Is the cost of power in New Zealand reasonable? (Image: Getty Images/Tina Tiller)
Is the cost of power in New Zealand reasonable? (Image: Getty Images/Tina Tiller)

PartnersAugust 31, 2021

How the New Zealand electricity market works – and what needs to be fixed

Is the cost of power in New Zealand reasonable? (Image: Getty Images/Tina Tiller)
Is the cost of power in New Zealand reasonable? (Image: Getty Images/Tina Tiller)

The cost and functionality of electricity in New Zealand has been under close scrutiny. Ben Fahy asked the experts about what’s happening with the energy system. 

This content was created in paid partnership with Flick Electric.

A good, modern electricity system is a bit like a three-legged stool: we need it to be reliable, even when demand is at its highest; we need it to be affordable, whether for our homes or for our businesses; and, the most recent addition to that stool, we need it to be sustainably produced. 

When you put your toast down or plug in your phone, you’re part of a beautiful dance between physics and capitalism. The electrons required to run our lives and businesses are generated by power companies (about 95% is generated by five major companies), transported to where they are most needed by distribution companies and then paid for at a rate that is meant to reflect the laws of supply and demand. 

In New Zealand, the vast majority of our electricity is created by water that is stored behind big dams, with other generation sources like fossil fuels, wind, geothermal and solar making up the rest. When there is plenty of water behind those dams, the supply of cheaper energy is high and there’s less need for more expensive gas or coal-fired electricity to be created, so the price should go down. When the demand for electricity is high, as it is in winter, and we need more generation to match that demand, the price should go up. 

The Waitaki Hydro Station in Otago, New Zealand (Photo: Getty Images)

So, does it work? 

According to the Electricity Price Review from 2018, residential power prices in New Zealand have gone up by 48% since 2000 after adjusting for inflation. Prices for industrial and commercial clients were largely flat during that time but, as Bernard Hickey recently pointed out, “right now, wholesale electricity costs have tripled in 12 months and New Zealand burned through one million tonnes of coal last year” to keep up with demand. 

An unexpected reduction in our gas supply, increased carbon prices, and weather patterns that mean our lake and wind levels have been lower than normal have affected the wholesale price. But even in dry winters we need our three-legged stool to stand up. 

Auckland University energy economist Stephen Poletti has estimated the generation companies made $5.4 billion in “excess profits” between 2010 and 2016 because the wholesale market wasn’t truly competitive. John Harbord, the chair of the Major Electricity Users Group (MEUG), says the fundamental issue is that the cost of generating the electricity – and, increasingly, the amount of water stored in the hydrolakes – doesn’t appear to be reflected in the wholesale price. He says the cost to generate a megawatt hour from hydro is around $9-12 but the wholesale price has been as high as $500 this year. 

Harbord says electricity is one of the top three costs businesses face and most of the smart ones have already taken major steps in terms of energy efficiency. But big businesses that use a lot of electricity have reasonably inelastic demand. This means the high wholesale price is affecting New Zealand’s ability to maintain competitiveness in export markets and threatens the viability of some of its members that have had to limit production. 

New Zealand has generally sat in the middle of the OECD pack when it comes to industrial electricity prices, but it’s moved up the ranks in recent years. While Harbord says it’s not an apples with apples comparison (due to various subsidies for renewable energy and the fact that thermal generators don’t pay for their emissions), Australia’s wholesale price in July was much less than half that of New Zealand’s. 

“The gap shouldn’t be that big,” he says. And the average wholesale price in July was more than double what the Interim Climate Change Committee said was “unaffordable for the economy”.

Electricity power pylons stand in Rangipo Desert (Photo: Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images)

How do we bring the price down? 

In most markets, competition does that. But Harbord argues there isn’t enough competition when it comes to generation. 

The five big generators (or gentailers) are basically electron farmers that sell their product to their own retail arms, and then sell what’s leftover to the wholesale market. Competitors have accused some of them of setting higher prices for third parties, than what they sell to themselves. The Electricity Authority has investigated the claims and has ruled there needs to be greater transparency from gentailers around pricing to inform public understanding.

