A vibrant urban street scene at dusk with people dining at outdoor cafés, surrounded by trees and modern shops. A green bus is visible to the right. Warm lights illuminate the area, creating a welcoming atmosphere.
A night time rendering of Courtenay Place.

SocietyFebruary 13, 2025

A review of the new Courtenay Place design

A vibrant urban street scene at dusk with people dining at outdoor cafés, surrounded by trees and modern shops. A green bus is visible to the right. Warm lights illuminate the area, creating a welcoming atmosphere.
A night time rendering of Courtenay Place.

The final designs for the long-awaited Courtenay Place revamp have been released. Joel MacManus takes a closer look at the details.

At an embargoed media briefing on Wednesday, Wellington mayor Tory Whanau and a team of council staff showed journalists a 3D-printed model of Courtenay Place. For about an hour, council officers answered detailed questions about the minutiae of the design. The Courtenay Precinct is the heart of the city’s entertainment economy and the level of detail in the design shows how deeply council officers have thought about the layout.

It’s important to note that this is not a proposal, a consultation document or another business case. This is it. At long, long, long last, this is the final design. The council has signed a construction contract for the first stage of work on the Cambridge Terrace end of the street and is currently negotiating a second contract for the remainder. Construction will begin in April.

My main takeaway from the briefing was simple: this is good. The design will make Courtenay Place a better, safer and more vibrant street. There are some parts I’m particularly excited about and others where I hold out a bit of scepticism.

Here are some of the top takeaways from the new design:

The mayor is willing to lose the election over this

In her opening speech, Whanau cited former Dunedin mayor Aaron Hawkins, a fellow Green Party member, who tied himself to the George Street redesign. The project was controversial while it was under construction and the consensus view is that it cost him re-election. Now that it is complete, the upgrade is overwhelmingly popular. Whanau fully expects the same thing to happen here. The Golden Mile has been a controversial debate and will be unpopular while roadworks are ongoing, but she predicts that it will be well-received once it is complete.

However, the timing of the local body election is terrible for her. When polls close in October, Wellington’s main street will still be a construction site. There won’t be any opportunity for people to get used to the new street and change their minds. There’s a strong chance this issue could cost Whanau the election. She had the opportunity to cut the project and save some dollars during the Long Term Plan debacle, but she considered the Golden Mile an untouchable bottom line. This is a project that Whanau genuinely believes will change Wellington for the better, and if it costs her her job, so be it.

A bike lane that fills a gap

Wellington’s bike network desperately needs a central connector – the city has built several arterial routes into the edge of the CBD, but there’s a black hole in the middle of the city, which makes it difficult for riders to access workplaces and retail areas. In the new design, the busy Newtown-to-city bike lane will turn onto Courtenay Place and continue until Taranaki Street at the centre of Te Aro.

The tradeoff with this bike lane is, of course, space. The bike lane takes space that could otherwise be given to pedestrians, though the new footpaths will still be much wider than the current layout.  It also creates a potential conflict zone with pedestrians, but it is lined with planter boxes to keep the spaces separated.

A bustling urban street scene with people walking, biking, and sitting on benches. Trees and planters line the sidewalk. Shops and cafes are visible, with a clear sky above.
The design for Courtenay Place near the corner of Cambridge Terrace (Image: WCC)

More trees, but not yet

The video fly-through showed an enormous amount of greenery, including several fully grown trees and new rain gardens for wetland plants. It’s a great touch. Urban trees have been shown to have myriad benefits, including improving air quality, reducing public health costs, reducing noise pollution, and simply making people happierHowever, the trees will be planted during the final stages of the project, so the visual improvement may not be obvious during the construction phase. 

An opportunity on the side streets

Blair Street and Allen Street have always felt like a missed opportunity. The Courtenay Place side streets are wide, lined by beautiful old buildings and are a low-traffic zone. And yet for years, they’ve basically just been used for parking. In the design, both streets still have plenty of parking, but they become one-way streets with removable bollards at the Courtenay Place end. It also means the two streets can quite easily be closed to vehicles without requiring complex traffic management – which could allow them to be used as event spaces for fairs, markets or outdoor concerts. On the day-to-day, it means pedestrians on Courtenay Place won’t have to wait for cars to cross.

A new performance stage, but an underdeveloped plaza

I was hoping to see a bigger redesign around the pedestrian plaza on the Taranaki Street and Courtenay Place intersection. It’s a strange area that has never quite lived up to its potential as a public gathering place. Widening the pavement or even just rearranging the seating could have made a difference. However, it is mostly unchanged in the new redesign. This section was rebuilt more recently than the rest so the council has decided the cost to redo that bit isn’t justified.

The one change to the area is Ngā Ūranga, a new stage and seating area for street performers, featuring power outlets for lighting and sound.

People are enjoying a sunny day in an urban plaza with modern architecture. There are trees lining the street, a bicycle lane, and wooden benches where some are sitting and talking. The area is bustling with activity and features a mix of shops and cafes.
The new Ngā Ūranga seating and stage area outside St James Theatre (Image: WCC)

An overcorrection on bus stops

The plan for the Golden Mile has always been to slightly reduce the number of bus stops so that buses can move more smoothly without as much disruption. The current positioning of bus stops is a holdover from the old tramway system and staff think this new layout will be more efficient. It’s not a huge change – everywhere on the Golden Mile is still within 300 metres of a bus stop – but could cause some annoyance.

The new design removes the bus stop outside St James Theatre, and the opposite location outside Reading Cinema. I’m a little sceptical about this idea but willing to be proved wrong. These stops are not particularly well-used, but that could change once the Reading complex opens again. There are large loading zones on both sides of the road which could be converted to bus stops if demand justifies it.

