
PoliticsDecember 4, 2019

No wonder Andrew Little is pissed off. But done-in-a-day law is usually bad law


In introducing a swift ‘effective ban’ on foreign donations to political parties, the justice minister basically said that he’d had enough of the select committee’s shit. Understandable, but not good enough, writes Andrew Geddis.

Back in August, I wrote a piece on this site titled “so you want to hack New Zealand’s democracy?”, in which I gave any aspiring malign actor with cash to burn my free and frank advice on how best to infiltrate and influence our electoral processes.

You’re welcome, New Zealand. No need for a medal – it’s just what I do.

Now it seems like the government has treated that piece much like the more dissolute among my students regard my finely crafted, erudite public law lectures on New Zealand’s constitution. It has skipped over the interesting but hard stuff, identified a couple of easy-to-grasp points, and then done the minimum necessary with those to obtain a passing grade.

I speak, of course, of the Electoral Amendment Bill No 2, which the justice minister, Andrew Little, surprise dropped yesterday on the body politic like he’s a wannabe parliamentary Beyoncé before ushering it into law overnight like a wannabe Xandra.

This bill is touted as “send[ing] a clear signal that only those who are part of New Zealand’s democracy, and who live in, or have a strong connection to, this country, should participate in our electoral system.” Yet all it really does on that score is lower the amount that an overseas person can give to a candidate or party from $1500 to $50, while requiring political party secretaries and candidates to take a harder look at any donations they ought to suspect are coming from an overseas source.

Unlimited donations to a party or candidate from a New Zealand company or an unincorporated body based in New Zealand are still allowed, even if that company is owned by an overseas person or the body has overseas members. Meaning that, for instance, the Inner Mongolia Rider Horse Industry (NZ) Ltd’s $150,000 donation to National will remain completely legal even as its owner, Mr Lang Lin, is restricted to giving only $50 directly to the party.

Let’s then imagine how such a donation might play out under the new law in a little one act play I shall call “Legal Fictions Are A Wonderful Thing”:

Scene: A dimly lit, smoke filled backroom.

Dramatis personae: The Inner Mongolian Rider Horse Industry NZ (IMRHINZ); the National Party Secretary (NPS)

IMRHINZ: “Here’s a check for $150,000.”

NPS: “That’s wonderfully generous of you! However, I am obligated to take all reasonable steps in the circumstances to ascertain whether this money is from you or from your sole shareholder, Mr Lang Lin.”

IMRHINZ: “It is from me, paid out of my company funds.”

NPS: “Great! As you are allowed to donate to the party, and I have no reason to suspect it is not *you* that is doing so … thanks again!”

In fairness, Andrew Little doesn’t claim that this bill is intended to deal with all issues of overseas influence in our elections. As his press release on the issue notes, “Further policy work in this area is ongoing”.

Justice Minister Andrew Little (Photo: Radio NZ/ Daniela Maoate-Cox)

However, Jami-Lee Ross – who seems to have had something of a road to Damascus experience in relation to political donations – has tweeted out the hard truth about this issue: “The only way to effectively ban foreigners from influencing our politics is to restrict who can make donations to people that are entitled to vote.”

That’s not a ridiculous position to take. It is, for instance, what Canada does. But it does involve removing a lot of money that parties currently get from companies and groups like unions for their operations. And if that money gets removed, then where does it come from instead?

Are New Zealanders prepared to have (more) taxpayer funds go towards funding the activities of political parties? Because if not, then you can’t really fix the problem.

So much for the largely benign, albeit pretty ineffectual, content of this particular bill. What is somewhat concerning, however, is how it was ushered through the House and into law.

Note that yesterday morning was the first time the public (and the opposition) even saw this legislation. Having introduced the bill into the House, the government then overnight progressed it through all stages of the legislative process under urgency. That means that there was no opportunity for select committee scrutiny, and no chance for the public to submit their views on the bill.

Why the need for such speed? After all, the next election isn’t for another 11 months or so. And there still are three weeks left in this parliamentary year, even if it is somehow essential that the law be in place by January 1.

Well, Andrew Little’s opening speech in the first reading debate strongly hinted at why he thought things had to be moved along with haste. Noting that the Justice Committee has been sitting on its Inquiry into the 2017 Election (which also is examining the issue of potential foreign interference in elections) for nearly 18 months, he basically said that he’d had enough of its shit and so was cutting them out of the loop.