Around 357,000 New Zealanders now get their electricity from retailers outside the big five, which is a major structural shift in the industry and has created a vocal group of smaller challenger brands like Flick Electric and Electric Kiwi. The generators are now selling electricity to their competitors via the wholesale market. But despite these recent changes to the retail market, the big companies still hold around 84% of the market share

The small retailers have criticised the set up for the way the generators can also compete in the same retail market and sell electricity to themselves at what is called an internal transfer price. There is little transparency on that price but it is thought to be lower than the wholesale price. 

Poletti said bluntly in his report that “we should redesign the electricity market so that the profits are less and people pay less for electricity”. 

What about the third leg of the stool?   

Recently, the Climate Change Commission released advice aimed at guiding the government towards policies that will help the country reach its climate change goals. A big part of that is reducing the use of fossil fuels for transport, electricity generation and industrial processes. 

That transition means the demand for electricity is expected to grow two-thirds by 2050 and the commission says we’ll need 47% more renewable generation in the next 15 years. The challenge is that the transition also needs to be affordable. 

MEUG’s Harbord says the current volatility in the wholesale price is not a good investment signal and he believes it is stopping businesses from investing in electrification. One of the MEUG’s members recently had a business case for electrification rejected by its international board because New Zealand’s energy system was considered to be “a basketcase”. 

The recently announced incentives for EVs and low-emission vehicles and additional fees for high-emitting vehicles are a good example of a carrot and stick approach to decarbonisation. But unless we have renewable and affordable ways to generate electricity, the irony is that EVs could be making the problem worse if we have to burn more expensive coal to charge them all. 

The government’s new EV subsidy scheme has seen a significant rise in sales (Photo: Getty Images)

What is energy hardship? 

A lot of New Zealanders won’t be worried about whether they can afford to charge their EV. But they will be worried about whether they can afford to meet all of their home energy needs for heating/cooling, cooking, washing, showering, lighting, education and entertainment. That’s the accepted definition of energy hardship and research suggests that between one in four and one in five New Zealand households might be experiencing it, depending on how it is measured and where the people live. 

The University of Otago’s Dr Kimberley O’Sullivan has been studying the link between energy hardship, housing and public health since 2008 and says households that are energy poor often restrict their use of energy as a form of budgeting. 

“It often comes down to choices like to heat or eat, to heat or go to the doctor,” O’Sullivan says.  

Electricity prices are consistently part of the problem, she says, although certainly not the only cause, and those who can only access electricity through more expensive prepay schemes are typically at higher risk of energy poverty. 

One of the things O’Sullivan has found from her research is that those who are struggling to pay for their energy are often very aware of what it costs to, for example, “put a roast in the oven or put a load of washing in the dryer”. 

Can’t we just, as mum used to say, put a jersey on? New Zealanders need to move past this stoic attitude to living in cold, damp houses, she says. There’s plenty of evidence that homes below the World Health Organization’s recommended indoor temperature of 18C (or 21C for homes with babies or the elderly) are detrimental to the occupants’ health. A study carried out by Statistics NZ in 2018 showed that the winter temperature was under 18C in a third of New Zealand homes and was also too hot in a third of homes during summer

“We need to stop charging the highest prices to those that can least afford it,” says O’Sullivan. “The technologies and the options we have to address these thorny problems are growing. It’s really about the political and societal will to do something about it.” 

Surely this issue has already been looked at? 

Reviews into the sector have taken place every decade or so since the 1970s; the most recent was in 2018. This one was mostly focused on retail prices because they had increased so much faster than inflation and many of the recommendations are in progress now – although they have been, like most things in life, delayed by Covid. 

The Electricity Authority is currently reviewing spot prices and the wholesale market due to recent volatility, stubbornly high prices and growing discontent from politicians, the business sector and independent retailers and it expects to announce the results later this year. 

