Close-up of headphones on microphone stand in soundproof recording studio

ĀteaMay 2, 2018

A voiceover artist on being asked to deliberately mispronounce te reo

Close-up of headphones on microphone stand in soundproof recording studio

He showed up to a voice over job and was asked to mispronounce a Māori place name. Dave Ward explains why he chose to speak up instead.

Taika Waititi was right on the money. We have a race issue ​in Aotearoa ​and it’s not going away.

Last week I refused to deliberately mispronounce a Māori place name as requested by a client of a company I contract to as a commercial voice. I’m good at my job. I do it every week and over the years I’ve read thousands of scripts for thousands of satisfied customers. I wasn’t trying to be a diva or deliberately difficult, but I pride myself on the audio product I create. The requested mispronunciation of Waimate (the client wanted ‘WHY MAT EE’) ​was always going to be an aural stone in my shoe. For the first time in my career, I said no. I wasn’t the first person to refuse to do this particular script the way the client wanted it done either. I was just the first to speak out publicly about it.

For the most part, the feedback has been very supportive. But the backlash was ​vicious – and 100% Pākehā. Those who disagree with my stand generally argue that immigrants mispronounce English place names, so should that be considered racist as well? And what about Paris v Par-ee, Mexico v Me-he-co? Come on. Really?

This is not the first time I’ve found myself in trouble for refusing a deliberate mispronunciation request.

Years ago, I was living and working in Marlborough and was required to read a script that had the place name ‘Okaramio’ in it. I was instructed that it was pronounced ‘OAKA-RAMMY-O’ because ‘that’s how it’s said here’. I told them I wasn’t going to do it and received a warning from my employer for refusing a reasonable request. It’s actually “OAR-CAR-A-ME-OAR’. I know this because I rang Ngāi Tahu live on air and asked them for clarification. Another warning.

Pronunciation in New Zealand is all about respect. That’s something that is getting better, but it needs more of us on board. My wife’s name is Anona and she’s been spelling and pronouncing her name to people her entire 40 (something) years of life. People she introduces herself to listen, practise her name in front of her, get it right, and away they go. How difficult is it to apply the same courtesy to a face that is brown and a name that is Māori? A couple of extra attempts might be required, but you’ll have it correct, and the respect of the person or place who owns it.

Naming and shaming the company that requested “the ‘white’ way” achieves nothing. I’m not out to crush or tarnish their business, but I disagree with the attitude that says, ‘I don’t care how it’s supposed to be said and I’ll go with what society dictates’. If this is what society dictates, then society is wrong and needs to change.

I sympathise with the scriptwriter and NZME. Especially the writer. It was the clients request I had a problem with and in my view they’ve been put in an unfair and awkward position, and I really hope this hasn’t caused them any grief. They have a strong Māori pronunciation policy, but when the clients always right you’ve got little choice. Even when they’re wrong.

I have been in and around broadcasting, sport, and general MC work for over 18 years, and correct pronunciation is a huge part of what I do. If I get it wrong, it’s a very public error and makes people cringe,​ ​makes ​me look ignorant, embarrasses the person whose name I’ve gotten wrong or the residents of a place whose name I’ve bastardised, and generally guarantees I won’t get return business.​

Sports commentary is a massive frustration of mine too. Football seems to get the many European names right. The lads from New Plymouth are not TARRA-NACKY, Hamiltonians are not from WHY-CADDO, and TJs surname is not PERRA-NARRA​. Never has been, but these have been made normal by generations of refusal to fix it.

In my opinion, Nigel Yalden is the best commentator in the country, closely followed by Scotty Stevenson. Aside from the fact that their play-by-play call is outstanding, their pronunciation of Māori, Polynesian, African, Georgian or Japanese names, whoever they’re calling, is spot on, every time. If they don’t know how to say it, they ask someone who does. Because they have respect. I’m certainly not the first to point this out, but I don’t know why there’s such a reluctance to ​actually try to get it right. Is it lazy? Is it reluctance for fear of being judged? Is it indifference? Regardless, it’s unacceptable and needs to change.

Standing up and saying something will likely cost me voice work, but so be it. I will not have my standards dictated by the highest bidder. This stance applies to general conversation too. It shouldn’t matter whether my Māori, Polynesian or any other pronunciation is being recorded or not. Have some respect and you’ll be respected for it.

It was only a few decades ago that my dad was caned for speaking Māori in school. That was the ‘white’ way. I’ll continue to have respect for others and pronounce non-English names the correct way. The right way.

Read more

You say Kai-kura, I say Kaikōura: why your inability to pronounce Māori place names pisses me off

Good news! Looks like Radio Hauraki has figured out how to pronounce its own name

For Tagataese’s sake NRL, stop butchering Polynesian names

The empty chamber of the General Assembly at the United Nations (Image: 	Phil Roeder)
The empty chamber of the General Assembly at the United Nations (Image: Phil Roeder)

ĀteaApril 29, 2018

Are indigenous people united under the United Nations?

