Photo: Alice Snedden’s Bad News
Photo: Alice Snedden’s Bad News

Pop CultureFebruary 20, 2024

Watch all of Alice Snedden’s Bad News so far

Photo: Alice Snedden’s Bad News
Photo: Alice Snedden’s Bad News

Alice Snedden’s Bad News is back next week with a two-part special in which Alice saves the world. Until then, here’s all the previous episodes…

What does the cost of living even mean and how do we close the wealth gap? Alice speaks to Grant Robertson, Bernard Hickey, Ngarimu Blair and Bubbah about why there hasn’t been a revolution… yet.

Why do we still have such a problem with fat people? Alice speaks to Andrew Little, endocrinologist Robyn Toomath and academic Ashlea Gillon about the stigma of being fat and why the BMI is bullshit.

We’ve been throwing baddies behind bars in Aotearoa since around 1840 – but what if there was a better alternative? Alice speaks to a prison boss, a prison abolitionist and a former inmate about what needs to change.

Is it OK to love your pet while still eating other animals? Comedian Tom Sainsbury, Lord of the Fries’ Bruce Craig and animal welfare scientist Craig Johnson help Alice swallow some hard truths about meat.

Did you know that some New Zealanders work for $2 an hour? Alice Snedden explores the complexities of the minimum wage exemption, and speaks to advocates, politicians and bosses arguing for (and against) reform.

What is rugby actually doing to be better? And why have the All Blacks never fronted a domestic violence campaign? Alice meets with bosses, players and experts and encounters a culture of silence that nearly shuts the episode down entirely.

Sex work is decriminalised in NZ, unless you’re a migrant worker. In this episode Alice visits a brothel for business and pleasure and asks why this discriminatory law hasn’t been changed. Featuring Madam Mary, Dame Catherine Healey, Hannah (not their rela name) and Iain Lees-Galloway.

What is a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist and why are they so mad about periods? In this episode Alice heads to Wellington to find out. Featuring Georgina Beyer and Caitlin Spice.

Why do Māori live on average seven years less than Pākehā? Alice delves into the health system and asks if more money should be spent on Māori health and less on her digestive system. Featuring Kirimoana Willoughby, Sariah Witika, Dr Heather Came, Janell Dymus-Kurei and Pat Snedden.

Should God pay tax? Alice asks this and many more hard-hitting questions as she attempts to finally separate church and state once and for all. Featuring Eli Mathewson, Chris Bethwaite, Andrea Black and a lot of Weet-Bix.

Why are we so scared of breasts? In this episode, Alice attempts to change the minds of viewers using exposure therapy and living out her soap opera fantasies. Featuring Steve Crow, Fiona McNamara, Erica Brooks, Maxine Fleming and Jess Joy Wood.

Should we have the right to choose the circumstances of our death, or is it just too complicated to sort out? In this episode, Alice confronts her fear of death and admits she may not be immortal after all. Featuring Brynley Stent, Claire Freeman, Josephine Ayers, Te Hurinui Karaka Clarke, Bobbie Carroll and David Seymour.

In this episode Alice explores why the right to vote is still denied to people serving prison sentences longer than three years, and discovers a charity single isn’t always the answer.  Featuring Awatea Mita, Mark Mitchell, Julia Whaipooti, Tania Mead and Two Hearts.

In the final episode of the season, Alice is joined by co-host Kura Forrester to examine just how racist New Zealand is and why Pākehā just can’t seem to get it together and honour the Treaty. Featuring Hone Harawira, Dame Susan Devoy, Pat Snedden, Janell Dymus-Kurei, Dr Heather Came and Julia Whaipooti.

Alice Snedden’s Bad News is made with support from NZ On Air.

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