Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King
Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King

PoliticsJune 13, 2018

Classic Winston: the deputy deploys his favourite political weapons

Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King
Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King

In just one day the number two in the government has deployed three of the weapons that have sustained him in politics over four decades, writes Guyon Espiner for RNZ

They are three of the life-long loves for Winston Peters: legal action, exercising the balance of power and the execution of perfect timing.

On the eve of taking the prime ministership he’s scuppered the repeal of the three strikes deal, ankle tapped the justice minister and fired a legal missile at the man in charge of all the government departments.

It’s a stretch to say Peters is suing the government he’s about to run, but not much of a stretch. We’ll get to the issues that raises – and the problems it has already presented for Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern – but first to the pain imposed on the justice minister.

Andrew Little has been widely regarded as confident, calm and in control since resigning as leader and going on to be a key government minister.

On yesterday’s Morning Report we saw the return of “angry Andrew”.

And yes the anger appeared directed at the interviewer, but there are only three possible sources of blame for his predicament: himself, New Zealand First, or both.

Back in November, Little said the “silly” three strikes law would be scrapped and he’s said so repeatedly since then, going so far as to draw up a cabinet paper which included the measure. To pull the paper from the cabinet agenda at the last moment is a big U-turn for him.

Andrew Little. Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King

He clearly felt he had NZ First’s support and that they had then changed their minds on him. For NZ First the politics play well.

Conscious of the tough-on-crime sentiment of its base, the party gets credit for keeping the three strikes law – with a fanfare that would not have occurred had this played out behind closed doors.

And yes, coalition partners are different parties with different policies – that’s MMP. But MMP in government is also about relationships and trust. This is hardly fatal but Labour will feel stung by both the strategy and the timing.

Especially the timing. Because Peters had another shot to fire, reigniting legal action over his leaked superannuation overpayments – this time with a new target.

Peter Hughes is the state services commissioner. He leads the public service and plays a key role employing top department heads. He is “central to New Zealand’s politically neutral, professional and permanent Public Service,” according to the SSC website.

His role goes beyond that to include state owned enterprises.

Who is the Minister of SOEs? Winston Peters.

Peter Hughes Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King

PM Jacinda Ardern said she was confident Peters would manage any conflicts of interest.

She told Morning Report yesterday that would extend to recusing himself from any cabinet decision, if the public servants being sued by Peters go to cabinet seeking funding for legal costs.

That’s all well and good but will this have a chilling effect on the public service? NZ First and government minister Shane Jones has already blasted public servants (who can’t fight back), accusing them of running a “treacle ridden” system which stymies the dreams of ambitious politicians. He would rather key ministers like him “bring in their shit-kickers to get things done”.

Maybe top political servants will continue to offer free, frank and fearless advice in spite of these challenges but you could understand why some might choose to pull their punches.

Interestingly, Peter Hughes and Foreign Minister Winston Peters will have to work together to find a new chief executive for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Current head Brook Barrington is moving to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

There is no shortage of irony in this story – chief among them is that Peters, who is suing over a leak, has used leaked information many times in his career.

Just last August he asked Bill English in parliament “why did he send over 450 text messages” to a former staffer at the centre of an employment dispute – “many early in the morning and late at night”.

Of course Peters has the right to test his case in court and seek the $400,000 in damages.

That is his choice. But he has also chosen to pursue this case at a particular time. He knows all about the power of timing in politics – indeed it’s his time to take its most powerful job.

Winston Peters’ stint in charge, like parenthood, will probably prove impossible to plan, predict or comprehend. Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images
Winston Peters’ stint in charge, like parenthood, will probably prove impossible to plan, predict or comprehend. Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

PoliticsJune 13, 2018

Why it’s getting hard to see Ardern’s government lasting past 2020

Winston Peters’ stint in charge, like parenthood, will probably prove impossible to plan, predict or comprehend. Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images
Winston Peters’ stint in charge, like parenthood, will probably prove impossible to plan, predict or comprehend. Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

Some ministers are already displaying the election-losing arrogance that it took National’s Cabinet three terms to achieve. The PM’s parental leave is a risk  – but also an opportunity, writes Danyl Mclauchlan.

