OpinionWhat’s behind the Whānau Ora overhaul?The first changes in over a decade have created uncertainty for 600 kaimahi – what happens next?By Gabrielle Baker | 11th March, 2025Guest writer
OpinionTe Aka Whai Ora deserved so much more than its rushed deathThe Māori Health Authority was disestablished yesterday before it had barely gotten going. Gabrielle Baker reflects on what could have been.By Gabrielle Baker | 29th February, 2024Guest writer
OpinionA landmark day for Māori healthThe best thing I can do is to be thrilled about how far we have come. The worst thing I could do is think that the job is done.By Gabrielle Baker | 4th July, 2022Guest writer
Where was te Tiriti in the government’s Covid response?A recurring theme at last week’s urgent Waitangi Tribunal hearing was the disconnect between Crown rhetoric and tangible action. By Gabrielle Baker | 13th December, 2021Guest writer
Two major health announcements for Māori: the devil is in the detailsThe new kind of, sort of independent Māori Health Authority is still designed for ultimate power to sit with the Ministry of Health.By Gabrielle Baker | 8th November, 2021Guest writer
Health reforms for Māori: ‘I’m not ready to celebrate just yet’It might be a step in the right direction for tino rangatiratanga, but we’ve been promised systemic change before.By Gabrielle Baker | 22nd April, 2021Guest writer
Putting racism into wordsMāori health advocate Gabrielle Baker looks at a new landmark survey that puts into words what so many Māori already know.By Gabrielle Baker | 24th March, 2021Guest writer
OpinionDoes the health and disability system review deliver for Māori?The Health and Disability System Review released this week nearly gets it right, but still sets us up to fail, writes consultant and health advocate Gabrielle Baker.By Gabrielle Baker | 19th June, 2020Guest writer
Inequality in dental care is a Treaty issueGabrielle Baker went along to the Oral Health Equity Symposium to see how the best in New Zealand's dental sector are hoping to tackle inequities in New Zealand's oral healthcare.By Gabrielle Baker | 7th October, 2019Guest writer
Landmark findings on Māori health lay a clear challenge to the CrownTo anyone paying attention, the inequity embedded in the health system is undeniable. A new report from the Waitangi Tribunal lays that bareBy Gabrielle Baker | 2nd July, 2019Guest writer