John Palino outside the cafe Little Sweetie in Ponsonby, which he used to own (Image: Alex Braae)
John Palino outside the cafe Little Sweetie in Ponsonby, which he used to own (Image: Alex Braae)

PoliticsApril 21, 2019

Coffee with John Palino, the forgotten 2019 Auckland mayoral candidate

John Palino outside the cafe Little Sweetie in Ponsonby, which he used to own (Image: Alex Braae)
John Palino outside the cafe Little Sweetie in Ponsonby, which he used to own (Image: Alex Braae)

The Auckland mayoral campaign features more candidates than just Phil Goff and John Tamihere. Alex Braae sat down with repeat candidate John Palino, who is having another crack at the top job.

John Palino is doing it tough right now. He’s facing an extremely strong field in the Auckland mayoral elections. He’s struggling to get any press for his campaign. And the roadworks outside his cafe’s front window are maddeningly persistent.

We’re meeting for the interview at Little Sweetie, on Franklin Road in Ponsonby. It used to be called Fred’s, but the name changed when John Palino took over. When I arrive, he’s working the coffee machine. He offered me a seat by the window, and brings over a flat white that he’s made himself. I gesture towards the window where the footpaths are being cut up, and suggest it might be pissing him off a bit. Palino immediately launches into a diatribe about what’s gone wrong.

“It’s disastrous. Hugely disastrous. I had Auckland Transport here yesterday. The Franklin florists are moving out now – they’re very well known. They’re moving over the Richmond Road. I was talking to her just now and she said we’ve had enough. She’s loading up a truck and said I’ve had enough John, it’s ridiculous. Two years to do this project. They started my section six weeks ago. Six weeks ago! They’re not supposed to make any noise before three o’clock in the afternoon and then all of a sudden early in the morning they’re cutting cobblestones. Cobblestones – that’s like marble. It’s so freaking loud, we’re like, guys you gotta stop! Customers can’t come in, people left,  you know?”

He went on for quite some time, and much of the conversation flowed like this. His problems became stories with characters, gesticulations and exasperations. Like many Americans who turn up and make any sort of splash in New Zealand, he’s got a big and expressive manner. In fact, it felt like he was keeping himself in check a bit while we talked. Then again, perhaps he’s just tired. Running a cafe is hard work.

And so is running for mayor. John Palino is now on his third crack at it. He stood in 2013 and gathered up more than 100,000 votes, but came second to Len Brown. He had another crack in 2016, when much of the Auckland right had swung in behind Victoria Crone. This time he was less successful, winning only about 22,000 votes, and coming fourth behind Phil Goff, Victoria Crone, and future Green MP Chloe Swarbrick. Now he’s up against two objectively strong candidates. Phil Goff is currently the mayor, in a field of politics where incumbency carries immense weight. And John Tamihere is a former MP, runs a well known social trust and has snapped up a range of key political strategists to work on his campaign.

So, without being too rude about it all, why on earth is Palino going for the top job? Why not go for a Council seat, or a local board, or… just any other position that he has a better chance of winning? Because he’s a visionary, he says, and his plans are far too big for that.

John Palino pouring out a cup of coffee (Image: Alex Braae)

His major animating idea is that Auckland isn’t a city – it’s better understood as a region or a state. That means it should be understood as a set of different cities. And that means that centres like Albany and Manukau (and a new satellite city further south that he proposes to build) need to be dramatically scaled up.

He says if more businesses were in a position to set up shop in these new cities, the benefits of that would be felt in an immediate sense by people who currently spend hours commuting every day. “Do you want people to live that way? How do they spend their evenings or mornings, dropping their kids off or picking them up from school? That’s a way of life, twelve hours a day? Nobody should be forced to live that way and we’re doing that in Auckland. So how do you fix it? It’s very simple. You take an area in South Auckland and you actually create a new CBD.”

Hang on though, I asked, isn’t there already quite a bit of town centre upgrading and construction going on in Manukau? “How long has that been going on?” he shot back. I had no idea. “Thirty years,” he said. “When’s it going to happen? It’s about someone actually picking up the job and making it happen. People say, what are you talking about? Manukau is already zoned for this. So when is a developer going to build that office building? When are five developers going to build office building?”

“Six years ago, they built two apartments buildings. They sold out in a week. How is that possible that they didn’t build more? There’s been a big market for housing, why weren’t more built? Because the developer only owned that land. So people walked out of their apartment at nine o’clock at night and thought… where the fuck am I? There’s nobody around. I’m in like a dead town. And they moved out.”

So what should have happened? “Council should have come on board with a plan to build twelve of them, maybe with a strip of restaurants, parks, playgrounds, things like that. Council fucked that up, you understand what I’m saying?”

He talks about New York a lot. When I ask who the politician he most admires is, he’s very quick – former mayor Rudy Giuliani. It’s neither the 9/11 response nor the post-mayoral career as a Trump booster that he cites as a reason why – it’s the redevelopment of the city that he likes. He tells a long story about his restaurant career – “the Time-Warner merger was done in my restaurant” was one detail of it. But the fundamental point he makes is that the city was cleaned up “not for tourists, but for the people.” Does he miss New York? “I don’t miss living in a concrete jungle, and I think we’re at risk of creating that here.”

We talked for an hour, about greenery in cities, public transport, volunteering with the Salvation Army, people living in cars, Los Angeles, the changes he’s made to his cafe. Listening to the tape back, I noticed I laughed quite a few times. He’s incredibly charismatic in person. It probably won’t count for much. His last run ended up horribly mired in the debacle around the end of his first run, with implications that he was involved in one of the weirdest and wildest dirty politics scandals of the decade – the breaking open of the story of the Len Brown affair. 

