All of these dogs are angels sent directly from the best place in existence, but I’m sure they’d still appreciate a groom.
All of these dogs are angels sent directly from the best place in existence, but I’m sure they’d still appreciate a groom.

Pop CultureApril 16, 2020

Ten dogs that need to be on Pooch Perfect right now

All of these dogs are angels sent directly from the best place in existence, but I’m sure they’d still appreciate a groom.
All of these dogs are angels sent directly from the best place in existence, but I’m sure they’d still appreciate a groom.

Pooch Perfect is the dog-grooming reality show you never knew you wanted. Here are the famous dogs who we think deserve a spot to be groomed by the best of the best.

Tired of seeing dogs only on your daily walk or scrolling through your Instagram? Do you want to see some dogs looking their glossy best?  Well, look no further than Pooch Perfect, the show that pits 10 professional dog stylists (yes, it’s a job) against each other in a series of themed challenges to find the best of them. Rebel Wilson of, yes, Pitch Perfect fame, hosts, while international styling experts Amber Lewin and Colin Taylor judge. Question: how does one exactly become an international styling expert? Is there a school? Can I apply? I’m pretty sure I have an informal qualification already in power-clashing.

Now, I know next to nothing about dog stylists, but I do know something about dogs. Or, you know, looking at them. Like the rest of the internet, I’m a big fan of looking at pictures of them to feel, scientifically, at least 57% better at any given moment. As such, I’ve arranged 10 dogs from fiction and reality who these dog stylists should take their scissors, sponges and shears to. (I have no idea how dog grooming works, clearly, but I am excited to learn.)


Is there any greater challenge than Clifford, the big, red (fictional, cartoon) dog? He’s 7.5 metres tall, and I’m sure Emily Elizabeth could use a break.


As the only dog on this list to have a starring role in a film that won the Academy Award for best picture, Uggie deserves to be groomed by only the finest.

Fun fact: Uggie is the only dog in recent years to have an Oscar campaign run on his behalf, but unfortunately (according to urban legend, also known as a cold hard fact) dogs aren’t allowed to be nominated for an Academy Award since German shepherd Rin Tin Tin received the most votes for best actor back in 1929. The award went to Emil Jannings, but what the hell has he done?


Bandit, the dog who plays Lassie (Photo: Getty Images)

Is there a more famous, more iconic dog than Lassie? At least among dogs that don’t have Instagram accounts. And god knows, after 11 films across eight decades, Lassie probably needs a good brush and scrub.

(Yes, Lassie is alive. I will enter into no correspondence on this.)


According to this RNZ article, approximately 1,659 dogs registered with the SPCA in Auckland are named Bella. Chances are one of them is in need of a groom. That’s just science.

Spot the Telecom dog

He’s the dog who taught us how to use the telephone properly, back when we used our phones for talking rather than everything but talking to other people. The dog starred in 43 commercials over five years and did everything from skateboarding to conducting an orchestra. Don’t just give him a wash, give him a goddamned ONZM.

The dog who watches Country Calendar

Dame Suki

Give this dog a damehood. Dame Suki 2020.

Air Bud

The only dog on this list who can slam dunk (although I’d like to see Clifford give it a hoon). Also? Basketballers get sweaty, so Air Bud is definitely in need of some sort of fancy bubble bath.



Jiffpom has 10 million followers on Instagram, and is the world’s biggest and most popular dog influencer. If you ever want to stop a conversation in its tracks with your gran, I recommend dropping the phrase “most popular dog influencer” on her. Guaranteed befuddlement.

But seriously, 10 million followers. Jiffpom has worked hard to get to that point. She’s the Beyoncé of dogs. Remember, you’ve got as many hours in the day as Jiffpom does.



Wishbone has travelled through time, into our books, and has slalomed his way through any number of myths and legends. Give him a glow up, he deserves it. 

(Real talk: How many people’s first introduction to Shakespeare was through Wishbone back in the 90s?)

