This loud show is a quiet, confident success. (Photo: Andi Crown)
This loud show is a quiet, confident success. (Photo: Andi Crown)

Pop CultureFebruary 20, 2023

Review: The Heartbreak Choir hits the right note

This loud show is a quiet, confident success. (Photo: Andi Crown)
This loud show is a quiet, confident success. (Photo: Andi Crown)

Auckland Theatre Company’s 2023 season opener is crisp, confident – and not quite the show you might expect from the poster, writes Sam Brooks.

The lowdown

By the looks of The Heartbreak Choir’s poster, you might expect a broad comedy good for a few laughs and half a conversation in the car ride home, if you’re lucky. Thankfully, that’s not quite the show that Auckland Theatre Company is opening its 2023 season with.

Written by Australian theatre stalwart Aidan Hennessy, The Heartbreak Choir follows the travails of a small choir (they insist it’s not a community choir, but it is absolutely a community choir) after splintering from a larger group due to an ethical quandary. While it starts off broad, with more than a few fart jokes in the first half, the show is gradually revealed to be a surprisingly deep work about community, and the intimate relationships that form between people who belong to it. If it plays broad, that’s because it’s trying to access a wider canvas.

Kate Louise Elliott and Alison Quigan in The Heartbreak Choir. (Photo: Andi Crown)

The good

A show like The Heartbreak Choir lives or dies by its cast. If the audience doesn’t fall in love with the choir, they don’t fall in love with the play. Thankfully, Heartbreak Choir has a cast ready to sell every laugh line, sit in every awkward moment, and hit every note in every song for all it’s worth.

Alison Quigan, as choir leader Barbara, is as good as she’s ever been; she not only manages to turn a few extended onstage solos into comedic arias, but also sit in the headspace of a woman who has been designated as community leader but doesn’t really want to be. Kate Louise Elliot delights as Mack, a role written to be played to the back row of the theatre across the street. Elliot lends her gravity and texture, while David Fane’s Peter generates laughs the moment he walks onstage, unable or unwilling to open the door to the choir hall – which makes the character’s dramatic turn later in the play all the more affecting.

It’s newcomer Munashe Tapfuya as Anesu who is the absolute standout, however. Anesu, a pregnant doctor from Zimbabwe forced by circumstance to make sandwiches at the local deli, is a conundrum of a character. It often feels like writer Aidan Fennessy has constructed her from stereotypes and cliches, but Tapfuya breezes past the clunky writing with a lively, vivid and real performance. When the play hands her the mildly ludicrous act one cliffhanger to deliver, she hits it out of the park.

It goes without saying that everybody in the cast can hold a tune (especially Esmay August as the otherwise near-mute Savannah), but it’s worth commending the ensemble, and director Lara Macgregor, for making sure that each song shows us who the characters are; where they stand in the social hierarchy, and how comfortable they are in the choir. When the script leans on the music to provide depth and texture, the production provides both in spades.

This sort of crowd-pleasing theatre isn’t necessarily cool, and it’s definitely not groundbreaking, but it’s the ideal opener for ATC’s 2023 season. It’s a clean, confident production of a well-tuned script, with a team that’s more than equipped to carry it over the line. 

Munashe Tapfuya in The Heartbreak Choir. (Photo: Andi Crown)

The not-so-good

A cast and a tight production can only take you so far, and while Fennessy’s script is impressively slick at managing the to-and-fro of its ensemble, it does start to creak by the end. It’s never outright bad, or even boring, but in the last half hour of the play’s two-hours-plus it becomes easier to see the leaps in logic, and where the cast is working overtime to pad out some of the thinner writing.

The verdict

It’s not the play on the poster. This kind of show would be extremely easy to mess up with a production that overplays the jokes, leans too hard on the songs, or wallows in the darkness. While it’s not quite perfect, ATC’s production knows the notes, hits them well, and reaps the rewards; it’s a loud show, and a quiet, confident success.

