One Question Quiz

Pop CultureDecember 20, 2022

Did Avatar 2 make you shit yourself with your mouth wide open?


James Cameron said it would, so if it did, please get in touch.

The Avatar sequels have been a long time coming. Director and local Wairarapa man, James Cameron, stated in 2006 (16 years ago) that he’d like to make sequels to Avatar even before Avatar was released. In 2010, the sequels were confirmed. A child born on the day the sequels were confirmed would be heading off to high school next year, having just seen the first sequel, Avatar: The Way of Water

The wait has been long and the sequel itself is even longer. But has it been worth the wait? Way back in 2014 (when the sequel was initially planned for release) Cameron was interviewed by Empire magazine about his big new project. The release date had been pushed back to 2017, but he wasn’t concerned because it would be like nothing anyone had ever seen before. 

And how would that manifest exactly? “I can tell you one thing about them, they’re gonna be bitchin’,” Cameron said. “You will shit yourself with your mouth wide open.”

You will shit yourself with your mouth wide open. 

Cameron didn’t elaborate on whether the shitting oneself would be as a result of fear, shock, awe or all of the above. He also didn’t explain why the shitting cinephile’s mouth would be open. That’s the thing with genius – sometimes these kinds of theories go unexplained.

You shitting yourself with your mouth wide open

But now the time has come. Eight years later and hundreds of thousands of people have already seen the first Avatar sequel. Was it bitchin’? That’s a subjective question but let’s say yes, it was probably bitchin’. Did anyone shit their pants in the cinema with their mouth wide open? That’s what I want to know.

Did you shit yourself with your mouth wide open while watching Avatar 2?

If the answer is yes, or if you know someone for whom the answer is yes, please contact me at Anonymity guaranteed.

Keep going!