Image: Archi Banal
Image: Archi Banal

KaiMarch 10, 2023

Ingredient of the Week: Coriander

Image: Archi Banal
Image: Archi Banal

Coriander has far more than its fair share of foes. That’s all the more reason for coriander fans to show the herb some love – and add it to everything.

Is there a single ingredient more deeply controversial than coriander? Unlike other disputed foods, where people are divided based on ethics (animal products), culture (Marmite; haggis), or being told it’s bad (MSG), the controversy surrounding coriander is likely embedded within our very genome. 

Many people, myself included, love the fragrance and depth that coriander brings to a dish – but for around one in four people, coriander is repulsive, described as tasting similar to soap, rot, vomit, or stink bugs. It’s like a culinary practical joke. Surrounded by people who happily enjoy coriander, for them it tastes like an old-fashioned punishment for mouthing off.

It seems to be pretty widely known now that how people perceive coriander is genetic. In fact, people commonly ask Google “Is coriander hatred genetic?” and “How rare is cilantro soap gene?” (Cilantro, by the way, is the Spanish word for coriander.) 

The “yuck, coriander” experience is likely associated with the gene OR6A2, which helps us to detect smells and picks up on chemicals called aldehydes, which are present in soap, detergents, and stink bugs. For the coriander-repulsed, the sensitivity to aldehydes is much stronger, and there may also be an inability to sense the positive coriander attributes that others appreciate. 

If you’re wondering who is most likely to spit out their coriander, the trait is based on your descendants. People of East Asian and Caucasian descent are more likely to be repelled by coriander (21% and 17%, respectively), while far fewer South Asian, Hispanic, and Middle Eastern people have an issue with the herb (just 7%, 4%, and 3%). 

A quick side note on coriander seeds: the dried fruit of the coriander plant. Warm, citrusy, and nutty, these seeds are worthy of their own article. Essential to Indian cuisine where they’re often paired with cumin, coriander seeds are also used for pickling vegetables, added to rye bread and Belgian beers, used to flavour gin, and were one of the original secret ingredients in Coca Cola. 

To get the most from coriander seeds, buy them whole, dry roast them in a pan until beautifully fragrant, and then grind them yourself. Pre-ground spices always lose their potency and flavour over time, so if you have some dried coriander seeds in your spice drawer dating back to 2015, you’re not getting their best side. 

(Image: Wyoming Paul)

Where to find coriander

Unless you have a flourishing herb garden, it’s off to the green grocer or supermarket for you – and there are an overwhelming number of coriander options. I doubt you, dear reader, want to know it all, so in summary… 

If you’re after bang for your buck, the biggest bag of coriander you can buy is 100g from the Fresh Grower, which you can get for $4.50 from Countdown or $3.99 from Supie. New World has bags of Tasman Bay Herbs at 75g for $7.49, and 70g Pams bags for $4.99. Pak’nSave also has 70g Pams bags for $4.49.

You can also buy smaller 15g packets of cut coriander, which are almost as expensive as the biggies – $4.50 from Countdown, $4.49 from New World, and $3.50 from both Pak’nSave and Supie. 

If the idea of cut herbs makes you sad, large living potted coriander plants are $4.50 from Countdown, $4.29 from New World, and $3.99 from Pak’nSave. Keep in mind that these plants can be difficult to successfully transplant into the garden, and you end up with a plastic pot full of soil that you don’t necessarily need. Choices, choices. 

How to keep coriander fresh

The problem with buying a big cost-effective bag of coriander is keeping it fresh. Unless you’re making a giant pot of coriander-scented dahl (please do), most of that lovely 100g bag will get brown and soggy, and be chucked in the bin after less than a week. 

Happily, there are a few techniques to keep cut coriander fresh for weeks, and as a bonus, following through with these might make you feel as if you’re Martha Stewart (before the criminal conviction). First, remove any damaged, soggy, or wilting leaves – if you don’t, they’ll spread through the rest of the coriander like wilted wildfire. Like many a domestic chore, this is best done in front of some thoughtless TV. Next, line a lidded container with a dampened paper towel, pile the coriander on top, and top with another damp paper towel. It should last like this, quite magically, for about two weeks in the fridge. 

Another option is to again remove any bad leaves, and then stick the coriander stems in a glass of water, like a bouquet. Cover the leaves with a small plastic bag, and put in the fridge to chill out. The possibility of knocking over the water and getting everything in the fridge wet and coriander-y puts me off this option, but for less klutzy households, this could be the one. 