Your dog

Insert a picture of your dog above. Yes, they deserve this too! And if you can’t give it to them, that’s fine. Give ’em a hug or a treat.

Pooch Perfect airs Thursday nights at 8pm on TVNZ2. 

This content was created in paid partnership with TVNZ. Learn more about our partnerships here.

What are these stock image kids watching? The answer may surprise you! Photo: Getty.
What are these stock image kids watching? The answer may surprise you! Photo: Getty.

Pop CultureApril 15, 2020

What is New Zealand actually watching in lockdown?

What are these stock image kids watching? The answer may surprise you! Photo: Getty.
What are these stock image kids watching? The answer may surprise you! Photo: Getty.

We all know we’re spending even more time than usual in front of the TV screen, but what free-to-air shows have New Zealanders turned to during these troubled times?

With most New Zealanders stuck at home all day during the lockdown, it makes sense that we’ve turned to ye olde gogglebox in record numbers. The past two weeks have seen a massive increase in broadcast television viewing, with TVNZ reporting a 23% increase in all-day audience numbers during the first week of lockdown. Whether we’re looking for information, inspiration or escape, television has become an important part of our bubble.

But in years to come, when historians look back on this time to find out how New Zealanders responded to the crisis, what will our broadcast TV viewing trends tell them? What are the most popular free-to-air shows that we’ve turned to during our hours of need, and do you know anyone who actually watches Booze Patrol Australia? It’s you, isn’t it? We need to talk.

We bloody love the news

We’ve been swamped with a tsunami of Covid-19 information during the past few weeks, and we’ve soaked it up like a nation of worried sponges. 1 News at 6, 1 Breaking News, 1 News Midday, 1 News Special, Newshub Live at 6pm and Seven Sharp all featured in the top 20 over the past two weeks, with 1 News at 6 ruling supreme. The nightly news bulletin pulled in an average audience of over 930,500 during the first week of lockdown, which is a lot of people staring into Simon Dallow’s eyes, all at once.

Two metres apart, ladies.

Hold the phone, it’s Call the Midwife

The British drama about a team of 1950s midwives was the only scripted drama in the top 20 during the first week of lockdown. Essential workers for the win.

We can’t get enough of factual TV shows

Turns out we bloody love shows that promise to make us better people. Wholesome, easy to watch programmes like The Repair Shop, Eat Well for Less? and Easy Ways to Live Well all landed in the top 20 during the first week of lockdown, and the fact that Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it UK pulled in around 367,000 viewers in week one proves we can’t get enough of looking at the insides of houses, even during a national lockdown.

Locally, two iconic shows continued to pull in the big numbers, with Fair Go and Hyundai Country Calendar both sitting comfortably in the top 10 each week.

If we can’t get it in real life, we’ll get it through the screen.

Whatever it is, it’s probably on TVNZ1

Do some TVs only have one channel? TVNZ1 primetime shows dominate the rankings, taking out 18 of the top 20 programmes during week one of lockdown.

We love a stranger in uniform

In times of crisis, we can’t get enough of real-life shows about police, puppies, or police puppies. Around half a million of us tuned into Highway Cops, Dog Squad Puppy School, Surveillance Oz and Border Security during the first week, and even Booze Patrol Australia made it into the top 20. Do we have a secret love affair with authority, or are we hoping to see someone we know arrested on a back country road for having an unroadworthy vehicle?

We can’t go past Lego Masters USA

This family friendly series rated at #7 during the second week of lockdown, and we salute this TV gem for inspiring kids around the nation during these tricky times.

We can’t see our friends, so we’re watching them on the telly

TVNZ OnDemand reported a huge spike in viewing numbers, with 6.7 million streams during the first week of lockdown and 21,000 new user registrations. Friends topped TVNZ OnDemand’s streams during the second week, while the Les Mills: Born to Move exercise shows were the second most watched shows for new subscribers.

Let’s say it again: Booze Patrol Australia
