraordinary ability now to come together as we reset our economy and reset our society.

You sound enthusiastic about the possibilities of having almost an enforced tear down and rebuild. Has the crisis made you reconsider some of your prior views, or worldview?

No, not really. We don’t really have a choice. We have to, first of all, as a country, as a team, get together and decide where we reasonably want to be in six months, and 12 months and two years. And then we have to put a plan together to get there. 

There’s no choice on that. We actually absolutely have to do that. And you can do it several ways. You could just say the goal is to get back to where we were before. I think we can all be agreed that we can do better than that. And now it’s much easier to do better than that because we have to, we actually have to reset – we have to address the future.

So just sailing along is no longer possible. I think it would be a missed opportunity if we didn’t explore these options. A lot of people, without question, are going to lose their jobs. They personally will pay a very high price. We have to make sure that other jobs are there. Jobs that are more rewarding and more sustainable, not just for people that do them, but for society. For all of us.

You said that you haven’t changed your views but at times there you sounded more like James Shaw than the Paul Henry of old. Do you believe it has the potential to work across other vectors as well? Like inequality, say, rather than just on the business opportunity side?

I was thinking just the other day, all of us I think have undervalued shelf stackers who worked through the night. Now the people queuing two metres apart outside are surgeons and pilots – and we’re all totally dependent on the shelf stacker. I think these are things now that we are going to be more cognisant of than ever before. 

It is part of the reset. These are the kinds of conversations that I want to have on the programme. We stand a chance of coming out of this as a healthier society than we went into it. You do need resets every now and then, because you get off track.

Some of your colleagues have just taken a 15% pay cut. A week or so later, Paul Henry arrives. Did they fund your arrival? What would you say to those people who’ve just taken a bit of a bath who see this flash new hire?

I’ve come back to do this programme. That’s the reason I’ve come back. Am I doing it for free? No. Why? Because that would create a false economy. Am I doing it for great riches? No. Am I doing it because I want fame? No. I don’t want fame, I don’t need great riches. I’m doing it at a spectacularly discounted rate.

Lastly, can you give me a sense of how you think the government has handled the crisis to date? The way that they have navigated this incredibly historic few weeks?

The first thing I would say is I think the government has handled it extraordinarily well. Largely Grant Robertson and Jacinda Ardern, I think they’ve done a fabulous job. In terms of the wider parliament, you know, the members of parliament whose names we don’t know, we still don’t know them. Nothing much has changed there. The one thing that probably disappoints me is that there has been no effort to reduce the salaries, to expect parliamentarians to take a little bit of a hit in the pocket. And even though that’s a small thing, I think those things are representative. But that’s a very small point. I think they’ve done a spectacular job, actually a very timely job. And history, I think, will prove that to be correct.

Rebuilding Paradise with Paul Henry premieres on Monday April 20 at 9.30pm on Three