Miss Polly’s Kitchen x Freedom Farms (Image: Polly Markus)
Miss Polly’s Kitchen x Freedom Farms (Image: Polly Markus)

KaiApril 28, 2021

Recipe: Juicy pork with green vegetables and red curry sauce

Miss Polly’s Kitchen x Freedom Farms (Image: Polly Markus)
Miss Polly’s Kitchen x Freedom Farms (Image: Polly Markus)

Too often beautiful cuts of pork – whether rump steaks, marbled scotch fillets or lean medallions – are mistreated and served well done. Polly Markus shows you how to keep your pork juicy and succulent with this red curry recipe. 

Pork steaks should be served pink, giving them a chance to retain their juiciness and tenderness. They need to be treated just like a nice cut of beef: brought to room temperature before cooking, well seasoned, cooked on a hot pan and left to rest for almost as long as they spent in the pan. Do not overcook the pork!

If you’re on mobile, swipe to see the video of the cooking process.


Serves 4

  •  1½ cups rice
  • 400g pork loin
  • peanut oil 
  • 1cm knob ginger, thinly sliced
  • 4 garlic cloves, finely diced
  • ¼ cup red curry paste
  • handful of coriander, stalks finely chopped, leaves left whole
  • 400ml can of coconut milk 
  • 3 makrut lime leaves
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • ½ cup vegetable stock
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 100g of cherry tomatoes
  • about ½ a bunch broccolini (about 150g) – sliced lengthwise into quarters 
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • 2 spring onions, sliced
  • ½ red chilli, thinly sliced

Cook the rice as per the packet instructions or using your chosen method. Make sure the pork is at room temperature, season with salt and pepper, rub in a drizzle of oil then set it aside.

Add a glug of oil to a large wok and fry the ginger and garlic for a few minutes until they start to soften. Now add the curry paste and fry for another minute. Add the coriander stalks and a splash of coconut milk and stir well. Now throw in the makrut lime leaves and the rest of the coconut milk, the sugar, stock, fish sauce and lime juice. Stir will and let it simmer away.

In a medium to hot pan, cook the pork on both sides for 4 minutes (8 minutes in total), then remove from the pan and let it rest for 5 minutes.

While the pork is resting, add the cherry tomatoes to the curry sauce. 

In a separate pan bring ⅓ cup of water to the boil, add the broccolini and cook for about a minute, then add the frozen peas and cook for another minute, then remove from the heat and drain. 

Slice the pork. 

On a large platter, start with the rice on the bottom, then add the green vegetables and top with the sliced pork. Pour over the curry sauce and garnish with the coriander leaves, sliced spring onions and the red chilli.

This content was created in paid partnership with Freedom Farms. Learn more about our partnerships here

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