There may be something to that frustration. It’s notable, for instance, that the just passed Referendums Framework Bill was recalled from the Justice Committee without any report being made. So, it would seem that the 4–4 split between government and opposition members of that body has been a recipe for gridlock.

However, as the always astute and wise-beyond-his-years Henry Cooke notes, “This is good politics for Little, but is an appalling way to make law. A bad select committee does not excuse running roughshod over parliament.”

To which I say, damn right. What with the truncated select committee process for the Terrorism Suppression (Control Orders) Bill, and now the done-in-a-day approach to this law, Andrew Little is starting to betray a worrying habit. It would be good if he could break it.

Andrew Little (Getty Images)
Andrew Little (Getty Images)

PoliticsDecember 3, 2019

Cheat sheet: NZ cannabis legalisation bill, and the referendum question, revealed

Andrew Little (Getty Images)
Andrew Little (Getty Images)

The essential details on the plan to put the legalisation of cannabis to the public at the next election.

Let’s cut to the chase. What will the referendum question be?

A straight yes/no: “Do you support the proposed Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill?

What will be in the bill?

You can read it here.

TLDR, please.

The bill, or the CLCB as it may or may not become known, would make cannabis legal, but apply a range of controls, including to its manufacture, retail, purchase and consumption.

The draft bill includes restrictions such as:

  • Purchase and use restricted to those aged 20 and over. Purchase would be limited to 14 grams a day.
  • All marketing and advertising of cannabis products would be prohibited.
  • Retailers would be required to communicate “harm minimisation messaging”.
  • Consumption in public places will be banned, with use limited to private homes and premises licensed for the purpose.
  • Sale limited to licensed physical stores, with online or remote sales verboten.
  • Potency to be regulated.
  • A government licensing regime to be introduced encompassing every part of the growing and supply chain, with limits on the amount of cannabis grown introduced.


Would be legal. Expect opponents to get busy on “cannabis gummy bears”, etc.

What happens now?

Andrew Little, the justice minister, said he has invited members of all parliamentary parties to a session on Thursday.

A session?

A meeting. A meeting so they can “provide their feedback on the draft bill”. One way or another the bill will then go through the parliamentary process. “My aim is to have the final draft bill available by early next year, so there is time to argue for change,” said Little.

How will people know what they’re voting for?

The internet.

The internet usually is not very useful for knowing things.

Specifically, a government website: www.referendum.govt.nz. It will, said Little, provide overview and detailed information on both draft Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill and the End of Life Choice Act.

Said Little: “It is important that voters go into the 2020 General Election informed about the referendums. The Government is committed to a well-informed, impartial referendum process.

Will that prevent a tide of misinformation from the more swivel-eyed participants in the debate?

Yes of course there will definitely be no misinformation from them.

What’s missing from the bill?

As noted in a cabinet paper, there are a number of details that need adding by early next year. Such as: “licensing requirements for cultivation, harvesting, processing and manufacturing, including the management of associated waste products; supervision, compliance and enforcement, and offences and penalties for non-compliance with the licensed and unlicensed (but still regulated) sphere, including provisions for young people; and the structure and allocation of the licensed market.”

Little has been busy today.

He has. The Duracell bunny of the New Zealand government has had two moments in the limelight. First there was the announcement that foreign donations would be curbed. Next came this bill.

What else did he say?

He said: “The primary objective of the legislation is to reduce overall cannabis use and limit the ability of young people to access cannabis.”

And: “Experience from overseas tells us that provision of factual, explanatory information is vital for the public to be informed and for an outcome that can be accepted by voters even if the result is not what they voted for.”

Is he still calling himself Andrew Daddy Thicc Snacc Little on Twitter?

No. Let us speak no more of that.

What was the political path to this bill?

The referendum was agreed as part of the confidence and supply agreement between Labour and the Greens. There was a more general point in that about drugs being treated as a health issue, which has sort of happened since, but the firm, specific pledge that had to happen was a referendum on legalisation, at or by the 2020 election.

How’s polling looking?

It’s bounced around over the last two years, and the most recent survey had support rising again, to a point of near parity between the two positions. The survey also indicated an increasing divide on the issue along party lines, with National voters being much less likely to support legalisation, and Labour and Green voters being much more likely.

How will it affect the election?

There have been suggested that it may favour the vote for parties on the left, the Green Party especially, by boosting numbers among those who tend to support the party. With another referendum being voted on at the same time (David Seymour’s End of Life Choice Bill) there’s plenty of reason to turn out.

Is it referendums or referenda?

It’s referendums. This is not Latin class and no correspondence will be entered into.