For nigh on three decades there’s been a soothing, tide-like regularity to New Zealand politics. Every nine years we elect a new government with a popular and likeable leader. They promise an era of openness and transparency. The administration lasts for three terms, during which all the goodwill and good intentions drain away like raindrops down the tinted window of a ministerial limo and after nine years someone new and likable is voted in to replace them.

I’d like this trend to continue because I like this new government and its prime minister, and most of what they’re doing. But it’s getting harder to see it winning re-election in two years let alone lasting three terms. It feels frighteningly anarchic and unstrategic (and I wrote that sentence before the deputy, soon to be acting, prime minister Winston Peters publicly humiliated the justice minister by withdrawing support for his sentencing reform and announced that he was suing – among others – his own attorney general, Social Development CEO and state services commissioner for alleged privacy breaches).

Politics is unpredictable and MMP elections are especially hard to call because marginal differences around the threshold can lead to vastly divergent outcomes. If New Zealand First and the Greens both get 4.9% you’ve got a very different parliament than one in which they both make it back on 5%. But based on current polling there’s a very realistic scenario in which both support parties get wiped out; National wins a larger majority than Labour and forms a government with ACT, and patiently unwinds everything this government has and will accomplish. It’s a scenario that feels a little more probable every day.

This is an ambitious government. In just nine months they’ve loudly signalled intentions to transform the housing market, the carbon economy, the education system, the health system, the tax system and the welfare system. But it’s also a very constrained government. Unlike her predecessors – who had options when building support for legislation, and/or single seat client parties who would vote the way they were told – Ardern’s government needs to negotiate support from both confidence and supply partners for every bill that passes, a process even more fraught and problematic than it sounds because one of those partners is New Zealand First.

Few members of Ardern’s caucus have any Cabinet experience; most ministers from the Clark administration were purged during the bitter factional warfare that marked Labour’s time in opposition. Nor did many of the current ministers distinguish themselves as effective opposition MPs. Far from winning power by presenting a competent alternative government they’ve lucked into it by a sequence of random, dumb accidents: Key’s resignation; Turei’s speech; Little’s resignation; Jacindamania; Winston’s choice.

There’s an old political adage that you only need four or five strong, competent ministers to run the country; it’s not clear Ardern has that many to work with. And yet despite, or perhaps because of this, some ministers are already displaying the election-losing arrogance that it took National’s cabinet three terms – and three election victories – to build up to.

While operating under these limitations the government also has to contend with a popular, united and well resourced opposition party and, for the next six weeks, the absence of Ardern. Her leadership, just about the only thing keeping the ship of state afloat, will be replaced by Peters, a divisive, vastly experienced and sometimes brilliant but often erratic and self-destructive figure who is just as likely to scuttle the ship in a fit of pique as to steer it away from the rocks.

Most of these are problems without solutions. What the government can control is the scale of its ambition and the political management around what it delivers. Given the way things are going does it still seem like a good idea to review and reform virtually every aspect of the state simultaneously, or would it make more sense to focus the government’s limited attention and resources on a few key areas such as, say, the housing crisis, a vital piece of work with a faltering minister under pressure from one of the opposition’s most formidable antagonists?

I like this government, but I feel like it spends a lot of time making sure that people like me – educated urban liberals who are very unlikely to vote National – like it and not enough time appealing to the soft National voters who people like me don’t really like, but without whom a second term is increasingly unlikely, like it or not.

The direction of the government for the six weeks in which Ardern is on parental leave and Winston Peters runs the country will probably be, like so much of parenthood itself, impossible to plan, predict or comprehend. But there’s an opportunity after that, when Ardern returns. An opportunity for a reset: a return to sanity, a chance to let the soothing tides of New Zealand politics begin, and cease, then again begin. To calm the fuck down, basically, start thinking and acting strategically and be a government that will do important things well for nine years instead of everything badly for three. I’d like that.

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