Another way to make coriander worthwhile while you have it: put it in everything. 

How to make coriander amazing

Coriander is an important ingredient in many of my favourite cuisines, including Mexican, Thai, Vietnamese and Indian. I love a prawn and coriander dumpling, a coriander-infused guacamole, a fresh spring roll heaped with herbs, or a good sprinkle of coriander leaves on top of almost any Indian curry. 

(Image: Wyoming Paul)

For some cooking inspiration, this lovely Mexican black bean soup, topped with homemade salsa, sour cream, and avocado, has a base of sautéed finely chopped coriander stems, which gives the meal a real subtlety and depth. 

These Thai-style chicken and sweetcorn fritters are a new favourite of mine – full of chopped fresh coriander as well as spring onion, red curry paste, and lemongrass. Full of of fragrance, and then dipped in nước chấm. Another new creation are these incredibly moreish chicken, coriander, and jalapeño pizzas, which replace a standard tomato base with a spicy blend of tomato passata, fresh coriander, jalapeños, and spices. 

But can anything beat that fresh mint and coriander duo in a beautiful vermicelli salad paired with crunchy tumeric fish, or a lovely chicken or pork mince laab? I really don’t think so. If you want something zesty, light, and fresh, often nothing else will do.

Wyoming Paul is the co-founder of Grossr, and runs a weekly meal plan that connects to online supermarket shopping.

Read all the previous Ingredients of the Week here.

Customers have accused Potter Brothers of repurposing competitors’ products (Image: Tina Tiller)
Customers have accused Potter Brothers of repurposing competitors’ products (Image: Tina Tiller)

KaiMarch 8, 2023

‘Handcrafted’ chocolate company accused of repurposing mass-produced lollies

Customers have accused Potter Brothers of repurposing competitors’ products (Image: Tina Tiller)
Customers have accused Potter Brothers of repurposing competitors’ products (Image: Tina Tiller)

The Levin-based Potter Brothers produce a range of ‘reimagined’ New Zealand confectionery. But according to some customers, they’re ‘basically just buying lollies and covering them in chocolate’. Stewart Sowman-Lund reports.

An independent confectionery company that proudly proclaims to “believe in the importance of handcrafted quality” has been accused of using mass-produced products. And, according to our consumer watchdog, such action could be a breach of the Fair Trading Act.

Potter Brothers is a boutique confectionery company in Levin, started in 2017 by brothers Benjamin and Joseph Potter, that describes itself as being inspired by a family love of great chocolate. “After 25 years of perfecting the age-old family recipe, we are proud to bring you an outstanding selection of reimagined Kiwi classics covered in our creamy chocolate!” the company’s website reads. “We operate from a factory we built ourselves in Levin… We aim to cater to the tastes of your childhood, and have created a range that ensures there is something for everyone.”

In its online shop, a range of self-manufactured products are for sale, including “pineapple chews”, a variant of the classic pineapple lump, along with peanut clusters, chocolate-covered red liquorice and dipped chocolate jellies. You can also find many of their products in chains like Farro, Fresh Choice, Countdown and New World.

Potter Brothers pineapple chews retail for $5.99 at most stockists, about twice the price of other varieties, giving the impression of an upmarket alternative to the classic Kiwi confectionery.

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But videos and photos shared by customers online suggest that there may be more than just similarities between Potter Brothers products and what has inspired them. They’ve prompted negative online reviews and social media posts from concerned customers dating back at least two years.

In a series of Instagram posts from back in 2020, former Great Kiwi Bake-Off finalist Courtnay Adele claims to have uncovered a mystery beneath the chocolate casing of Potter Brothers’ pineapple chews. The videos show Adele breaking away the milk chocolate exterior to reveal the familiar texture of what looks like a regular pineapple lump.

“I have an issue with these pineapple pieces,” she narrates, before taking out a few “for analysis”.

The mystery begins. “Can you see that? How there’s like a layer of chocolate over another layer of chocolate?”

And then: “No fucking way. There cannot be a normal pineapple lump and then this company has just covered it with their own chocolate.”

A Potter Brothers pineapple chew and what was found inside (Instagram: Courtnay Adele)

The similarities are remarkable. The uncovered pineapple lump even shares a similar texture – Adele describes it as “hatched” – to the-mass produced variety that’s been a staple of the confectionery aisle for decades, most notably produced by Pascall.