Now he’s struggling to get his press releases on Scoop, and occasionally getting a line at the end of a Bernard Orsman piece in the Herald. I have no idea whether his grand, towering visions would be remotely possible or even desirable in a city like Auckland, where seemingly every piece of development goes over time and over budget. It’s hard to say for certain without access to polls, but it seems really unlikely he’ll get the chance to try and implement it.

But then again, maybe for him that’s okay. He got married last year, and has a seven month old baby. He insisted on showing me pictures, and seemed immensely proud. The previously neglected cafe’s redevelopment looks excellent, restored back to the old brick walls, and he makes a beautiful cup of coffee. When the roadworks finally finish, business will probably pick up again. His life has changed immensely since the last time he ran for mayor. How does he feel about those changes? For once, he only needs two words to sum it up. “It’s amazing.”

US President Donald Trump (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
US President Donald Trump (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

PoliticsApril 20, 2019

Trump wants the Mueller report to be the end of the story. In fact it’s just the start

US President Donald Trump (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
US President Donald Trump (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

If Donald Trump believes yesterday’s release of the long-awaited Mueller report is the end of his troubles, he’s in for a rude awakening, writes a former investigator into Reagan’s Iran-contra scandal.

The release on April 18 of a redacted version of the Mueller report came after two years of allegations, speculation and insinuation – but not a lot of official information about what really happened between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Nor had there been much light shed on whether the president tried to obstruct the investigation into his campaign.

The report prepared by special counsel Robert Mueller and issued by the Justice Department provided greater detail about those questions. And it offered more information about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The Trump administration will want to argue that the release of the Mueller report is the end of investigating the Russia scandal.

On the contrary, the version of the report released is only the start of wide-ranging and intensive House investigations.

I served as special deputy chief counsel of the House Iran-contra investigation of the Reagan administration. We did months of hearings on the type of material that is either incomplete or redacted, as today’s Congress will find, in the Mueller report.

Here are some of the ways the House will likely follow up with more investigation.

1. Bring in witnesses to testify

The House will call some of the witnesses mentioned in the report for their full story, not just their cameo appearance in this incomplete report.

For example, the report has the public’s first account from Michael T. Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser. So, there are a number of contacts mentioned for the first time on the public record between Flynn and Russia that in my reading consistently demonstrate Trump’s partiality to Putin and Russia.

But, until we get a House public hearing with Flynn as a witness, we will not know the full story.

Why did Trump have such a strong bond with Putin? Did Trump have a personal reason, not some foreign policy reason, to favor Russia? Why did Trump push Flynn to be favorable to Russia?

The report does not say.

With Flynn, as with many others, the report is the start, not the finish, of getting the full story.

2. Intelligence committee investigation

Attorney General Barr has announced that a “less redacted” version is, or will be, prepared for a few congressional figures. Presumably he means that the classified parts of the report that describe secret intelligence, which have been redacted, will be shown to the congressional leadership.

But, the leadership cannot itself undertake an investigation.

This is the kind of material that normally goes to the entire House Intelligence Committee. That committee can follow up with demands for documents and closed hearings. And that committee has the trusted expertise to determine that the conclusions of their inquiry can be made public, either via open hearings or by report to the House and the public.

The committee could determine what is actually known by investigators about how Russia viewed Trump and what Russia may have done that secured Trump’s favor.

3. Release grand jury information

Furthermore, the report redacts not just classified information, but grand jury information as well. And Barr may well have omitted, rather than redacted, invaluable grand jury evidence, especially documents.

These could be released by the attorney general to Congress with a court order under what is called Federal Criminal Rule 6(e).

Barr refused at congressional hearings to seek such an order. But, under sufficient pressure from Congress – against the background of a public that wants the full report and the full story – he could reconsider.

In the Watergate scandal, the prosecutors got exactly such a court order so they could make invaluable evidence available to the House Judiciary Committee.

4. Limit what’s limited by ‘HOM’

There is a great deal of key material redacted in the report with Barr’s label, “HOM” or “Harm to Ongoing Matter.” That means the redacted material likely relates to an ongoing investigation by law enforcement.

This appears to have been done with a very broad brush. Under pressure from the House, backed by the public, this could be treated by Barr with a fine scalpel instead.

For example, one of the most promising avenues to investigate is the potential overlap between Russia’s attempts to help Trump, WikiLeaks’ dissemination of material embarrassing to Hillary Clinton, and Trump’s requests for help in making material damaging to Clinton public. Who can forget Trump shouting, “I love WikiLeaks”?

Yet, Barr’s broad-brush redactions wipe out a whole section on WikiLeaks. Presumably Barr is saying, by this redaction, that the case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is an ongoing matter.

As the recent arrest of Assange makes clear, there is currently an investigation into his actions by the U.S., which has charged him with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. That means that WikiLeaks’ interaction with the Trump campaign is not the heart of that judicial matter. Rather, the heart is about Assange working with hackers who stole the damaging material.

So the House should be allowed to pursue the part – WikiLeaks and its interactions with the Trump campaign – which is central to the House’s concerns but peripheral to prosecutors of Assange.

5. Documents, documents, documents

Finally, this is just Mueller’s report. Behind it is much more that would be of vital interest to congressional investigators and the public.

This 400-plus page report is not the underlying information alluded to in the report, like copies of emails or other documents, that provides broader information about so many matters.

The House has every reason to seek and to receive the underlying information.

These various examples are just the beginning of what the House can seek to find as it takes off from the incomplete and redacted Mueller report.

When I was an attorney for the House Iran-contra Committee, we received far more encouragement and cooperation from independent counsel Lawrence Walsh than is promised by Barr. And we went on to dig up striking material during months of hearings.

I believe the House will now pick up where the Department of Justice has left off.The Conversation

Charles Tiefer is a professor of law at the University of Baltimore

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.