But independent electricity retailer Flick Electric and others believe incrementalism won’t get us where we need to go. In Flick’s view, the review is just tinkering around the edges within the existing regulations, when there needs to be a fundamental change to what chief marketing officer Sunil Unka calls a “system that is creaking”. 

“The system is failing on sustainability, affordability and, as we’ve seen with recent blackouts, reliability. We can’t afford to wait any longer for change. With demand for electricity set to rise we can’t keep burying our heads in the sand, or our climate goals won’t be met and we’ll leave more New Zealanders in the cold,” says Unka.

Flick CEO Steve O’Connor with the petition at parliament (Photo: supplied).

Flick has launched a petition demanding reform of what it calls a “broken market”. The company is urging the government to separate the gentailers so that these companies can only generate electricity or retail electricity, but not both. At a minimum, Flick is asking for the government to bring equality to the marketplace by making all retailers buy power off the same market.

Says Unka: “We’re hoping that if enough New Zealanders back our petition, the government will have to listen and finally get into real, substantive action, at a time we need it more than ever for the well being of our people and the planet.”

Chronic pain can overwhelm the existence of its sufferers. A New Zealand company may have a solution. (Illustration: Joseph Carrington)
Chronic pain can overwhelm the existence of its sufferers. A New Zealand company may have a solution. (Illustration: Joseph Carrington)

PartnersAugust 25, 2021

Fighting chronic pain by controlling brain waves

Chronic pain can overwhelm the existence of its sufferers. A New Zealand company may have a solution. (Illustration: Joseph Carrington)
Chronic pain can overwhelm the existence of its sufferers. A New Zealand company may have a solution. (Illustration: Joseph Carrington)

A New Zealand tech company is helping chronic pain patients take back control.

This content was created in paid partnership with Exsurgo.

Chronic pain can start with a back injury, a routine surgery, an arthritis diagnosis. The body reacts to an injury: seize up, shut down, recover. The nervous system goes on high alert. It’s normal, while the body takes time to heal itself. 

But for some people, the injury heals and the pain remains. The brain learns to predict pain when that part of the body is moved, or touched. It can spread: what was once a sore shoulder becomes back pain, neck pain or migraines. Persistent pain can cause anxiety and sleepless nights, which makes the pain worse. This is chronic pain. The injury is gone, but the pain is still produced by the brain, and it’s real.

Around the world, it’s estimated that one in five people suffer from chronic pain. People with chronic pain report that it affects their relationship with their kids, because they’re exhausted. Many can’t exercise, which affects their body image and self-confidence. A 2018 report estimated chronic pain is costing the New Zealand health system between $13 and $14.9 billion every year.

Kiwi company Exsurgo is using a unique approach to try to tackle chronic pain. They’ve combined traditional neuroscience, mechanical engineering and hi-tech computer science, to develop a headset that allows people with chronic pain to see their own brainwaves, on a tablet, on the table in front of them. It’s called Axon, and it’s teaching patients to control their brains in ways that will hopefully allow them to sleep, work and live, with a fraction of the pain.

The Axon headset measures a person’s brain activity using a technique called electroencephalography (Illustration: Joseph Carrington)

Axon looks like a helmet pared back to its bones. Three long plastic fingers spread across the scalp: one straight forwards, two arching around onto the sides, wrapping round to the forehead. A chunky palm cups the back of the head, and two stubbier fingers wrap below the ears. Putting it on feels like a light head massage. Each finger contains one or two electrodes, perfectly positioned to measure the microvolt brain activity going on in your head. 

Axon measures a person’s brain activity using a technique called electroencephalography, or EEG. Exsurgo’s neuroscientist Christine Ozolins became fascinated by EEG during her master’s degree, when she was using EEG to help creative workers bust through writer’s block. She worked with EDM producers, jazz musicians, writers and painters. Interestingly, the process that helps break writer’s block is similar to that which may also help chronic pain patients dull their pain. 

