In honor of the New Zealand Comedy Festival Joseph Harper dives deep into a few comedy games. But it turns out that games based on comedy aren’t actually that funny.
The Comedy Fest is happening at the moment and nobody loves to laugh as much as me. So this week I decided to highlight some notable comedy games that have been released for some reason. I don’t mean games that are funny. I mean games that are based on comedy series’ etc. Here are three.
South Park the Stick of Truth (PS3, PC, Xbox 360)
The gen 7 South Park game is an rpg based on the episode(s) where the children get real obsessed with Lord of the Rings. You play as a new kid whose ‘goal’ is to make as many friends as possible. You play through a pretty warped fantasy campaign that ultimately includes Nazis, zombies, aliens, crab people, underwear gnomes and everything else that has ever happened on South Park. There’s tonnes of stuff people would definitely find very offensive, but it’s funny and I liked the armour and weapon upgrades. It’s like Skyrim for kids.
I bought a European copy of this somehow so mine was censored. The scenes that were censored involved the player character getting probed in the butt by aliens, and an interactive abortion scene so I guess fair enough. Still it’s would be kind of weird to have a South Park game that doesn’t feature at least some element of aliens putting a butt probe in someone. I would recommend this game, especially if you like(d) South Park.
The Office (PC)
Honestly I haven’t even played this because it looks insanely stressful and boring (a difficult combo to pull off). As far as I can tell, you play ultimo daddy, Jim Halpert and you have to run around fetching coffee and snacks for people. All your favourite The Office characters are here and they all look munted as hell. It also features a prank-o-meter and an almost soundalike version of the cool Office theme song. It looks like an excellent piece of shit.
This is the worst game I have ever played. Everything about it is bad. I reckon almost nothing has aged as badly as Little Britain. Is this fine? Is this fine? Is this(?!!?!?) fine?Add to that the world’s most frustrating bullshit gaming mechanics and you’ve got a winner on your hands. I beat this game in a day and not a single second was enjoyable. From the first level where you play as Vicky Pollard and roller skate around collecting cds for some reason, to the weird Pacman clone featuring that fat shame woman, to the only gay man in the village who rides a bike and delivers papers or something. It’s all awful.
This post, like all of our gaming content, is brought to you the hilarious internet jokers at Bigpipe. Thanks, Bigpipe!
If you haven’t read Tolstoy’s War and Peace (and who has?), Lindsey Dawson has found an easier way to experience his epic love-and-conflict story: by watching it on the telly.
The Russians are coming! We’ve heard that phrase often enough, but back in 1812 it was the Russians yelling, ‘The French are Coming!’ Napoleon wanted Moscow.
War and Peace, the sumptuous BBC six-parter now running on Lightbox, is based on Leo Tolstoy’s enormous novel about events leading up to that war.
It starts off seven years earlier. In 1805 everything in Moscow and St Petersburg is lovely – as long as you’re an aristocrat and not a serf. Lowly pot-scrubbers and pig-tenders barely get a nod in this series; it’s all about the toffs. Which is pleasing from our point of view as it allows us to nosy at their gorgeous clothes and mighty homes.
The plot revolves around the fates of a few families that were packed to the gills with princes, counts and barons. While the men bear up under the weight of their gold-braided shoulders, the ladyfolk have oodles of time in which to take tea, squeeze into lovely gowns and slide over the snow in horse-drawn sleighs.
Their main preoccupation as the series starts out is with the making of good marriages. The aim is to reinforce reputations or rescue them, and sometimes to save families from utter ruin. Cue matronly furrowed brows beneath the tiaras.
The cast is big – after all, Tolstoy had room for a crowd in his 587,000-word tome. (If you’re wondering how big that is, your average modern chunky novel is a mere 100,000 or so.)
Scriptwriter Andrew Davies focuses on a core group of 19, played by a mostly star-studded cast. You’ll spend half your viewing time musing, “now where do I know that face from?” and taking to Google when it all gets too much.
At the centre of the drama, directed by Tom Harper, are the hopes and dreams of friends Natasha, Andrei and Pierre.
