a $5 note on a blue background, with blue and white capsules dotted around
Image: Archi Banal

OPINIONPoliticsMay 24, 2023

Reinstating prescription fees, but with some people exempt, would be a mess

a $5 note on a blue background, with blue and white capsules dotted around
Image: Archi Banal

National’s plan to give free prescriptions to only the neediest groups might sound good on paper, but the truth is that universal policies are simpler and cheaper to administer, prevent stigmatisation and enable wider uptake, argues Clint Smith.

Medical professionals, disability and health advocates and poverty groups up and down the country have welcomed the budget’s removal of the $5 prescription charge. The opposition, not so much.

It was National that increased the charge from $3 to $5 a decade ago and they’re not keen on its universal removal now. At first they said they would ditch the policy entirely. Now, they say they’re open to making some exemptions, such as older people and people on low incomes (contrary to popular belief, the Community Services Card does not remove the prescription charge).

‘If you regularly enjoy The Spinoff, and want it to continue, become a member today.’
Toby Manhire
— Editor-at-large

So, that raises questions: if National wins the election and reimposes the charge, who would have to pay it? And how would that affect the government’s books?

Ideally, National would just tell us in their alternative budget. But they don’t seem keen on releasing that for some reason. Instead, we can make the same kind of calculations they would, using official data. I did exactly these costings for three terms of opposition. And if I can manage it, National’s team certainly can.

When you’re designing a policy like this, you have to think about what demographics you want in and out, how much the policy affects them, and the cost of administration if you make the policy too complex.

Christopher Luxon during the budget day debate in parliament (Photo: Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images)

Let’s start with age. Would new prime minister Christopher Luxon really stand up and say “I’m putting a prescription tax on the elderly and kids?” No. That’s the 40% of the population aged 0-18 and 65+ excluded, leaving 3.1 million New Zealanders.

People on low incomes get an exemption too. Twenty percent of the 18+ population has the Community Services Card. Excluding those over 65, that’s about 600,000. We’ve already excluded over half the population.

Now what about people with disabilities, chronic health conditions, cancer, and pregnant people. National wouldn’t put a prescription tax on them, surely. OK. So far, we’ve excluded over four million people.

Lastly, who’s going to be the prime minister who puts a tax back on oral contraceptives?

Whoops. We’ve now excluded about 80% of the population from the charge. And who is left? Young or middle age, healthy, well-off, mainly male. In other words, exactly the people who are least likely to go to the doctor or have prescriptions (I’m in this group – I haven’t gone to the GP or got a prescription since 2018).

The budget is costed on removing the $5 charge from 31 million prescription items a year, or six per person. Let’s generously say that the remaining 1.1 million people we want to charge get an average of three prescription items a year. That raises just $16m a year.

Nothing to be sneezed at, you might say. That’s enough to restore tax breaks for a couple thousand landlords.

But, hang on, how are we going to sort out who pays the charge and who gets an exemption? We’re going to need to go through more than five million people and decide whether to give them an exemption, noted in their digital health records, based on those more than half a dozen criteria, which change over time. We’re going to have to link their MSD data to their health data. We’re going to have to allow or create forms of ID for people who don’t use digital health records. 

And that’s without counting the additional administration we’re putting on to the pharmacies, doctors and sick people trying to get their medicine.

Can we do that for less than $3 per person per year? Because, if we can’t, the administration costs more than the savings. 

At first blush, when a guy who owns seven houses and takes a limo to cross the road says “why should I get $5 off my prescriptions”, it seems logical (although I note he hasn’t taken the same logic to the rest of the subsidisation of medicine, or superannuation, or tax cuts). But the truth is universal policies are simpler and cheaper to administer. They prevent stigmatisation and shame for those who get the policy. They enable wider uptake and reduce the prospect of the policy being chipped away at in the future.

And, if the worry is the rich will now have a few more bucks, then the simple solution is to use the tax system to address that.

Every time we create a new policy with a set of exemptions because we don’t want some group to benefit from it, we make the state that much more complicated, that much more difficult to interact with, and that much more costly to administer. You would think a party that goes on and on about the number of public servants would embrace the chance to simplify things, rather than create more bureaucracy.

There was a guy, once, whose guiding philosophy was “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”. We don’t need to go full commie, though, to acknowledge that simple universal policies, funded by simple tax, are better than all this mucking around.

And, let’s not forget the big picture here. While we’re tinkering over who does and doesn’t pay $5, the evidence shows free prescriptions mean fewer hospital stays, saving $18 per dollar spent on removing the charge.

So, maybe, the best answer to the question “who should get prescription medicine for free?” is a simple one: those who need it.

Clint Smith was a policy and communications adviser to the Labour and Green parties, working on three alternative budgets, and the 2018 budget. He now runs Victor Strategy and Communications.