‘Hutt Valley, Kāpiti, down to the south coast. Our Wellington coverage is powered by members.’
Joel MacManus
— Wellington editor

Finally doing something about lighting

The new design includes more street lights, placed more evenly throughout the street. This is a small but important change. Research shows better street lighting is a reliable and inexpensive way to reduce crime. A US department of justice study found that improved street lighting led to a 21% decrease in crime. Even more so, better street lighting improves perceptions of safety, which is essential for a nightlife area.

In praise of the pavers

If you’ve ever had the misfortune of walking down Courtenay Place in the rain, you’ll know the orange footpath tiles are slipperier than a banana peel coated in lube. Thankfully, the new tiles are much grippier. Staff confirmed they had tested the pavers and found they were still grippy even when covered in water, wine and fried chicken.

Elon Musk, with hellfire in background

SocietyFebruary 13, 2025

Help Me Hera: Is Elon Musk the antichrist?

Elon Musk, with hellfire in background

I’m a proud atheist who outgrew my religious upbringing. So why am I getting antsy about the rapture all of a sudden?

Want Hera’s help? Email your problem to helpme@thespinoff.co.nz

Dear Hera,

I’m a proud atheist and since I managed to move past the childhood trauma of my religious upbringing and into adulthood, I’ve been confident that the Book of Revelations and all the happy bedtime stories from it that my father used to tell me as a child were just that — stories — no more believable than a Disney princess movie. But this Trump/Musk business has got me rattled. The world feels like the apocalypse is just around the corner, and if you were looking for a high-quality antichrist candidate, surely you couldn’t do much better than Elon Musk? What if Dad was right after all and the Rapture really is on its way?

Kindest regards,
Agitated atheist

Dear Agitated,

Nietzsche once said, “In heaven, all the interesting people are missing.” Maybe this statement made sense in the context of a fundamentalist Christian morality, in which using a comb on a Sunday was tantamount to pledging your allegiance to Satan.

These days, hell isn’t what it used to be. They’ve sold off the red velvet chaise lounges, extinguished the pits of eternal fire, and refurbished the underworld in wall-to-wall grey carpet. They’ve dismantled the wall of human skulls and replaced them with Funko Pop display cases. Gone are the sodomites and the suicides, the thieves and alchemists. My conception of hell is a never-ending Koru lounge, with catering by The Compass Group and a custom cryptocurrency.

I’m no atheist, but I don’t believe in hell or divine retribution. If you ask me, the only hell worth worrying about is the suffering we inflict on other living beings. One trip to the medieval torture museum was enough to convince me that no afterlife could be worse than the misery some people endure in this lifetime. Similarly, I find it hard to imagine a heaven without wind or trees, or a small black cat asleep in a patch of afternoon sunlight. That doesn’t stop me from entertaining a few zany metaphysical theories. What’s the point of bearing witness to the mystery, if you don’t put your money on a couple of rogue horses? But I don’t pretend to have the answers, let alone the ability to coherently articulate the question.

But even if I’m wrong, and Satan’s waiting in her red convertible to take us all to the tarnation station, I would never flatter Musk by putting him in the same league as the devil. Best case scenario, he’s a sentient human footstool or volunteer hall monitor, who keeps getting shunted between the various circles of hell and is destined to spend eternity making a nuisance of himself by laughing too loudly at Ghenghis Khan’s jokes and hanging off Thatcher’s coattails.

‘Hutt Valley, Kāpiti, down to the south coast. Our Wellington coverage is powered by members.’
Joel MacManus
— Wellington editor

When we compare these notorious bedwetters to the forces of biblical evil, we’re playing straight into their PR handbook, rather than recognising them for what they are, which is a cabal of insecure mouth breathers. They want you to think they’re evil because it’s a lot more flattering than the reality. Elon Musk isn’t a nefarious Bond villain, who’ll show up on the day of judgement in an EV submersible. He’s not even Patrick Bateman. For one thing, he doesn’t have the cheekbones. He’s a garden variety loser with an emerald mine trust fund, acting out narcissistic grievances and childhood insecurities on an unprecedented geopolitical scale. He’s the spoiled cousin you always hated, who threw a tantrum every time his mother refused to buy him  more Dragonball Z cards – if that same cousin had the ability to legally confiscate your insulin. He’s made it abundantly clear he cares too much about what people think of him, and is leaning into the “supervillain” archetype because it looks better on his resume than “petulant loser.”

The bad news is that none of this makes any material difference to the world’s current political trajectory. In fact, it probably makes the situation a lot worse. There’s nothing more frightening than a billionaire with hurt feelings, who has unprecedented political influence and a list of ideological resentments burning a hole in his pocket. There’s good reason to believe he’s more volatile and unpredictable than any ordinary bigot with a hateful ideology because his only guiding principle seems to be shoring up his own power and wealth at the expense of literally everyone else. At least Satan stood for something. Musk truly puts the banal in the banality of evil.

I don’t think you’re wrong to be worrying about the end of the world. Honestly, it’s a shitshow out there. But please don’t waste your energy fretting about the four horsemen. This is an all too human problem, that needs a human solution. Either that or a well-timed meteor, leaving several of the more prestigious monkey and lizard species intact.

In the words of Doris Lessing winning the Nobel, “I’m sure you’d like some uplifting remarks of some kind.” As a part-time advice columnist for an antipodean online media organisation, I don’t pretend to know how to fix things. What I do know is that prayer won’t help, and neither will live animal sacrifices. We need some kind of urgent collective action based on solidarity and class consciousness.

But don’t flatter old Apartheid Clyde by pretending he’s anything but a business hick in Team Rocket cosplay. I think we can afford to give Satan a little more credit than that.