Kaupapa On The Couch waka Kupe Hec Busby
Kaupapa On The Couch waka Kupe Hec Busby

ĀteaFebruary 1, 2018

Kaupapa on the Couch: Get on the waka! (WATCH)

Kaupapa On The Couch waka Kupe Hec Busby
Kaupapa On The Couch waka Kupe Hec Busby

How the Hec Busby did we get here? Leonie Hayden looks at ocean voyaging and the badass ancestors that brought us across Moana-nui-a-Kiwa to Aotearoa.

What do we mean when we give our pepha and talk about “our” waka? I’ve seen a waka, you can’t sail overseas in that!

Check out the awesome Waka Odyssey, part of the New Zealand festival, where you can learn more about ocean voyaging.

Watch this amazing documentary about ocean voyaging pioneer Hec Busby and his epic journey to get our people back on the high seas using the ancient tradition of wayfinding.

Click here to find out more about waka ama – a fit, fun, family-friendly way to get out on the water and learn more about our traditions.

Watch episode 1, episode 2, episode 3 and episode 4 of Kaupapa on the Couch.

Made with the support of NZ On Air!

Keep going!