Police said they have had zero complaints and pursued zero investigations since the law was enacted. (Image: Archi Banal)
Police said they have had zero complaints and pursued zero investigations since the law was enacted. (Image: Archi Banal)

PoliticsMay 24, 2023

Revealed: the conversion therapy prosecutions since legal ban kicked in

Police said they have had zero complaints and pursued zero investigations since the law was enacted. (Image: Archi Banal)
Police said they have had zero complaints and pursued zero investigations since the law was enacted. (Image: Archi Banal)

Here’s what the police and the Human Rights Commission told us about action pursued so far.

In the 15 months since the Conversion Practices Prohibition legislation came into force, no legal action has been launched under either the criminal or civil strands of the law. The Human Rights Commission cautions that there is no cause for alarm, but some are concerned about a lack of police initiative on one hand and a “bureaucratic jungle” on the other.

Police had not received any complaints nor launched any investigations, detective inspector Warren Olsson told The Spinoff in response to an official information request. For its part, the Human Rights Commission said it had received 33 inquiries, but none has been formally escalated into the civil redress process. 

Under the act, which came into force in February 2022, practices – including “conversion therapy” – undertaken with “the intention of changing or suppressing the individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression” become a criminal offence where that person is under 18 or their decision-making is impaired, as well as cases in which “serious harm” is caused.

An alternative approach provided by the act is the civil redress pathway. Launched in August 2022, it is overseen by the Human Rights Commission, which is tasked with pursuing dispute resolution and mediation where possible. If that is unsuccessful, it can be advanced to a civil proceeding with the Human Rights Review Tribunal. Neither the criminal nor civil strand is retrospective. 

“We are pleased with the numbers to date,” said Andre Afamasaga, a former pastor and survivor of conversion practices now at the Human Right Commission. “The act was not passed with the aim of generating prosecutions, or on the belief that significant numbers of people were affected by the practices, but because they significantly harm an already vulnerable group of people.”

The commission characterises its complaint process as “free, safe, private and confidential for everyone involved. It helps people to discuss issues in an open, safe and constructive way. The process can help both sides agree to a fair result.” 

Afamasaga added, by email: “The act is not retrospective so many survivors are not in the timeframe.” He further pointed to “significant barriers” that they “need to overcome to come forward”. Those include “high levels of controlling indoctrination that isolate them from outside information and support, or even from independent news sources and peer-reviewed scientific evidence”, as well as, for many, “paralysing levels of shame and stigma that prevent them reaching out for help. This is particularly strong for people who once pursued conversion practices for themselves.”

Given those factors, “we expect the number of enquiries to remain lower than with other matters within the commission’s scope”, he told The Spinoff. “The commission does provide a pathway for civil redress but a key part of our work is to provide information and education about the harm caused by conversion practices and the new legislation.”

Of the 33 who had inquired with the commission, some had been directly affected, while others were concerned about third parties or seeking resources or guidance on the law. The commission was allocated $2.25m for the period from 2021 to 2023 to resource the response to the new law, but was not expecting further funding. 

“Tackling ideologies that lead to conversion practices will take years and an all-of-society approach,” Afamasaga said. “With only baseline funding levels available, groups needing education about conversion practices may have to rely on online resources when leaders are telling us in-person delivery is needed due to the sensitive subject matter.”

Shaneel Lal at parliament (Photo: Lynn Grieveson/Getty Images)

Shaneel Lal, co-founder of the Conversion Therapy Action Group, which advocated for the legislation, said that while they had not “expected an immediate spike” in prosecutions, “a lack of trust in the institution” meant many in the queer community were wary of approaching police, while the civil redress route risked amounting to a “bureaucratic jungle”, said Lal, with “the onus on the part of the victim”. It was questionable, they added, whether the funding was sufficient to adequately handle the response.

The requirement for a sign-off by the attorney general in criminal prosecutions was another hurdle that worked to dissuade both potential complainants and the police, Lal said. David Parker’s office confirmed that no requests for prosecution to be consented had been received. 

Lal was disappointed by a “lack of initiative” on the part of the police, with no sign of investigation into allegations of conversion therapy at Bethlehem College in Tauranga and in the counselling practice of David Riddell in Nelson. In the latter example, Riddell said he would continue to offer conversion therapy through his Living Wisdom School. 

Riddell told RNZ in June 2022 he would still be providing “misbelief therapy” to clients who were “conflicted with unwanted same sex attraction”. He said: “Contrary to what the gay juggernaut would have you believe, not everyone who experiences same-sex attraction welcomes it.” David Riddell did not respond to emailed questions about whether he maintains that position or is aware of any complaints or investigations. 

For the Christian lobby group Family First, which advocated against the legislation, the lack of action being pursued under the act supports its view that “this law was always a solution looking for a problem”.

The conversion therapy legislation attracted more than 105,000 public submissions, a record high. “In banning conversion practices in New Zealand, we join other countries around the world in sending a clear message that all people, including young people, deserve to be protected, no matter their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression,” said then justice minister Kris Faafoi. “All people, including rainbow communities, deserve to have their rights and dignity protected, and to live their lives freely just as they are.”

‘If you regularly enjoy The Spinoff, and want it to continue, become a member today.’
Toby Manhire
— Editor-at-large