In her project, she helped creatives “upregulate their alpha band”. The brain produces activity, known as brain waves, in distinct patterns, which are named after Greek letters: alpha, beta, gamma, delta and theta. Delta wave activity is for sleeping, theta is for drowsy states, like when you’re nodding off on the couch. Alpha wave activity dominates your brain when you’re in a calm, relaxed place – sitting down with a cup of tea, or doodling. It’s the brain activity you want for creative work. Above that you’ve got beta, which covers a whole range of brain engagement, from low stress work, easy tasks and talking, right the way up to highly engaging problem solving and stressful work tasks. Above that still, there’s gamma, which is associated with a range of functions including learning, memory, attention, and sensory integration.

When Ozolins met Exsurgo co-founder Richard Little at a neuroscience conference, they discovered that they had a common interest in using neurofeedback: showing people their brain activity, so they can learn to adjust it themselves. Ozolins for writer’s block, Little for chronic pain. 

Little invited Ozolins to join Exsurgo to work on the Axon project. From the UK she ran their first Axon trial with UK clinicians Dr Nick Birch and Jon Graham. In March this year she came to New Zealand to work on the next Axon trial.

The brain produces activity, known as brain waves, in distinct patterns depending on what type of activity you’re doing. (Illustration Joseph Carrington).

Axon’s simplicity disguises the engineering feat needed to get to this point. For EEG, electrodes are placed on the head so they can pick up brain activity through about a centimetre of bone and skin, but it’s difficult: picking up brain activity from the scalp is like trying to hear what your friend’s saying in a noisy nightclub. EEG tech is designed to cut through the noise and provide a clear picture of what your brain is trying to say. But a traditional EEG neurofeedback set-up usually dwarfs its operator, filling out whole corners of labs or hospital rooms. They’re also really expensive.

Exsurgo engineers Richard Little and Faisal Almesfer have miniaturised that set up. Each branch of the device contains one or two electrodes, placed to measure brain activity at the spots most associated with chronic pain. There’s a biopotential amplifier, amplifying the tiny whispers of brain activity collected from the scalp, and a circuit board, which acts as Axon’s on-board computer, filtering those signals to extract the important ones. A low-energy bluetooth chip fires those signals from the headset to a tablet within milliseconds – any longer than that, and it won’t feel like you’re getting real-time feedback.

Slip Axon on, and the tablet prompts you to adjust the fit until each electrode is perfectly placed to pick up your brain activity. Once it’s on your head and calibrated, you can see your brain on the screen, lighting up with activity when you think or move. It’s one of Little’s favourite features. 

“For people who’ve had pain, or depression, they will plan their days around waiting and seeing what the pain’s going to be like – the pain controls them. This visualisation lets people see that they have control of their brain. When they’re playing the games, they’re getting a sense that they actually have that control back.”

You pick from one of a few different games, each of which is prompting you to increase your alpha wave activity. This state of relaxed focus is usually less common in people with chronic pain. Instead, they’ll be in an alert, stressed beta state, or, because of pain medication or bad sleep, a drowsy theta. Depending on the game, increasing your alpha wave activity opens a lotus flower, or completes a puzzle, or raises a hot air balloon above a mountain scene. The games are designed to be rewarding visually and through sound. 

“It’s a form of operant conditioning. It works really well on a subconscious level,” says Ozolins.

The Axon headset allows for users’ brainwaves to be visualised and controlled (Illustration: Joseph Carrington)

Earlier this year, Exsurgo reported results from its first proof-of-concept trial. Ozolins was managing the trial, and was ready to start when Covid hit. “We realised this is the perfect time to test a home-based system. I trained everyone remotely via Zoom.” It was an important endorsement of Axon’s practicality; Little and Almesfer had always wanted the hardware to be accessible and able to be used without clinicians or hours of expensive lab time. 