Adele’s not alone in her concerns. A Reddit user this week said they purchased the Potter Brothers pineapple chews in Queenstown recently and were left convinced they were just “re-dipped pineapple lumps”. Similarly, on Google, a handful of one star reviews dating back two years make identical claims about the quality of the Potter Brothers products. “The pineapple pieces are just another brand’s pineapple lumps that this company has covered in their own chocolate. Honestly I want a refund,” one person said. 

The company still maintains a 4.4 star rating – with many praising the taste and quality of the products. It also clearly impressed a panel of taste testers who placed the Potter Brothers pineapple chews at the top of a recent Spinoff ranking of all pineapple lumps – though one detractor did comment, “It was just chocolate. We are here to rate Pineapple Lumps, not chocolate.”

Some negative Google reviews for Potter Brothers

Speaking to The Spinoff, Adele said her investigation has picked up traction again this week after she re-shared her original Instagram videos on TikTok. She’s less concerned about the possibility that Potter Brothers have re-dipped commercial pineapple lumps and more with what she sees as a lack of transparency in the company’s branding. For example, the pineapple chew packaging states that the products are “hand made” in New Zealand.

“They are basically just buying lollies and covering them in chocolate, which I have no issue with – it’s the fact that they then market them as hand made, hand crafted in New Zealand [with] this 25-year-old recipe. It’s obviously all marketing bullshit and that’s the thing that annoys me,” Adele alleged.

Requests to Potter Brothers for comment from The Spinoff have gone unanswered, with text messages to a company spokesperson read but not replied to.

If people opt to buy handmade products, Adele said, they should be getting exactly what’s been advertised – especially if they’re paying a premium. “If someone is a boutique chocolatier trying to make pineapple lumps, then they should be getting recognition… not someone who is just covering mass produced products.”

Adele made these comments after speaking directly with a Potter Brothers representative back in 2021. Messages between Adele and the official Potter Brothers facebook account reveal a tense interaction whereby Adele asks bluntly whether the company is repurposing mass-produced lollies under its own brand and selling them as “hand made”.

The company did not reject the claims, nor did it admit to the charge. Instead, things turned “aggressive”, said Adele, with the two engaging in a heated debate over the definition of “hand made”.

“Do you relentlessly question colonel sanders for his herbs and spices [sic],” the Potter Brothers spokesperson wrote. “Maybe make sure they aren’t from some per [sic] made herb mix from the shop.”

In another message, they asked: “If I hypothetically melted down [Whittaker’s] peanut Slabs to make my peanut clusters would they no longer be hand made in your opinion?” (Adele replied: “absolutely not”.) 

The spokesperson also questioned whether their hand made claim meant that “the pineapple filling would need to be made by hand without machinery… or just made in house and not by another company”.

Adele also took issue with the claim that Potter Brothers were using an old family recipe for their chocolate. “I have a relatively good understanding around chocolate and baking… so it didn’t take me long to be like ‘you haven’t got the basis of what is needed to be proper chocolate’,” she said. “And even when you look on their website, you can see they’re pouring chocolate buttons into a melting machine. The whole thing is very odd to me.”

A photo of chocolate being melted from the Potter Brothers website.

It’s not unusual for food manufacturers to use base products produced by other companies. Eta, for example, produces its own range of chips while also supplying them for smaller local brands like Snackachangi. However, this is a disclosed commercial relationship. At time of writing, there are no such disclosures on the Potter Brothers website. The Spinoff approached both Pascall and Rainbow Confectionery but received no response at the time of publication. 

Consumer NZ, however, said there was a potential law breach should Potter Brothers indeed be using other company’s products. “Any advertising and marketing material on food packages must comply with the Fair Trading Act and the Food Act. If something is labelled as ‘hand made’ it must be made by hand,” a spokesperson said. “In our view, altering a mass-produced product by hand does not turn the product into a ‘hand made’ one and it’s likely the Fair Trading Act has been breached.”

Other companies have in the past been given a slap on the wrist for tampering with products. In 2018, the Commerce Commission ruled that clothing brand WORLD was wrong to be using “Fabrique en Nouvelle Zelande” (made in New Zealand) labels on garments that were imported from overseas and assembled in New Zealand.

No complaints about Potter Brothers have so far been laid with Consumer. The Commerce Commission has been approached for comment.