The empty chamber of the General Assembly at the United Nations (Image: 	Phil Roeder)
The empty chamber of the General Assembly at the United Nations (Image: Phil Roeder)

Geopolitical commentator Graham Cameron looks at the lessons learned at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues over the past two weeks.

Law professor Valmaine Toki is purported to have described the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues as a “huge Waitangi Tribunal.” Did she mean unpopular, underfunded and ignored or an opportunity for indigenous peoples to tell our story and achieve some semblance of justice?

Probably a bit of both.

Two delegations of Māori youth have travelled to the Forum, the Aotearoa Youth Leadership Institute-endorsed group specifically to bring attention to the potential new mega-prison to be built at Waikeria.

Another tāngata whenua youth delegation has also attended with Dr Lance O’Sullivan’s Moko Foundation to discuss indigenous health issues, after a wildly successful social media campaign looking for delegates.

What will they find in New York?

The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues was established in 2000 and is one of three bodies at the United Nations that deals with indigenous issues. The theme this year was ‘collective rights to lands, territories and resources’ and the forum winds up today after two weeks.

The Forum includes submissions and presentations from nation states, UN officials, Human Rights organisations and indigenous peoples. The Forum put out a specific questionnaire related to the theme that gives an insight into some of the challenges and opportunities for indigenous people around the world.

As tāngata whenua, the questionnaires reveal that the indigenous experience worldwide is a combination of the known and the alien. In the Fourth World, we are like and not alike.

In Australia, the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council reported on the demonstrable lack of progress in building relationships with the federal or state government. Whilst the government has signed the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, there have been no efforts to develop a national or local plan of action to implement the aspirations of the declaration. And of course, no formal settlement or treaty to provide real protection to the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and New South Wales or federal government is on the horizon.

I can’t say I was surprised.

Meanwhile in Benin, the Research and Action Group for Wellbeing in Benin has worked with the Benin government and the UN on the ‘Project of Integration of Sacred Forests in the protected area system of Benin’. Not the catchiest title, but it is an international initiative under the ICCA Consortium that sees forests identified as sacred by indigenous communities being integrated into protected areas. For the indigenous people of Benin, this has ensured that development projects and/or extractive activities have been delayed and stopped because they do not have the consent of the indigenous peoples.

The situation for the Nation of Hawai’i is frankly dire. The USA has failed to recognise collective rights of Kānaka Maoli who are excluded from federal laws and policies that support and protect other indigenous communities in the USA. This is because Kānaka Maoli are not considered an indigenous nation in the USA, just indigenous individuals, so they have no protection for self-determination. The development on Mauna Kea is a case in point; they have no obvious legal pathway to delay developments as the indigenous community.

Finally, in the Philippines, the Coalition Against Land Grabbing is a body for the Pala’wan, Tagbanuwa and Batak indigenous populations. They are actively battling agribusinesses that are seeking to strip their environments and communities. Standing up is a life threatening act there; they work closely with the Indigenous Environmental and Human Rights Defenders, especially when facing death threats and victimisation. Whilst there is an Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act that enshrines their rights, the agency tasked with fulfilling the Act is snail-pace slow and governance at all levels is corrupt, paid off by agribusiness and other corporations.

That there is a Forum at which these issues can be raised seems very laudable. But does it achieve anything?

Firstly, it is clear that the funded activities and programmes of the UN are focused on poorer countries in which indigenous issues struggle for air against corruption, poverty and developmental needs. Given the constrained budgets, this is likely the best use of that resource.

When you consider our situation in Aotearoa New Zealand, we have a comparatively strong legislative and judicial framework and a mature indigenous rights sector. As tāngata whenua we have many strong Māori leaders and communities and – dare I say it –  can assume a basic recognition amongst the majority of our country’s population that Māori and indigenous issues are part of our national identity, dialogue and development.

So we probably don’t need to go to the Forum with our hand out for them to run programmes.

However, what we also have in Aotearoa is an often toxic media and political environment that tends towards the insubstantial and petty. Some of our “commentators” and”reporters” are always poised to chew up and spit out people who want to step outside the status quo.

Learning political activism and lobbying for indigenous issues is too threatening an act for too many people; so it is nigh impossible to find your space in the public square to speak, to debate, to argue. You will reap mockery, derision and a hideous examination of your own person.

This is where the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the like are so essential for Aotearoa New Zealand. They are forums outside of this country where Māori, Moana people, youth, communities of minorities and the excluded can learn the skills to storm the palisades back here.

The wonderful rangatahi in New York will return more sophisticated communicators. They will return with a better judgement of what is an issue and what is a distraction. They will have spent two weeks having been encouraged to articulate ideals and vision. So when they return, they return more resilient and, I pray, less likely to bow their head to the jaded and cynical here.