Sixteen participants, all with various types of chronic pain, used the Axon headset for 30 minutes every day, for four to six days per week, for eight weeks. It was a proof-of-concept trial, which uses a small number of participants, and provides the groundwork for larger trials in the future. Even so, the results were encouraging. After about two or three weeks of training, Ozolins says, participants reported sleeping better, and feeling more refreshed after waking. 

After eight weeks, every single participant reported feeling less pain. All but one reported sleeping better, and being in a better mood. Eighty-eight percent of the patients reached the threshold required for a “clinically significant” reduction in pain, which is when their pain goes down by 30% or more. 

This has potential long-term consequences. Ozolins told me about negative reinforcement cycles in chronic pain. When you feel pain, you stop moving, not wanting to aggravate the pain. Over a long period of time, you get stiff, and unfit. You don’t sleep as well, which makes the pain worse. You can become anxious or depressed, which further increases the pain. It’s a vicious cycle, and it’s hard to come out of. In the UK trial, Ozolins says that the participants would notice that it no longer hurt to do their shoelaces up, or they started moving better. They were sleeping better as well, so their mood was better, and they were feeling more resilient. It was a positive reinforcement loop, where one improvement triggered others. 

“They would say that the pain is more in the background,” says Ozolins. “They were achieving more and feeling better about themselves.”

Chronic pain can create a cycle of suffering that can lead to anxiety and depression that futher exasperates the pain (Illustration: Joseph Carrington)

Exsurgo’s next step is to test Axon on more people, a task that’s already under way in Auckland. The company isn’t short of volunteers; Exsurgo has been inundated with requests to be included, such is the gravity of the chronic pain problem. This trial will include over a hundred volunteers, and will use a “sham” condition as a control, where half the volunteers have fake treatment. They’ll slip on the headset, play the games, but they won’t be seeing their own brain activity, or be able to control what’s on the screen. This will help the team determine that the effect they are seeing is real and not placebo. It’s common that people will feel better from simply believing that help with the pain is coming, and that’s an important effect to weed out. (Sham participants will be offered the chance to use the real Axon after the trial has been completed.)

Little believes Axon’s potential is boundless. He’s currently working with a homeless shelter in Nebraska in the United States, with families who have escaped domestic violence. “People who have suffered trauma may well be experiencing depression, anxiety or even PTSD, but they could well have a mild traumatic brain injury or concussion as well,” he explains. In this case, Axon will use different wavelengths to detect different types of brain activity, but the rationale is similar. Raise the levels of “good” kinds of brain activity, and reduce the “bad”. It’s by no means a one-stop anti-trauma treatment, but it could help people in great need get their nervous system under control. 

Little also speaks excitedly about the potential for Axon to both diagnose and help treat concussion. “There’s data to suggest that with EEG we could actually diagnose concussion at the side of a rugby pitch,” he says. It often takes days or weeks for someone to recognise they may have a concussion, and see a doctor. “By that stage, you’ve got a long-term problem to deal with. We could get an early diagnosis with an Axon in the back of an ambulance,” Little says. 

All of the applications fit within Little and Almesfer’s basic model: use machines with large processing power to look for things that are useful for clinicians. “Machines do a lot of these assessments better than a human can do. We can build machines to do the dumb data collection stuff, and free up the human clinicians to do the really smart human touch stuff that’s so important.”

True to Axon’s tech roots, Little wants the headsets to be made cheap enough to be offered through a subscription model. “It would be low risk for the hospitals or clinics to try, low risk for a patient to take home for a few months. They don’t have to invest in an expensive piece of equipment that may end up sitting in a corner somewhere.” 

Little and Almesfer are clearly action people, impatient even, with a product they believe has huge potential. But they’re ready to be patient through the rigorous healthcare trials process that’s so important to protecting patient safety. They’ve got a lot to do – Almesfer’s already tinkering with new, custom-made electrodes. In the meantime, they all eagerly await the day where the collective dream that brought them together is realised; democratised EEG neurofeedback technology, to be used in homes, available to anyone whose brain could benefit from it.