Photo: Alice Snedden’s Bad News Saves the World
Photo: Alice Snedden’s Bad News Saves the World

Pop CultureFebruary 29, 2024

Can our last hero solve climate change in 20 minutes?

Photo: Alice Snedden’s Bad News Saves the World
Photo: Alice Snedden’s Bad News Saves the World

How is it that the agricultural industry is still excluded from the Emissions Trading Scheme? Alice questions the top dogs in the final part of Alice Snedden’s Bad News Saves the World.

Watch part one here.

For six years the Labour government negotiated with the agricultural industry under He Waka Eke Noa to find a price for their emissions. But the outcome appears to be absolutely nothing. The agricultural industry, which produces about half of our greenhouse gas emissions, is the only industry with the special privilege of being left out of the Emissions Trading Scheme. 

Alice, perhaps the country’s last hero, decides to do in 20 minutes what no previous government has been able to do before. Win a fight against farmers and solve the climate crisis. 

She asks the top dogs at Fonterra: “If there is a consequence to the way we make that money – eventual destruction, death and doom – should profit only be one of our considerations in the way we move forward?” Later, she appears a little swayed by a juicy udder and delicious sausage at an A&P show.

Alice Snedden’s Bad News is made with the support of NZ On Air. Watch all the other episodes here.

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