The Heartbreak Choir plays at the ASB Waterfront Theatre until March 4.

Pamela Anderson in the late1990s
Pamela Anderson in the late1990s

Pop CultureFebruary 20, 2023

Review: The tragedy and triumph of Pamela, a love story 

Pamela Anderson in the late1990s
Pamela Anderson in the late1990s

The new Netflix documentary forces us to rethink what we thought we knew about the 90s sex symbol, writes Alex Casey. 

One of the fastest-growing documentary genres of the modern age is the one that asks the question: “why did we treat famous woman X like absolute crap for her entire career?” It’s happened for Britney, Whitney, Amy, Paris and now the latest is Pamela Anderson in Pamela, a Love Story on Netflix. 

We meet the Baywatch star in the present day at 55 years old, pottering around her lakeside home in the sleepy town of Ladysmith, Canada. She’s recently divorced (her fifth time), and now spends her days floating around the property in billowy white linen like a beautiful blonde ghost. As she reflects on the first of many devastating chapters of her life, the documentary delves into a seemingly endless well of incredible and heartbreaking archive material. 


Anderson meticulously documented every experience, first in her diaries and later with extensive home video footage – stolen tapes of which would eventually come to define her in the public’s eye. We learn of her childhood in a violent home, and her experience of sexual abuse at a young age. Her journals from the time, too painful for present-day Anderson to even open, are read by a soundalike.

Everything changed for teenage Pamela at a 1989 football game, where a roaming cameraman took a shine to her and put her up on the big screen to a roaring crowd. This moment eventually led to Playboy, which led to Baywatch, and in her journals you hear the voice of a young woman thrilled to be taking her own body back from a childhood that stole it. But as present day Anderson (and the audience) knows, this chapter actually marks the beginning of Anderson’s image being slowly wrenched out of her grasp and firmly into that of the public.

Present day Pamela (Photo: Netflix)

Supercuts of lecherous talk show hosts and invasive paparazzi (also a mainstay of the genre) are nothing compared to what happened in 1995, when Anderson discovered that honeymoon tapes of her and then-husband Tommy Lee have been stolen from their house. The intimate parts were cut out and stitched together, and her “sex tape” sold around the world without her permission. She likens it to the feeling of violation she experienced as a child, vowing to both fight the distributors in court and never take any money for the tapes. 

Given that this all happened nearly 30 years ago, it’s incredible how many modern day problems are contained in this groundbreaking privacy case. Anderson recalls walking into courtrooms full of male lawyers who have printed out her Playboy spreads, arguing that she doesn’t deserve the rights to her own image because she’s been naked in public before. “I just remember thinking: ‘why do all these men hate me so much?’” she ponders. The tape made it online to be endless reproduced for perpetuity, and Anderson realised she was fighting a losing battle.

Pamela Anderson during her privacy court case. (Image: YouTube)

When the litany of Pam and Tommy sex tape punchlines are contrasted with the impact the crime had on Anderson’s mental health, family and career, it’s hard to not get angry. You’d think that all these years later, we might have learnt something but, as the documentary captures in real time, the release of Hulu series Pam & Tommy (2022) shows that nothing has really changed. Neither Anderson nor Lee were consulted on that project, but a revealing grab from Lee saying he thought it was “pretty cool” shows how differently the aftermath of the tape played out for him. 

“I just feel sick,” Anderson says upon learning of the series, hands visibly shaking as she starts stress-eating. “It’s like you are this thing that belongs to the world.” 

It’s a quote that sums up Pamela, a Love Story pretty nicely – here we have a real person who the entire world never cared enough to treat as one. Although there are a few weird asides along the way (still not entirely sure what that Julian Assange digression was all about), it’s still a revealing and deeply personal documentary that ends on a pretty against-all-odds high note. 

Extremely sad in parts and darkly funny in others, Pamela, a Love Story is a necessary reappraisal of a popular culture icon, one who has finally earned the right to reveal herself entirely on her own terms.