Sweet young Princess Natasha looks just like Lady Rose in Downton Abbey. That’s because the last time you saw Lily James, she was Lady Rose.
Lily James – pretty in pink as Natasha Rostova
Her good and gentle friend Pierre is a wealthy count’s son but also (oops) illegitimate. This means that, even without his scandalous enthusiasm for revolutionary politics, he would be still not be seen as eligible. Pierre is played by Paul Dano. Hint: Little Miss Sunshine and 12 Years a Slave.
Paul Dano, all lit up with compassion as Pierre Bezukhov
Then there’s Prince Andrei, a proud and frustrated young husband. Domesticity is much more boring than the thought of military glory and so he dumps pregnant wifey at the family’s country estate while he goes off to war.
It seems rather unprincipled behaviour for that nice vicar in Grantchester, but actor James Norton looks altogether more princely here in boots and breeches than in a dog collar.
James Norton as dashing Prince Andrei dressed for best
The costume department excels all round, with the blokes in fabulous cossack capes often out-blinging the gals.
Not all observers have been impressed however, with blogger Ellie Valsin ranting that that the women’s clothes and hairdos smack of century-later Downton Abbey style.
Her episode-one outrage was aimed at a gown worn by a snooty society dame played by Gillian Anderson (Scully from The X-Files etc). Valsin opined “it looks like a nightgown. An ill-fitting, easter-egg-colored, cheap polyester satin, one-sleeved nightgown”. With other actresses, she is often concerned about there being inappropriate gussets or not enough tit.
Gillian Anderson looking suitably upper-crust as Anna Palovna
But I think she’s over-critical. Bring on the brocade, I say. There’s no such thing as too many fur-trimmed robes, especially as worn by Adrian Edmondson.
Fans of classic 1980s Brit humour will remember him as Vyvyan the punk in The Young Ones. Vyvyan was a right yobbo, but War and Peace allows Edmondson to swan around as a fond and feckless dad running his family’s fortunes into the ground.
Adrian Edmondson in robe and smoking cap. With a tassel of course.
But enough about frocks. War and Peace is really about people, a big, sweeping soap opera that takes in sex, love, jealousy, ambition, grief, courage, villainy, faith, fun, rage, disappointment, death and birth. Of course that’s all stuff we continue to grapple with now, which makes it hugely watchable.
I can’t imagine how a scriptwriter turns one of the world’s longest novels into a mere few hours of drama, but Davies, 79, told the Telegraph that culling it down was “a doddle”.
He’s had some practice, mind, having also written the BBC’s critically adored House of Cards – the original series starring Francis Urquart plusBleak House in 2005 and the 1995 version of Pride and Prejudice, which famously included Colin Firth’s dripping Mr Darcy moment.
There’s lots of sex in War and Peace, even incest. It was hinted at by Tolstoy. ‘It was all there, he just hadn’t written the scenes and I couldn’t see why, so I did,’ Davies told the Daily Mail.
Me and my bro are the best of friends. Callum Turner and Tuppence Middleton play the conniving Kuragin siblings.
Nek minnit, the tabloids were labelling the series Phwoar and Peace.
The more poignant point about War and Peace is what was unknown in Tolstoy’s day – that the pampered life of Russia’s aristos had only a hundred years to run before communism would take over. As glorious as it is for the eye to take in the prettiness of St Petersburg’s ballrooms, there’s a doomed sort of light over all that excess.
It also reminds us of the grossness of war. Its battlefield scenes show us the horror that happens when young men are expected to run headlong at each other, using only sabres to slash and shred.
Napoleon shows up every now and again, brooding on horseback under his bicorn hat. If you’re up on your history you might already know what happened when he invaded Russia in 1812.
If not, you might like to check it out and gasp at the trail of misery he left in his wake. Or you might even be tempted to read Tolstoy’s novel.
I spotted a BBC-published version the other day in Mt Eden’s Time Out bookstore. It’s only 1000 pages, because the font looks like the size they use in phone books.
Or you can just do what Davies did – cut the damn thing in half and save yourself a whole lot of time.
Far easier to just sit back and enjoy War and Peace on Lightbox by clicking below.